Model Analysis
Using Creo Behavioral Modeling
About PTC Creo Behavioral Modeling
Persistent Display
Configuring Creo Behavioral Modeling
About Configuring PTC Creo Behavioral Modeling
To Set PTC Creo Behavioral Modeling Configuration Options
Creo Behavioral Modeling Tools
Analysis Feature
About an Analysis Feature
To Create an Analysis Feature
Tip: Using the Graph as a Result of the Analysis Feature
Example: Including Mass Properties in the Family Table
Example: Using a Measurement in a Relation
Monitoring Parameters of Analysis Features
About Monitoring the Parameters of Analysis Features
To Monitor the Parameters of Analysis Features
User-Defined Analysis
About a User-Defined Analysis
Field Point
To Create a Field Point
Construction Group
To Define a Construction Group
To Create a User-Defined Analysis
Working with a User-Defined Analysis
Example: Analyzing the Cross Section of a Pipe
Example: Analyzing the Reflectivity of a Lamp Shade
Design Studies
Feasibility and Optimization Studies
About Feasibility and Optimization Studies
Using PTC Creo Simulate Parameters and Analyses
Example: Sensitivity, Feasibility, and Optimization Studies
Creating an Optimization Feature as a Result of Design Studies
To Perform an Optimization Study
Optimization Study
To Perform a Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study
Example: Feasibility Study
Multi-Objective Design Study
About the Multi-Objective Design Study
About the Terminology Used in the Multi-Objective Design Study
Example: Using the Pareto Method
To Conduct a Multi-Objective Design Study
Table Operations
To Expand the Master Table
To Display the Results of the Study
To Save the Results of the Study
To Generate Approximation Values
Using Approximation in Multi-Objective Design Studies
To Generate Graphs for the Multi-Objective Design Study
To Set Preferences for the Multi-Objective Design Study
To Set the Range Preferences
To Set the Display of Columns
Statistical Design Study
About a Statistical Design Study
To Conduct a Single type of Statistical Design Study
To Conduct a MODS type of Statistical Design Study
To Generate Graphs for a MODS type of Statistical Design Study
To Set Preferences for a MODS type of Statistical Design Study
External Analysis
About the External Analysis and Analysis Feature
To Create an External Analysis
To Create an External Analysis Feature
Sensitivity Analysis
About the Sensitivity Analysis
To Create a Sensitivity Analysis
Example: Sensitivity Analysis
Toolkit Based Analysis
About the Toolkit-Based Analysis and Analysis Feature
To Create a Toolkit-Based Analysis
To Create a Toolkit-Based Analysis Feature
Motion Analysis
About Motion Analysis
To Create a Motion Analysis
To Create a Motion Analysis Feature
Creo Simulate Analysis
To Create a PTC Creo Simulate Analysis
Excel Analysis and Excel Analysis Feature
About the Excel Analysis and Excel Analysis Feature
About the Excel Analysis Output File
To Create an Excel Analysis
To Create an Excel Analysis Feature
PTC Mathcad Analysis and PTC Mathcad Analysis Feature
About the PTC Mathcad Prime Analysis and PTC Mathcad Prime Analysis Feature
About Mapping names of Variables or Parameters
PTC Mathcad Units and Their PTC Creo Parametric Equivalents
To Tag a PTC Mathcad Variable as proe2mc
To Tag a PTC Mathcad Variable as mc2proe
About Monitoring PTC Mathcad Worksheets
To Monitor PTC Mathcad Worksheets
About the PTC Mathcad Output File
About Creating Datum Points, Datum Curve, and a Datum Coordinate System
To Create a PTC Mathcad Analysis
To Create a PTC Mathcad Analysis Feature
Example: Driving an Angular Dimension Using a PTC Mathcad Generated Parameter
Example: Exporting Angular Dimensions to PTC Mathcad
