Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Working with Designs > Wiring > Nets > To Create and Export Nets
To Create and Export Nets
Use the series of procedures below to create a schematic diagram of a network of wires and to export the diagram information to Creo Parametric Cabling.
Set the Wire Type to NET
1. Create or open a Wiring diagram sheet.
2. Set a branch shape for the wiring diagram.
3. Instance the components, connectors on the design sheet.
4. Click and route the fiber.
5. Select the fiber, right-click and choose Properties.
6. The Fiber Properties dialog box opens.
7. Click Apply Dataset. The Dataset Selector dialog box opens.
8. Select a dataset and click OK.
9. Click Apply.
10. Click Set to the right of the Type box. The Select type dialog box opens.
11. Select NET and click OK. The type changes to CONNECTION!WIRE!WIRING_WIRE!NET.
12. Click OK.
Export the Design as an XML File
1. Click File > Export > XML. The Export to XML dialog box opens.
2. Select Cabling.
3. Click File Selector and browse to the targeted XML file, or browse to the directory and type a new name in the XML Export File box. The file must have a .xml extension.
4. Select a What to export option.
5. Click OK.