Welcome to Kepware Features & Plug-Ins
Advanced Tags
Tags Overview
Plug-In Interface
Advanced Tag Groups
CSV Import/Export
CSV Example
Advanced Tags Types
Average Tags
Complex Tags
Derived Tags
Link Tags
Link Behavior Matrix
Maximum Tags
Minimum Tags
Custom Advanced Tags
Expression Strings
Arithmetic Operators
Logic Tags
Optimizing Performance
Error Descriptions
Advanced Tag Error Messages
<Advanced tag name> is invalid. Verify the tag references valid server tags and does not contain any references to itself or to an unsupported or array data type.
<Tag name> has an invalid expression: <expression error>.
Failed to write to tag <tag name> from link tag <link tag name>.
References to array tags with an unsupported or array data type are not allowed <tag name>.
The complex tag already references<tag name> and will not be re-added.
The input and output tags cannot be the same.
The tag must be writeable.
The trigger and output tags cannot be the same.
Unable to start complete tag <tag name> for element <element> on tag <advanced tag name>.
Unable to start complete tag <tag name> on tag <advanced tag name>.
Unable to start element tag <tag name> on tag <advanced tag name>.
Unable to start required tag reference <reference> on tag <tag name>.
Unable to start required tag reference <reference> in expression <expression>.
Unable to start trigger tag <tag name> for element <element> on tag <advanced tag name>.
Unable to start trigger tag <tag name> on tag <advanced tag name>.
CSV Error Messages
Error importing CSV complex element record <record index>. Insert by <value> is invalid. Insert by set to 'Rate'.
Error importing CSV complex element record <record index>. Update rate <value><units> is out of range. Update rate has been set to <value><units>
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Comparison <comparison> is invalid. Comparison set to Trigger Tag == Value.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Data type <data type> is not valid for the tag type. Data type has been changed to <data type>.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Maximum value <max value> is out of range. Maximum value has been set to <max value>.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Run by <value> is invalid. Run by set to 'Rate'.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Run by rate <value><units> is out of range. Run by rate has been set to <value><units>.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Link mode <link mode> is invalid. Link mode set to On Data Change of Input Tag.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Trigger scan rate <value> <units> is out of range. Trigger scan rate has been set to <value> <units>.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Link mode <link mode> is invalid. Link mode set to On Data Change of Input Tag.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Trigger link mode <link mode> is invalid. Trigger link mode set to Always.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Update by <update rate> is invalid. Update by set to <update rate>.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Link rate <value> <units> is out of range. Link rate has been set to <value> <units>.
Error importing CSV tag <tag name>. Update rate <value><units> is out of range. Update rate has been set to <value><units>.
Error importing CSV tag data. No advanced tag records found in CSV file.
Derived Expression Error Messages
", expected.
( expected.
) expected.
Expression modified.
Numeric expression expected.
Please enter an expression.
String tag expected.
Syntax error: <syntax string>.
Unknown tag or misspelled keyword: <tag name>.
Unrepresentable numeric constant: <tag name>.
Unterminated string.
Alarms and Events
Alarms and Events
OPC AE Client Perspective
Real World Examples
User Interfaces
Plug-In Interface
Area Interface
Source Interface
Condition Interface
CSV Import/Export
Creating a Template
Exporting an OPC AE Area
Importing a CSV File into the Server
Using Other Characters as the Delimiter
Data Types Description
Error Descriptions
Failed to add the condition to source. The source already has this condition.
Failed to reference server tag <tag name> on object <source name.tag name <condition>>.
Invalid reference to a tag with an unsupported or array data type (<tag name>).
Please enter a valid name.
Please enter a valid tag reference.
References to complex tags are not supported <tag name>.
Tag does not exist or you are trying to add a dynamic reference which is not allowed.
The condition <condition> is not supported.
The deadband range is invalid. The high value must be higher than the low value.
The name <name> already exists.
The name <name> is invalid.
The severity must range from <value> to <value>.
