Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Working with an Internal Catalog > Groups > About Resetting Obsolete Ports in Variable Groups
About Resetting Obsolete Ports in Variable Groups
A port on more than one connector shape will have more than one shape. When the port is deleted from one shape of the connector, it is not automatically deleted from the other shapes. This port is marked as obsolete in a report as it remains in the database until all the groupshapes in which it appears are updated.
There are three methods to reset obsolete ports and update the logical name list. Use the following Obsolete Ports commands on the Data tab to reset obsolete ports:
Reset All PortsResets the status of all the ports of the variable group in your design.
Reset Port in ReportResets the status of the ports of the variable group selected in the Report Results dialog box.
Reset Selected PortResets the status of the ports of the variable group of the shape selected in your design.