About the Catalog Explorer User Interface
Each design contains an Internal Catalog that stores all the artifacts, templates, and shapes used in the design. The Internal Catalog is automatically created whenever a new design is begun. When you open the Catalog Explorer for the first time, the Internal Catalog may be automatically populated by the items from the Central Catalog, or it may be empty if no Central Catalog exists. You create, view, and manage all artifacts and shapes in the Internal Catalog with the Catalog Explorer. You can also use the Catalog Explorer to place (instance) artifacts and shapes on sheets.
The Catalog Explorer contains a filter bar, a tool bar, a folders tree, an artifact or template list, a shape definition area, and shortcut menus. Click > to open the Catalog Explorer.
Filter Bar
Use the filter bar to filter available artifacts and shapes in the Catalog Explorer:
• Type—Indicates the type of items available. The Folders tree updates to display the selected folder types:
◦ Blocks—Displays the Block Folders tree.
◦ Ports—Displays the Port Folders tree.
◦ Groups—Displays the Group Folders tree.
◦ Fibers—Displays the Fiber Folders tree.
◦ Highways—Displays the Highway Folders tree.
◦ Draft Groups—Displays the Draft Groups Folders tree.
◦ Design Templates—Lists all design templates.
◦ Catalog Templates—Lists all catalog templates. Use these templates to create catalog shapes.
◦ Cable Decorations—Lists all cable decorations in the design.
• Filter—Controls the appearance of the list of items from the Central Catalog, the Internal Catalog, or from both catalogs:
◦ Show All—Displays all items in the Central Catalog and Internal Catalog.
◦ Internal and Used External—Displays items in the Internal Catalog and items used from the Central Catalog.
◦ Internal only—Displays only Internal Catalog items.
◦ External only—Displays only Central Catalog items.
• Diagram type—Displays artifact shapes for the selected diagram type:
◦ All Types—Displays artifact shapes for all diagram types.
◦ Block—Displays artifact shapes for block diagrams.
◦ Circuit—Displays artifact shapes for circuit diagrams.
◦ P&ID—Displays artifact shapes for process and instrumentation diagram types.
◦ Wiring—Displays artifact shapes for wiring diagrams.
Tool Bar
The toolbar contains the following commands:
• —Creates a new folder.
• —Creates a new catalog item.
• —Opens the
Catalog Selector dialog box for you to choose a template and create a new shape.
• —Cuts the selected item.
• —Copies the selected item.
• —Pastes the previously copied or cut item.
• —Deletes the selected uninstanced items.
• —Opens the
Properties dialog box for the selected item.
• —Creates an unconstrained group instance.
• —Opens the
Submit to Catalog dialog box.
Folders Tree
The Folders tree displays folders for the Type selected from the list.
Artifact List
The Artifact shows all items in the selected folder. Catalog item status is shown by the following indicators:
• —Preferred items. These are items found in the Central Catalog and currently used in the design or Internal Catalog items.
• —Approved items. These are items found in the Central Catalog and not used in the design.
• —Pending items. These are found in the Internal Catalog and have been submitted to the Temporary Submission Directory.
• —New items. These are found only in the Internal Catalog.
Shape Definition Area
• Shape List
Displays a list of an artifact's shapes available for the selected Diagram type.
• Shape Buttons
The following buttons appear to the right of the Shape list.
◦ —Opens the
Properties dialog box for the selected shape.
◦ —Deletes the selected, non-instanced shape.
◦ —Opens a selected shape.
◦ —Updates shape instances.
• Instance Shape Buttons
Use these buttons to instance a selected shape:
◦ —Instances a selected block.
◦ —Instances a selected port.
◦ —Instances a selected group.
◦ —Instances a selected fiber.
◦ —Instances a selected highway.
◦ —Instances a selected draft group.
◦ —Instances a selected cable.
◦ —Instances a selected pipeline group.
• Display full sheet check box—Modifies the zoom factor of the shape preview window.
Shortcut Menus
To access the shortcut menus, right-click an item in the Folders tree or artifact list.
• Folders List Shortcut Menu
◦ New Folder—Creates a new folder under the selected folder.
◦ New Item—Creates a new item of the selected Type in the artifact list.
◦ Cut—Cuts the selected folder.
◦ Copy—Copies the selected folder.
◦ Paste—Pastes the previously copied or cut item into the target folder.
◦ Link—Links the selected folder to a target folder.
◦ Delete—Deletes the selected folder.
◦ Properties—Opens the Folder Parameter dialog box.
◦ Submit—Opens the Submit to Catalog dialog box. The selected folder and items are chosen to export to the Temporary Submission Directory.
• Artifact List Shortcut Menu
◦ Cut—Cuts the selected item.
◦ Copy—Copies the selected item.
◦ Link—Copies and links the selected item to a selected folder.
◦ Delete—Deletes the selected item.
◦ Properties—Opens the Properties dialog box.
◦ New Shape—Creates a new shape.
◦ Submit—Opens the Submit to Catalog dialog box, to export the selected item to the Temporary Submission Directory.
• Template List Shortcut Menu
◦ Cut—Cuts the selected item.
◦ Copy—Copies the selected item.
◦ Link—Copies and links the selected item to a selected folder.
◦ Delete—Deletes the selected item.
◦ Properties—Opens the Properties dialog box.
◦ Open Sheet—Opens the selected template sheet in the main window.