Initial Setup Considerations
System Requirements
External Dependencies
Supported Data Types
Setting up a DataLogger Configuration
Setting up a DSN
Log Groups — General
Log Groups — Advanced
Store and Forward Table Constraints
Log Items
Column Mappings
Triggers — Time Based
Triggers — Condition Based
Combined Start/Stop Condition Examples
Valid Trigger Requirements
Narrow vs Wide Table Format
Large Arrays
System Tags
Reason Codes
EFM Exporter
EFM Exporter
EFM Exporter
Licensing the EFM Exporter
EFM Drivers
User Interface
Poll Group
Meter Group
CSV Exporter
General Properties
Configuration Field Mappings
Alarm Field Mappings
Mapping CSV Attributes
Database Exporter
Configure DSN
Mapping Group Properties — General
Configuration Field Mappings
Alarm Field Mappings
Mapping Database Attributes
Flow-Cal Exporter (CFX)
Flow-Cal Transaction Queue Exporter
Configure DSN
PGAS Exporter
Mapping PGAS Exporter Attributes
Attribute Enumerations
CSV Import/Export
System Tags
General Error Messages
Attribute look up for the meter_id failed for <meter name>. The |MeterID| wildcard is replaced with <Channel>_<Device>_<Meter>_NoMeterID.
<Error Cause> may strand unexported data stored at <Location>. Stranded data will not be exported. Please see help file for more details.
Error adding exporter <exporter name>: can't add gas exporters to liquid meters and can't add liquid exporters to gas meters.
Expanded export path is too long. Export aborted: <path>.
Exporter <exporter> failed to append to the existing <file> file. A new file is being created. Data from the existing file is deleted
Exporter <exporter> failed to move meter data from temp directory <temp file> to <output file> (reason: <reason>). The data will stay in the temp directory, and an attempt will be made to move the file after the next poll
Failed to add <EFM data that failed> data for meter <poll group name>.<meter type>.<channel name><device name><meter name>
Failed to add meter <Meter> to <Poll Group>. The meter already exists
Failed to load data from <file name>. This data will not be available in future exports
Failed to register meters for <poll group name>. Please verify the meter configuration is correct. Polling will not start until the problems are resolved
Failed to remove temporary meter data file <file path>. Reason: Configuration change
Failed to save EFM data for meter <meter> exporter <exporter> to target <target>. Reason: Failed to write EFM data to temporary file <file> (<error>).
Failed to save EFM data for meter <meter> exporter <exporter> to target <target>. Reason: Failed to update temporary data store file <file> (<error>).
Failed to save EFM data for meter <meter> exporter <exporter> to file <file>. Reason: Failed to reset data store file (unknown).
Failed to save EFM data for meter <meter> exporter <exporter> to target <target>. Reason: Failed to update temporary data store file <file> (<error>).
Failed to synchronize temporary data store at <file> for exporter <exporter>.
Failed to write the rollback amount because rollback is not currently supported by this archive. | Archive = <archive>.
Flow-Cal EFM data cached from the previously installed version is being converted. All EFM polls will be postponed until the conversion is complete
Flow-Cal EFM data conversion complete. Legacy cached Flow-Cal EFM files have been moved to <backup directory>
Flow-Cal EFM data conversion failed. <Extended Error>. Exported data will not include previously cached data
Ignoring enable for <Exporter>. The exporter group <Exporter Group> is disabled
Ignoring enable for <Meter>. The meter group <Meter Group> is disabled
Ignoring on demand poll request for <meter>. A poll for this meter is already queued.
Ignoring on demand poll request for <meter>. The meter is disabled.
Ignoring on demand poll request for <meter>. The meter's group must have at least one enabled exporter and the meter must be licensed.
Ignoring on demand poll request for <Poll Group>. A poll is already in progress
Ignoring on demand poll request for <Poll Group>. The group has not initialized yet, or one of the meters or exporters is incorrectly configured
Ignoring on demand poll request for <Poll Group>. The group is disabled
Ignoring on demand poll request for <Poll Group>. The group must have at least one enabled exporter and at least one enabled and licensed meter.
Mapping name invalid due to invalid characters, name length, or name duplication. Mapping <MappingPath.OldName> has been renamed to <NewName>.
Meter <Meter> returned bad quality EFM data. This EFM data will not be included in the output.
