Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Working with Designs > Datatables and Datasets > To Apply a Dataset to an Instance
To Apply a Dataset to an Instance
1. Select the instance shape on the sheet, and perform one of the following actions:
Right-click and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. The Properties dialog box opens.
Click an arrow below the graphics window to display the embedded parameters area.
2. Click Apply Dataset or . This option is enabled when the catalog item has an associated datatable. The Dataset Selector dialog box opens.
Before you configure visibility or remove filters, a complete set of parameters displays.
3. To change the display of parameters, click Design > Dataset Visibility or in the Embedded Parameters area. The Parameter Display Selector dialog box opens.
4. Set the parameter and filter options.
a. To remove the filter options for a parameter, select it in the list and click * Filter. Click again to restore the filter option.
When a parameter is not displayed, you to can use it as a filter and leave it as a filter option in the Dataset Selector dialog box.
b. To change the parameters shown in the list to Parameters in Design, click the Parameters in Datatable arrow.
c. Select a parameter in the list and click Add >>. The parameter and filter option are added to the Parameters to display list. To add all parameters to the list, click the arrow next to Add >> and select Add All.
Use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple parameters. Use CTRL+A to select all parameters in the list.
d. To remove a parameter from the list, select it and click << Remove. to remove all parameters from the list, click the arrow next to << Remove and select Remove All.
e. To change the order of the parameters, select a parameter in the list, and use the Up and Down buttons.
f. Click OK. The Dataset Selector configuration is saved with the design.
5. Define filters in the parameter value boxes to reduce the number of choices. You can filter the data using simultaneous conditions on multiple columns.
The search for parameter names is case sensitive.
6. Select a dataset from the list.
When you have a large number of datasets, use Next and Previous buttons to move through the pages.
7. Click Membermap to display the membermap for the selected dataset.
8. Click OK. The data is transferred to the instance parameter dataset.