PTC Mathcad Prime Analysis and PTC Mathcad Prime Analysis Feature
About the PTC Mathcad Prime Analysis and PTC Mathcad Prime Analysis Feature
About Mapping Names of Variables or Parameters
PTC Mathcad Units and Their PTC Creo Parametric Equivalents
To Assign a PTC Mathcad Prime Variable as Input
To Assign a PTC Mathcad Prime Variable as Output
About the PTC Mathcad Prime Output File
About Creating Datum Points, Datum Curve, and Datum Coordinate System
To Create a PTC Mathcad Prime Analysis
To Create a PTC Mathcad Prime Analysis Feature
Example: Driving an Angular Dimension Using a PTC Mathcad Prime Generated Parameter
Example: Exporting Angular Dimensions to PTC Mathcad Prime
Comparing Graphs
About Comparing Graphs
To Compare Two Graphs
Graphing Tools
Customizing Charts Using Chart-Tool
To Use the Print Dialog Box
Customizing Graph Display Settings
Creo ModelCHECK
Creo ModelCHECK Overview
Using PTC Creo Modelcheck
About Creo ModelCHECK
About Creo ModelCHECK Teacher
About the Web Browser for the Creo ModelCHECK Report
About Integrating Creo ModelCHECK with a PDM System
To Start Creo ModelCHECK
To Stop Creo ModelCHECK
PTC Creo Modelcheck Operating Modes
About the Creo ModelCHECK Operating Modes
To Run Creo ModelCHECK in Interactive Mode
Interactive Mode Checks Using Creo ModelCHECK Regenerate
To Run Creo ModelCHECK in Regenerate Mode
To Run Creo ModelCHECK in Save Mode
About Running Creo ModelCHECK in Batch Mode
To Run Creo ModelCHECK in Batch Mode on UNIX
Example: Text File for Batch Mode
To Run Creo ModelCHECK in Batch Mode on Windows
About Creo ModelCHECK-PTC Windchill Interaction through Creo Distributed Batch
About the Requirements to Run Batch Mode in PTC Windchill
About Performing Batch Mode Tasks in PTC Windchill Environment
About Configuring Creo ModelCHECK and PTC Windchill for Shape Indexing
To Configure Creo ModelCHECK for Shape Indexing
To Run Creo ModelCHECK from Creo Distributed Batch
Automatic Corrections in Batch Mode
About ModelUPDATE Mode
To Run Creo ModelCHECK in ModelUPDATE Mode
Configuring PTC Creo Modelcheck
About Configuring Creo ModelCHECK
To Configure Creo ModelCHECK
Example: Creo ModelCHECK Configuration Files Flow Chart
Controlling Access to the Configuration Files
Setting Up the Initialization File: File
About the File
To Set Up the File Using the Creo ModelCHECK Configuration Tool
To Manually Set Up the File
Configuration Options in the File
Example: File
Duplicate Models in PTC Creo Modelcheck
About Duplicate Models
About Storing Shape Information
To Create the mc_dup_model.bin File
About Using the PTC Windchill Database
Setting Up the Condition Files
Setting Up the Condition File: setconf.mcc
About the setconf.mcc File
To Set Up the setconf.mcc File Using the Creo ModelCHECK Configuration Tool
To Manually Set Up the setconf.mcc File
Customizing the Load Config Menu in msg_mc.txt
Setting Up the Condition File: condition.mcc
About the condition.mcc File
To Set Up the condition.mcc File Using the Creo ModelCHECK Configuration Tool
To Manually Set Up the condition.mcc File
Example: condition.mcc File
About the SET CONFIG FILE Section of the condition.mcc File
Items You Can Use in Equality Statements
About Groups
To Set Up the Group Files Using the Creo ModelCHECK Configuration Tool
To Manually Set Up the Group Files
Configuring for Creo Parametric Releases
Configuring for Model Creation Dates
Combining Several Start Files
Example: SET CONFIG FILE Sample Lines Explained
About the OVERRIDE CHECKS Section of the condition.mcc File
Example: OVERRIDE CHECKS Sample Lines Explained
Setting Up the Check Configuration File
About the Check Configuration File
To Set Up the Check Configuration File Using the PTC ModelCHECK Configuration Tool
To Manually Set Up the Check Configuration File