Meter <Meter> returned bad quality EFM data for [<EFM data that failed>]. This EFM data will not be included in the output.
No new data for meter <Meter> exporter <Exporter>.
<Poll group> ended on demand poll at <time>.
<Poll Group> ended poll at <time>. Next poll scheduled for <time>
<Poll Group> first poll scheduled for <time> local time.
<Poll Group> overran the next scheduled poll at <time>. The next poll has been rescheduled for <time> local time
<Poll group> starting on demand poll at <time>.
<Poll Group> starting scheduled poll at <time>
The licensed device count of <device license limit> has been exceeded by <unlicensed device count> device(s).
CSV Exporter Error Messages
CSV Exporter <Exporter> failed to output data for meter <Meter>. The meter did not provide valid configuration data
Error importing CSV data. Invalid exporter group path: <path>
Error importing CSV data. Invalid meter group name: <meter group>.
Error importing CSV data. No records found in CSV file.
Error importing CSV tag data. Field buffer overflow reading identification record.
Error importing CSV tag data. Unrecognized field name: <field name>.
Error importing tag database. Duplicate field name: <field name>.
Error importing tag database. Missing tag field identification record.
Database Exporter Error Messages
Cannot connect to DSN <DSN name> - unable to connect to data source (Memory Exception)
Cannot connect to DSN <DSN name> - unable to connect to data source (Reason: <reason>)
Creation of at least one TIMESTAMP column for table <table name> has been requested. This has been adjusted to the MS-SQL required DATETIME
Error importing CSV tag record <record number>: login timeout of <value> is out of range. Login timeout set to <value>
Error importing CSV tag record <record number>: table generation type <type> is not supported. Table generation type set to <type>
Error writing data to DSN <DSN name>, table <table name> (Reason: <reason>).
Failed to create table <table name> for unknown reason. SQL query: <query>
Failed to create table <table name> on DSN <DSN name>. (Reason: <reason>)
Failed to create the data table <table name> - <reason> SQL query: <query>
Failed to create the data table <table name> (Memory Exception). SQL query: <query>.
Failed to validate table <table name>. (Reason: The configured column name <column name> could not be found)
Table generation is not supported for ODBC Driver
Table validation failed. The table does not exist.
The query failed on DSN <DSN name>, table name <table name> because the data source is not appendable. Please double-check your user permissions
Unable to open recordset on table <table name> (Memory Exception)
Unable to open recordset on table <table name> (Reason: <reason>)
Unable to retrieve column names on table <table name> because the table does not exist
Unable to retrieve table column names on table <table name> (Reason: <reason>)
Unable to retrieve table names
Unable to retrieve table names (Reason: <reason>)
Unable to validate table <table name> (Memory Exception)
Unable to validate table <table name> (Reason: <reason>)
Unknown error opening recordset on table <table name>
Flow-Cal Exporter Error Messages
Flow-Cal Exporter <exporter> failed to output data for meter <Meter>. The meter did not provide valid configuration data
The CFX version <CFX version> for Flow-Cal exporter <exporter name> is incompatible with the meter group type. Setting the CFX version to <default CFX file version>.
The Exporter <exporter Name> is incompatible with the meter group type. The exporter configuration will not be loaded
The history type <history type> for Flow-Cal exporter <exporter name> is incompatible with the meter group type. Setting the history type to <default history type>
The history type <history type> for Flow-Cal exporter <exporter name> is incompatible with the CFX file version. Setting the history type to <history type>.
Flow-Cal Transaction Queue Exporter Error Messages
Cannot connect to DSN <DSN name> - unable to connect to data source (Memory Exception).
Cannot connect to DSN <DSN name> - unable to connect to data source (Reason: <reason>).
Error writing data to DSN <DSN name>, table <table name> (Memory Exception).
Error writing data to DSN <DSN name>, table <table name> (Reason: <reason>).
Failed to validate table <table name>. (Reason: The configured column name <column name> could not be found).
Flow-Cal TXQ Exporter <exporter name> failed to output data. The specified DSN <DSN name> is not an Oracle DSN.
Table validation failed. The table does not exist.
