Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Working with Designs > Wiring > Nets > About Nets
About Nets
A net is a netlist file or a wirelist that contains information about the network of wires in a diagram. It is used as a logical reference to communicate between Creo Schematics and Harness layout. To communicate network information between your design and Cabling, you must perform the following operations in the design:
Create a Wiring diagram and set the wire type to CONNECTION!WIRE!WIRING_WIRE!NET
Export the design as an XML file for use in Cabling.
Cabling can read two types of wirelists:
Wiring diagram wirelists—Every wire in a wiring diagram wirelist is defined by two pins.
Schematic diagram wirelists—Multi-pin nets can be included in a schematic diagram wirelist. A multi-pin net is a set of wires connecting various devices, without specific pin to pin connection list.
The Creo Schematics and neutral wirelist format (.nwf) support both the wiring diagram wirelist as well as the schematic diagram wirelist. Cabling reads the information regarding the multi-pin network from the XML and NWF files and uses it to create and route wires.