Part Mode Checks
Assembly Mode Checks
Drawing Mode Checks
GeomIntegrityCHECK Checks
ModelUPDATE Checks
Storing Metrics for Checks
Setting Up the Start Configuration File
About the Start Configuration File
To Set Up the Start Configuration File Using the Creo ModelCHECK Configuration Tool
To Manually Set Up the Start Configuration File
Start File Configuration Options Summary
Part and Assembly Mode Configuration Options for the Start File
Drawing Mode Configuration Options for the Start File
Setting Up External Files
About External Files
To Set Up the External Files Using the Creo ModelCHECK Configuration Tool
To Manually Set Up the External Files
External Files Configuration Options for the Start File
Custom Configurable Checks
About Creating a New Check from Two or More Checks
Example: Custom Check File
About Creating Custom Checks
To Create Custom Checks Using Creo Parametric TOOLKIT
Setting Up the Constant Configuration File
About the Constant Configuration File
To Set Up the Constant Configuration File Using the PTC ModelCHECK Configuration Tool
To Manually Set Up the Constant Configuration File
Example: Constant Configuration File (.mcn)
Options in the Constant Configuration File
Setting Up the Status Configuration File
About the Status Configuration File
To Set Up the Status Configuration File Using the Creo ModelCHECK Configuration Tool
To Manually Set Up the Status Configuration File
Example: Status Configuration File (.mcq)
Integrating PTC Creo Modelcheck with a PDM System
About Integrating PTC Creo Modelcheck with a PDM System
PTC Creo Modelcheck Gatekeeper
About the Creo ModelCHECK Gatekeeper
About Creo ModelCHECK Gatekeeper Requirements
About Configuring Creo ModelCHECK for Gatekeeper
About Global Attributes for Creo ModelCHECK Gatekeeper
About Specifying Configuration Files for Different Contexts
About Setting Server Preferences for the Gatekeeper
Using the Spell Checker
About the Spell Checker
To Use the Spell Checker
Spell Checker Dictionaries
PTC Creo Modelcheck Reports
About Creo ModelCHECK Reports
To Use the Creo ModelCHECK Report
Summary Reports
ModelUPDATE Report
Optimizing PTC Creo Modelcheck
About Optimizing Creo ModelCHECK for Speed
About RuleCHECK
Why use RuleCHECK?
Defining Rules
Key Steps in rolling out RuleCHECK
To Run RuleCHECK
Example: Using RuleCHECK
Integrating RuleCHECK with Creo ModelCHECK
Using GeomIntegrityCHECK
About GeomIntegrityCHECK
To Set Up GeomIntegrityCHECK
To Start GeomIntegrityCHECK
Setting Check Criteria
GeomIntegrityCHECK Configuration Options and Their Settings
All Geom Type Checks
Curve and Drawing Checks
Surface Checks
Face Checks
Topology Checks
Solids Checks
ACCURACY_INFO (Accuracy Information)
ADD_CHK_PARAM (Add a Parameter)
AE_GTOL_DUPLICATE (Duplicate Geometric Tolerance Annotation Elements)
AE_MISSINGREFS (Annotation Elements with Missing References)
AE_SF_DUPLICATE (Duplicate Surface Finish Annotation Elements)
AF_INCOMPLETE (Incomplete Annotation Features)
ANNTN_INACTIVE (Inactive Annotations)
ANNTN_MISSING_SURF_REF (Annotations Not Referencing Any Surface)
ANNTN_NOT_ON_COMB_STATE (Annotations Missing On Combined State)
ANNTN_ON_MULT_COMB_STATE(Annotations in Multiple Combination States)
ASM_BOM (Assembly Bill of Materials)
ASM_FEATURES (Assembly Features)
BODY_INFO (Body Information)
BOUND_INFO (Boundary Information)
BODY_INTF(Interfering Bodies)
BULK_ITEMS (Bulk Items)
BURIED_FEAT (Buried Features)
BURIED_SUSPECT (Buried Features with Children)
C7_SELF_DIST (Distance from Itself)
CHAMFER_CHILD (Children of Chamfers)
CHILD_EXT_FAILED_COMPONENTS (Children of External Failed Components)
CHILD_EXT_FAILED_FEATURES (Children of External Failed Features)
CHILD_FAILED_COMPONENTS (Children of Failed Components)