The query failed on DSN <DSN name>, table name <table name> because the data source is not appendable. Please double-check your user permissions.
PGAS Exporter Error Messages
PGAS Exporter <Exporter> failed to output data for meter <Meter>. The meter did not provide valid configuration data.
IDF for Splunk
IDF for Splunk
User Interface
Quick Start
Plug-In Setup
Creating a New Splunk Connection
IDF for Splunk Connection
Creating a New Splunk Item
IDF for Splunk Item
Multiple Splunk Items
Importing / Exporting CSV Files
Event Log Messages
Connection failed to connect to server. Please verify this connection information is correct and that the host can be reached.
Dropping data for connection (server), the maximum queue size is reached. Slow down the data collection rate or verify the server is responsive.
Error adding item to connection.
Error adding item. This item already exists in connection.
Error importing CSV item record. Deadband is invalid - setting to new value.
Error importing CSV item record. No Deadband value found - setting to new value.
Error importing CSV item record. Deadband is out of range - setting to new value.
Error importing CSV header information. Duplicate field name.
Error importing CSV data. Invalid CSV header.
Error importing CSV data. Header fields are out of order. Metadata must be the final field.
Error importing CSV data. Memory allocation failed.
Error importing CSV item record. Invalid Metadata string, setting to default value.
Error importing CSV header information. Missing field identification record.
Error importing CSV data. No Splunk item records found in CSV file.
Error importing CSV item record. Server Tag is invalid.
Error importing CSV header information. Unrecognized field name.
Error importing CSV item record. No Update Rate found - setting to value.
Error importing CSV item record. Update Rate is out of range - setting to new value.
Failed to export connection to CSV.
Failed to load XML project. Item already exists in Splunk connection.
Internal error occurred while sorting the Splunk item list.
Unable to send data for item on connection. The licensed item count has been reached.
IoT Gateway
Architectural Summary
External Dependencies
Configure the Gateway
Configuring a Certificate for the REST Server Agent
Importing a Client-Side Certificate for the MQTT Client Agent
Importing a Server-Side Certificate for Authentication with Client Agents
User Interface
Configuring an Agent
Agent Properties — General
Agent Properties — MQTT Client Connection
Agent Properties — Message
Agent Properties — Security
Agent Properties — Last Will
Agent Properties — Subscriptions
Agent Properties — REST Client Connection
Agent Properties — Header
Agent Properties — Message
Agent Properties — Security
Agent Properties — REST Server Connection
Working with a REST Server
Agent Properties — Licensing
Standard Template Data Format
Advanced Template Data Format
System Tags
Importing / Exporting CSV Files
Event Log Messages
Browse rejected: no user credentials were provided in the request and anonymous requests are currently disabled.
Browse rejected: the credentials for user <user> are invalid.
Connection restored to server: <gateway>. Reinitializing server configuration.
Data change event buffer overrun; dropping updates. Ensure that the IoT Gateway service is running or reduce the volume of data collected.
Error adding item <tag> to connection <agent name>.
Error adding item <tag>. This item already exists in connection <agent name>.
Error importing CSV data. Invalid CSV header.
Error importing CSV data. No item records found in CSV file.
Error importing CSV item record <tag>. Update rate <update rate> is out of range, setting to <valid update>.
Error importing CSV item record <tag>. No update rate found, setting to <update rate>.
Error importing CSV item record <tag>. Deadband <deadband rate> is invalid. Deadband set to <valid deadband>.
Error importing CSV item record <tag>. No deadband value found, setting to <valid deadband>.
Failed to connect to server: <gateway>. Please verify this connection information is correct and that the host can be reached.
Failed to connect to server: <URL and port>. Please verify this connection information is correct and that the host can be reached.
Failed to create JVM using JRE at <path to JRE>.
Failed to import MQTT client certificate: <certificate path>. Use the Server Administration utility to import a valid certificate.
Failed to import server instance cert: <agent name>. Please use the Administration utility to re-issue the certificate.
Failed to initialize the JVM: insufficient memory available (requested initial=<MB>, max. =<MB>).
Failed to initialize the JVM: JNI error <error>.
Failed to initialize the IoT Gateway.
