A Text Diagram allows you to record textual information. A Text Diagram supports rich text, so you can include references to dictionary items through model object references. For more information about rich text, see
Overview of rich text.
You can create a Text Diagram through the context menu of a Model, Package, Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal:
• Right-click the Model or Package, point to New, point to Diagram, point to Proprietary, and then click Text Diagram.
• Right-click the Class, Data Type, Interface or Signal, point to New, and then click Text Diagram.
Note that when a Text Diagram is opened as read-only, you can lock the Text Diagram for editing by clicking the Lock Diagram for Edit toolbar button.
The following sections provide information about how a Text Diagram is used in the model. For more information about an item, property or model part, click it.