CHILD_FAILED_FEATURES (Children of Failed Features)
CHILDREN_EXIST (Standard Children)
CIRCULAR_REFS (Circular References)
COMB_STATE_NAME (Combination State Name Specification Errors)
COSMETIC_FEAT (Cosmetic Features)
CREATE_VIEW (Create Views)
CYL_CUT_SLOTS (Cuts and Slots That Should Be Holes)
CYL_DIAMS (Circular Cut Diameters)
D28_IGES_TEXT (IGES Conform Text)
DATUM_RENAME (Renaming Datums)
DEF_DENSITY (Model Density)
DEFAULT_CHILD (Children of the Default Datum Planes)
DEFAULT_VIEWS (Views with the Default Hidden Line Display Mode)
DEPENDENT_FEATURE (Dependent Features)
DESIGNATED_ATTR (Designated Attributes)
DIM_OVERWRITE (Overwritten Dimensions)
DRAFT_ANGLES (Standard Draft Angles)
DRAFT_CHILD (Children of Draft)
DRAFT_GEOM (Draft Geometry not Associated to a View)
DRAWING_LAYERS (Drawing Layers)
DRAWING_NAME (Drawing Name)
DRAWING_PARAMS (Parameter Checks)
DTM_AXES_INFO (Datum Axis Information)
DTM_CSYS_INFO (Coordinate System Information)
DTM_CURVE_INFO (Datum Curve Information)
DTM_PLANE_INFO (Datum Plane Information)
DTM_POINT_INFO (Datum Point Information)
DUPLICATE_MODELS (Duplicate Models)
EARLY_CHAMFER (Early Chamfers)
EARLY_COSMETIC (Early Cosmetic Features)
EARLY_DRAFT (Early Draft)
EARLY_ROUND (Early Rounds)
EDGE_REFERENCES (Features That Reference Edges)
ERASED_VIEWS (Erased Views)
EXTERNAL_DEPS (External Dependencies)
EXTRA_LAYERS (Extra Layers)
EXTRA_PARAMS (Extra Parameters)
F14_BOUND_DIST (Penetration or Distance of Boundaries)
F15_SURF_DIST (Proximity of a Boundary Curve to its Surface)
F16_SIM_ORIENT (Parallel Path or Similar Orientation)
F17_NUM_SEG (Number of Segments in a Boundary Curve)
FAILED_COMPONENTS (Failed Components)
FAILED_FEATURES (Failed Features)
FAMILY_INFO (Family Table Information)
FEATURE_INFO (Feature Information)
FILE_SIZE (File Size)
FIXED_COMPONENTS (Fixed Components)
FLEX_COMPONENTS (Flexible Components)
FLEXIBLE_MODELING_FEATURES (Identify Flexible Modeling Features)
FORMAT_NAME (Drawing Format Name)
FREEFORM (Freeform Surfaces)
FRZ_COMPONENTS (Frozen Components)
FT_DEF_VALS (Family Table Default Values)
FT_STD_PARMS (Family Table Standard Parameters)
GEN_COMPONENTS (Generic Components)
GEOM_CHECKS (Geometry Checks)
GEOMETRIC_TOL (Geometric Tolerances)
GLOBAL_INTF (Assembly Global Interference)
HOLE_DIAMS (Standard Hole Diameters)
HOLE_LIGHTWT (Lightweight Holes)
IGNORE_ANNTN (Ignore Annotations)
IGNORE_FEAT (Problem Features That Should Be Ignored)
About Ignored Features
IGNORE_SHEETS (Sheets to Be Ignored)
IMPORT_FEAT (Imported Features)
INCOMPLETE_FEAT (Incomplete Features)
INSERT_MODE (Insert Mode Left Active)
INSTANCE_NAME (Instance Name)
LAYER_DISPSTAT (Layers That Are Set to Isolate)
LAYER_DTM_BLANK (Datum Features on Blanked Layers)
LAYER_EXT_ITEMS (Extra Features on Layers)
LAYER_INFO (Layer Information)
LAYER_ITEMS (Items on Multiple Layers)
LAYER_MOVE (Move Items from Old Layers to New Ones and Delete the Old One)
LAYER_PLACE (Layers Contain Standard Items)
LAYER_SAVED_STATUS (Saved Layer Status)
LAYER_STATUS (Layer Status)
LAYER_UNWANTED (Unwanted Layers)
LAYOUT_INFO (Layout Information)
LOW_TOLERANCE (Lowest Allowable Tolerance)
M1_TINY_ELMNT (Tiny Elements)
M2_IDENTICAL_ELMNT (Identical Elements)
M3A_POSITION_CONT (Position Continuity)
M3B_TANG_CONT (Tangential Continuity)
M3C_CURV_CONT (Curvature Continuity)
M4_POLYN_DEG (Polynomial Degree)
M5_WAVINESS (Waviness)
M6_KNOT_DIST (Knot Distance)
MATERIAL_DENSITY (Material Card Density)
MATERIAL_INFO (Material Type)
MECH_COMPONENTS (Mechanism Components)
MEMORY_SPACE (Memory Space Used)
MERGE_FEAT (Merged Features)
MDL_STD_DTL_SETUP (Model Detail Setup)
MINMAXTOL_INFO (Minimum and Maximum Tolerances)
MIS_COMPONENTS (Missing Components)