Failed to launch IoT Gateway: no suitable JRE was configured or found.
Failed to load agent <agent name>: invalid payload specification.
Failed to load project: <agent URL> is not a valid address.
Failed to load XML project. Item <tag> already exists in connection <agent name>.
Failed to start IoT Gateway service.
Failed to start IoT Gateway service. Please ensure arguments <Java variables> are valid.
IoT Gateway using JRE at <path to JRE>.
IoT Gateway failed to start. Failed to bind to port <port>.
Item <tag> on connection <agent name> is now licensed and sending data.
Missing MQTT client certificate <certificate path>. Use the Administration utility to import a valid certificate.
Missing server instance certificate <certificate path>. Re-issue the certificate using the Administration utility.
MQTT agent <agent name> disconnected. Reason - Connection lost.
MQTT agent <agent name> disconnected. Reason - null.
MQTT agent <agent name> published events buffer is full. Dropping new data change events.
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to connect. Reason - Unable to find valid certificate path to requested target.
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to parse payload.
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to parse payload template.
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to process write request on topic <MQTT topic>. Reason - <JSON error>.
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to publish. Reason - <broker URL>.
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to publish. Reason - Connection reset.
MQTT agent <agent name> failed to publish. Reason - Unable to connect to server.
MQTT agent <agent name> publish failed. Reason: <reason>.
MQTT agent <agent name> publish failed. Reason - The template is invalid.
MQTT agent <agent name> is connected to broker <broker URL>.
MQTT client certificate is expired. Use the Administration utility to import a valid certificate.
Read rejected for item <tag>: no user credentials were provided in the request and anonymous requests are currently disabled.
Read rejected for item <tag>: the credentials for user <user> are invalid.
Read rejected for item <tag>. The tag is disabled.
Read rejected for item <tag>. The tag has not been added to the plug-in.
REST client <agent name> published events buffer is full. Dropping new data change events.
REST client <agent name> failed to parse payload.
REST client <agent name> failed to parse payload template.
REST client <agent name> processing update.
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - Connection refused: connect.
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - Read timed out.
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason: <reason>.
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - SSL configuration error.
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - The template is invalid.
REST client <agent name> publish failed. Reason - Unexpected EOF.
REST client <agent name> returned HTTP error <HTTP error>, buffering records.
REST client <agent name> started publishing to <REST server URL>.
REST server <agent name> started at <URL and port>.
REST server <agent name> - failed to start on <URL and port>. Reason - Address already in use: bind.
Running with Java <full Java version>.
Template error on line <number>: found: <string>.
The REST server certificate has been reissued.
The REST server certificate has been imported.
The REST server certificate has expired. Please use the Administration utility to re-issue the certificate.
Unable to send data for item <tag> on connection <agent name>. The licensed item count of <license count> items has been reached.
Unable to start secure REST server <agent name> at <URL and port>: missing or invalid certificate.
Unable to use network adapter <network adapter> for REST server <agent name>. Binding to localhost only.
Unsupported JVM: please install or configure a Java 1.7 or higher JRE or JDK.
Write request failed on item <tag>. The write data type <data type> cannot be converted to the tag data type <data type>.
Write rejected for item <tag>; invalid write format.
Write rejected for item <tag>: no user credentials were provided in the request and anonymous requests are currently disabled.
Write rejected for item <tag>: the credentials for user <user> are invalid.
Write rejected for item <tag>; unsupported data type <type>.
Write rejected for item <tag>. The tag is disabled.
Write rejected for item <tag>. The tag has not been added to the plug-in.
LinkMaster Release Notes
Local Historian
Local Historian
Architectural Summary
General Operation
Recommended System Configuration
Creating a Datastore
Datastore View
Configuring a New Tag Group
Defining Historical Tags
Historical Tag Properties
Supported Data Types
CSV File Import / Export
Viewing Historical Data
Managing the Datastore
Changing the Datastore
Moving and Deleting Tags from the Datastore
Deleting the Datastore
Datastore and Server Project Synchronization
Unmapped Tags
Project Settings
Administrative Settings
Client Interfaces
OPC HDA 1.20
Viewing Archive Data Using Import
Importing from a Network
Backing up Archive Files
Estimating the Datastore Size
System Tags
Event Log Messages
Attached import file.