MODEL_NAME (Model Name Specification Errors)
MODELS_USED (Models Used in a Drawing)
NAMED_FEAT (Named Features)
NOTE_CASE (Note Case)
NOTE_FONT (Note Fonts)
NOTE_HEIGHT (Note Height)
NOTE_INFO (Drawing Note Information)
NOTE_SPELL (Note Spelling Errors)
NOTE_UNACCEPT (Unacceptable Notes)
NUM_COMPONENTS (Number of Components)
NUM_DRAW_SHEETS (Maximum Number of Drawing Sheets)
OVERALL_SIZE (Overall Size)
OVERLAP_INFO (Overlap Information)
PACK_COMPONENTS (Packaged Components)
PARAM_INFO (Model Parameters)
PARAM_MAP (Parameter Mapping)
PARAM_NOTE_REQ (Required Parameter Notes)
PARAM_NOTE_UNACC (Unacceptable Parameter Notes)
PARAM_RENAME (Parameter Rename)
PARAM_SPELL (Parameter Spelling)
PARAM_UNUSED (Unused Parameters)
PARAM_UNWANTED (Unwanted Parameters)
PARAMCHECK (Parameter Format Errors)
PARAMS_EXIST (Drawing Parameters)
PARAMS_USED (Drawing Parameters Used)
PARENT_DIFF (Excessive Number of Parent References)
PRT_DENSITY (Model Density)
PLANE_CHILD (Datum Planes without Children)
PLANE_PARENT (Datum Planes That Only Have One Parent)
PRO_VERSION (Version of Creo Parametric)
RC_INCOMPLETED (RuleCHECK Rules That Are Not Complete)
REG_FEATURES (Resumed Features)
REGEN_DIMS (Dimensions That Cannot Regenerate)
REGEN_ERRS (Regeneration Errors)
REGEN_SREPS (Regenerate Simplified Representations)
REGEN_WRNS (Regeneration Warnings)
REGEN_XSEC (Regenerate Cross-Sections)
REL_UNWANTED (Unwanted Relations)
RELATION_COMM (Comments in Relations)
RELATION_ERRS (Relation Errors)
RELATION_INFO (Relation Information)
RELATION_MISS (Relations That Are Missing)
RELATION_MULT (Relations That Have Multiple Assignments)
RELATION_UPDATE (Relations That Need Update)
RENAMED_SYMBOLS (Renamed Dimension Symbols)
ROUND_CHILD (Children of Rounds)
SEARCH_DUP_MODELS (Search for Duplicate Models)
SHARP_EDGES (Sharp Edges)
SHEET_SIZE_INFO (Sheet Size Information)
SHORT_EDGES (Short Edges)
SHTMTL_BENDTAB (Sheet Metal Bend Tables)
SHTMTL_FBENDTAB (Features with Assigned Sheet Metal Bend Tables)
SHTMTL_FLAT (Sheet Metal Flat Patterns or Flat States)
SHTMTL_THICK (Standard Sheet Metal Wall Thicknesses)
SHTMTL_UNBENDS (Sheet Metal Unbends)
SHTMTL_KFACTOR (Sheet Metal K-Factor)
SHTMTL_YFACTOR (Sheet Metal Y-Factor)
SIMPREP_INFO (Simplified Representations)
SIMPREP_MASTER (Simprep Master)
SIMPREP_NAME (Simplified Representation Names)
SKETCH_ITEMS (Number of Entities in a Sketched Feature)
SLA_INFO (SLA Information)
SMALL_CYLSRF (Small Cylindrical Surfaces)
SO21_DIST_VERT_EDGE (Distance to Vertex Edge)
SO22_DIST_VERT_FACE (Distance to Vertex Face)
SO23_HIST_DELETE (Deletion of History)
SO24_EXTRA_GEOM (Auxiliary Geometry)
SO25_CAVITIES (Cavities)
SO26_MULT_BODY (Multi-Body Solids)
SO27_MULT_SOLID (Multi-Solid Parts)
SRF_EDGES (Surface Gaps and Overlaps)
SRF_NOT_REF_BY_ANNTN (Surfaces Not Referenced By Any GTOL or Dimension)
STARTCHECK (Start Part and Start Assembly Check)
STD_DTL_SETUP (Drawing Detail File)
STD_NOTES_MISSING (Missing Standard Notes)
STD_SYMBOLS (Standard Drawing Symbols)
SU10_BOUND_ANGLE (Angle Between Edge Curves)
SU11_NORM_REVERSAL (Reversal of Normals)
SU12_PATCH_DIST (Patch Distribution)
SU13_UNOC_PATCH_ROW (Unoccupied Patch Rows)
SU8_TINY_SEG_EDGE (Tiny Segment Edge)
SU9_TINY_CURV_RAD (Minimum Curvature Radius)
SUP_COMPONENTS (Suppressed Components)
SUP_FEATURES (Suppressed Features)
SYMBOL_INFO (Symbol Information)
SYMBOL_SPELL (Spelling Mistakes in Symbols)
T18_NUM_FACE (Junction or Number of Faces Per Edge)
T19_NORMAL_ORIENT (Orientation of Similar Normals)
T20_KNIFE_EDGES (Knife Edge)
TABLE_CELLS (Table Cells)
TEMPLATE_DATUM_PLANES (Datum Plane Check Based on Template Files)
TEMPLATE_LAYERS (Layer Checks Based on Standard Layers in Template Files)
TITLE_INFO (Title Block Information)
TITLE_SPELL (Title Block Spelling Errors)
UDF_INFO (UDF Information)
UNITS_LENGTH (Length Units)
UNITS_MASS (Mass Units)
UNQ_COMPONENTS (Unique Components)
UNUSED_MODELS (Unused Models in Drawings)
UNUSED_SHEETS (Empty Sheets)
VALIDATE_GTOL_VALUES (Validate Tolerance Values)
VALIDATE_SET_DATUM_AND_SDTA (Validate legacy Set datum and Set Datum Tag Annotation)
VIEW_INFO (View Information)
VIEW_SCALE (Scale Assigned to Views)
WEAK_SKETCHER_DIMS (Weak Sketcher Dimensions)
XSEC_INFO (Cross Section Information)
REGEN_DIMS_ALL_SHEETS (Regenerate all sheets)
GeomIntegrityCHECK Constants
Model Accuracy in ModelUPDATE
Assembly Information
Create Views for ModelUPDATE
Custom Checks File
Draft Angle File
Drawing Detail File
Drawing Format
Drawing Information
Drawing Note Fonts and Heights
Drawing Sheets to be Ignored
Drawing Symbols
Drawing Table Cells
External Lists
Family Table Parameter
Hole and Cut Diameter File
Layer Move
Link to Template File
Length Units
Mass Units
Material Name
Model Name
Model Parameters
Unwanted Layers for ModelUPDATE
Unwanted Parameters for ModelUPDATE
Parameter Mapping for ModelUPDATE
Parameter Rename
Part Information
PTC Creo Parametric Build and Version
Regeneration Messages
Relation and Relation Comments
Relation Update File
Required and Unacceptable Parameter Notes
Sheet Metal Bend Table
Sheet Metal Thickness File
Standard Datums
Standard Model Notes
Tolerance Type
Unacceptable Notes in Drawings
Unwanted Relations for ModelUPDATE
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Buried Features
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Features that are Children of Rounds, Drafts, or Chamfers
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Datum Features
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Dimensions
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Draft Entities that are not Attached to a View
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Drawing Formats
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Early Drafts and Rounds
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: External References
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Surface Gaps and Overlaps
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Geometry Checks
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Layer Checks
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Merged and Cutout Features
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Parameter Information
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Dimensions that Will Not Regenerate
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Regeneration Errors
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Sharp Edges
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Simplified Representations
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: SLA (STL) Information
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Small Cylindrical Surfaces and Edges
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Start Part and Start Assembly Items
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Dimensional Tolerances
PTC Creo ModelCheck Teacher: Sheet Metal Parts with Consecutive Unbend and Bend Back Features
PTC Creo ModelCHECK Teacher: Unused Models
Clearance and Creepage Extension
Performing an Analysis in Clearance and Creepage Extension
Workflow for Performing Clearance and Creepage Analysis
Setting up CCX
Setting Up CCX
Assigning CTI Values
Assigning Part Types
Cementing Insulators
Defining Electric Nets
Setting Analysis Parameters
Performing Creepage and Clearance Analysis
Analysis Results
Creo EZ Tolerance Analysis
Tolerance Stackup Analysis Fundamentals
Why Is Tolerance Design Important?