Collection for all items has resumed. Adequate free disk space is available.
Collection for all items has resumed. No free space limit is being enforced.
Collection for all items has stopped due to low disk space.
Configured historical tag count is now within the count allowed in Time-Limited Mode.
Configured historical tag count is now within the count specified by the installed license.
CSV import ignoring duplicate item <item reference> - the item was specified more than once.
CSV import failed - invalid or missing CSV file header.
CSV import of item <n> failed - <item reference> is not a valid static or dynamic item reference.
CSV import for item <n> failed - an item reference is required.
CSV import did not load any valid tags.
Data for historical tag will not be persisted nor available to HDA clients because the Time-Limited Mode has been exceeded.
Data for historical tag will not be persisted nor available to HDA clients because the licensed count has been exceeded.
Datastore creation failed, changing location.
Detached import file.
Disk access restored, collection for all items has resumed.
Failed to attach import file due to time span overlap.
Failed to attach import file. The file is invalid.
Failed to import item <item reference> - the item is already defined in group <group name>.
Failed to load datastore file. The file is invalid.
Failed to store n value(s) due to incoming buffer overflow.
File I/O error on filename, stopping data collection.
File was removed from the datastore.
Historian cannot monitor import directory.
Historian monitoring import directory.
Historian Service starting.
Historian Service stopping.
A historical tag mapped to item reference is already defined.
Historical tag was modified to synchronize with persisted data.
Import of item <n> failed - invalid deadband specification.
Missing historical tag was generated from persisted information provided by the datastore.
Rejected request to store value(s) due to out of order timestamp.
Rejecting request to roll over the active file - a rollover occurred within the last few seconds.
Rejecting request to roll over the active file- the active file contains no values.
Retention policy enforcement removing oldest file, which contains data from time start UTC to time end UTC.
Rolling over the active datastore file.
Update of item <n> failed - invalid deadband specification.
Media-Level Redundancy
Media-Level Redundancy
Accessing the Media Level Redundancy Plug-In
Redundancy Options
Switch On Failure
Switch On Trigger
Monitor Items
Dynamic Changes to Redundancy Settings
Runtime Functions
System Tags
Client Item Management
Error Descriptions
<Text> does not define a tag and is not a valid <driver name> address on <primary path>.
<Text> is not a valid <driver name> address on <secondary path>.
<Text> is not a valid trigger item data type.
Failed to activate trigger item <text>.
Monitor item must specify a device tag.
Monitor item specifies a tag that does not exist on the secondary device.
Secondary device <device path> cannot be paired with primary <device path> because a circular dependency would result.
Specified secondary device <device path> cannot be used because the driver type is not supported.
Specified secondary device <device path> is the same as the primary.
Specified secondary device <text> does not exist.
The data type of item <text> (<type>) is unsupported. No switchover will be triggered by any value of this item until it is changed to a supported type.
Trigger item must be a valid static or dynamic item reference.
Trigger item <text> is no longer valid. This may cause a quality change that results in a switchover.
Profile Library
Profile Library
Profile Types
Creating and Configuring Profiles
Profile Properties — General
Profile Properties — Profiles
Creating a Profile Script
Data Type
Bulk Tags
Provided Functions
Logging Functions
Utility Functions
Using the Configuration API
RedundancyMaster Release Notes
RedundancyMaster V2.0.128.0
RedundancyMaster V2.0.99.0
RedundancyMaster V2.0.48.0
RedundancyMaster V2.0.47.0
RedundancyMaster V1.10.54.0
RedundancyMaster V1.01.41.0
RedundancyMaster V1.00.38.0
Plug-In Interface
Schedule Properties
Exception / Recurrence Group - General Properties
Recurrence General Properties
Exception General Properties
Daylight Saving Time
Defining and Editing Tags
Browsing for Tags
System Tags
Adding Devices
Device Properties
Real-Time Override Mode
Priority and Order
Scheduled Tag Polling Examples
Media-Level Redundancy and Scheduler
Event Playback and Scheduler
Scan Mode Override Warning
CSV Import/Export
CSV Import/Export with the Add Devices Wizard
Initial Updates for OPC Clients
Event Log Messages
CSV import did not load any tags.
CSV import failed: invalid or missing CSV file header.
CSV import for item <record> failed.
Demand poll for device <device name> in schedule <schedule name> ended.
Demand poll for device <device name> in schedule <schedule name> failed.
Demand poll for device <device name> in schedule <schedule name> ignored because one is already polling.
Demand poll for device <device name> in schedule <schedule name> started.
Device <device name> in schedule <schedule name> has been <enabled|disabled>.
Device <device name> is being <placed in|taken out of> ‘Do not scan, demand poll only’ mode by the Scheduler.
<Enabled|Disabled> override for <device name> in schedule <schedule name>.
Error adding item <tag name>. System and internal tags cannot be scheduled.
Error adding item <tag name>. This is not a valid static or dynamic tag.
Error adding item <tag name>. This item already exists in schedule <schedule name>.
Failed to initiate read for <tag name>. A read will be attempted at the start of each scheduled poll.
Failed to load XML. Exception start and end times must be different.
Failed to register <tag name>. Registration will be attempted at the start of each scheduled poll.
Failed to start <device name>, all devices are either in override mode or disabled.
Failed to write <priority> to <schedule name> because schedule priority must be between 1 and <priority>, the number of configured schedules.
Next recurrence for <schedule name> will occur at <time> local time.
Schedule <schedule name> has been <enabled|disabled>.
Schedule <schedule name> has been set to priority <priority>.
Schedule <schedule name> has <entered|exited> exception time.
Scheduled poll for <schedule name> completed successfully.
Scheduled poll for <schedule name> completed with errors. At least one device in the poll group did not respond.
Scheduled poll for <schedule name> ignored due to exception time. Next recurrence will occur at <time> local time.
The poll scheduled for <schedule name> at 'local time' has overrun. The next poll will begin as soon as the current poll completes.
Security Policies
Security Policies
Accessing the Security Policies Tab
Navigating the Security Policies Tab
Security Policies
Custom Permissions
Access Categories
Navigating the Access Categories
Dynamic Addressing
I/O Tags
System Tags
Internal Tags
More Options
Error Descriptions
Custom <access category> access control permissions will not be applied to <object path> because it does not exist.
Failed to load client access permissions: Unable to map client access permissions for all user groups.
Failed to load client access permissions: User group <name> does not exist.
Policy defined for user group <user group name> does not match any existing user group.
SNMP Agent
SNMP Agent
Agent Setup
Network Interfaces
Agent Actions
System Objects
System Objects Description
Item Mapping
Creating a New Item Mapping Group
Creating New Item Mapping
Creating a New Trap Group
Creating a New Trap
CSV Import/Export
Creating a Template
Exporting SNMP Agent Objects
Importing a CSV File into the Server
Using Other Characters as the Delimiter
Data Types Description
Error Descriptions
Invalid IP Address.
Item Mapping _SNMP Agent.<agent name>.<item name> is invalid. Verify it does not reference a nonexistent or array-type tag or unsupported data type.
Sub-identifier <selected sub-identifier> already in use. The lowest available sub-identifier is <lowest available sub-identifier>.
Sub-identifiers must be within the range of 1 to 4294967295.
The community <community name> has already been added.
The host IP <IP Address> has already been added.
The network interface <NIC description>; Port: <port> has already been added.
The tag does not exist.
The trap recipient has already been added. Please select a different IP, port, community, version, or network adapter.
The rate must be within the range of 10 milliseconds and 49 days.
Trap _SNMP Agent.<agent name>.<item name> is invalid. Verify it does not reference a nonexistent or array-type tag or unsupported data type.
Trap Trigger _SNMP Agent.<agent name>.<item name> is invalid. Verify it does not reference a nonexistent or array-type tag or unsupported data type.
Unable to bind socket on binding address <IP address>, port <port>, and protocol <protocol>.
Unable to create communications thread on socket for binding address <IP address>, port <port>, and protocol <protocol>.
Unable to create socket on binding address <IP address>, port <port>, and protocol <protocol>.
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