1D Vs 2D and 3D Problems
Types of Tolerance Stackup Analyses
General Workflow
General Workflow
Setting Default Tolerances
Setting Application Options
Defining the Stackup Distance
Defining a Part Loop
Manually Selecting the Parts in the Loop and Selecting Interacting Surfaces
Automatic Detection and Selection of the Parts in the Loop and Interacting Surfaces
Assembly Closure
Refining the Dimension Loop, Tolerance Types, and Tolerance Values
Adding Features
Working with Drafted Features of Size
Reviewing and Editing Stackup Results and Objectives
Adding an Offset Between Parts
Adding Stackups
Show Stackup
Saving Views and Generating Reports
Creating Stackup Notes
Saving Your Work
Creating an Analysis Feature
Converting Stackup Results from Tolerance Analysis Extension (TAE)
Converting Stackup Results from Tolerance Analysis Extension (TAE)
To Convert Stackup Results from TAE
Limitations in Converting TAE Stackups
Summary and Stackup Details Tables
Summary and Stackup Details Tables
Summary of Tolerance Stackups
Stackup Details Table
Results and Contributions
Results and Contributions
Results Graph for Selected Stackup
Contributions for Selected Stackups
Common Error and Warning Messages
Exercise 1: EZ Tolerance Analysis with Automatic Stackup Creation
Exercise 2: EZ Tolerance Analysis with Manual Stackup Creation
Creo Manikin
About Creo Manikin and Creo Manikin Analysis
Creo Manikin Overview
About Creo Manikin
About Creo Manikin Lite
About Manikin Models, Scenes, and Snapshots
About the Placeholder Assembly
About the Manikin Tree
About the Creo Manikin User Interface
Configuring Creo Manikin
About Manikin Configuration Options
Configuration Options for Manikin
About Setting Up and Accessing the Manikin Libraries
To Set the Manikin Library Path
About the Manikin Population Database
About Anthropometric Databases
Constraining and Fixing a Manikin
About Constraints
About Default Constraint Behavior
About DOFs (Degrees of Freedom)
About Fixing Manikin Segments
To Fix or Unfix Manikin Segments
To Copy and Paste Manikin Posture and Constraints
Placing a Manikin
To Place a Manikin into a Scene
About Replacing One Manikin with Another
To Replace One Manikin with Another
About Changing Placement Settings
To Edit the Placement of a Manikin
To Move a Manikin on a Plane
Custom Manikins
About Editing the Dimensions of a Custom Manikin
To Edit the Dimensions of a Custom Manikin
Posture and Snapshots
About Manipulation and Snapshots
About Snapshots
To Create a Snapshot
About Posture
About Manikin Flexibility
To Adjust Manikin Posture using the 3D Dragger
To Apply a Posture to a Manikin
To Add a Posture to the Posture Library
To Copy and Paste Manikin Posture and Constraints
About Reaching
To Reach for a Target
About Anatomical Planes
To Show Reach Envelopes
About Simulating Vision
To Simulate Vision
About Vision Windows
About Vision Cones
About Manikin Analyses
To Perform a Manikin Analysis
Measure Angle
To Measure the Angle between Adjacent Manikin Segments
Center of Gravity
About Using the Center of Gravity in an Analysis
To Set and Display the Center of Gravity
RULA Analyses
About RULA Analyses
To Define a RULA Analysis
Comfort Analyses
About Comfort Angle Analyses
To Perform a Comfort Angle Analysis
To Edit the Manikin Comfort Angle (mca) File
Manikin Comfort Angle (MCA) File Descriptions
About Defining Color in the Comfort Angle Analysis Display
Lifting or Lowering Analyses
To Perform a Lifting or a Lowering Analysis
About NIOSH91 Lifting or Lowering Analyses
About NIOSH91 Lifting or Lowering Analysis Results
About Snook Lifting or Lowering Analyses
About Snook Lifting or Lowering Analysis Results
Carrying Analyses
About Carrying Analyses
To Perform a Carrying Analysis
Pushing or Pulling Analyses
About Pushing or Pulling Analyses
To Perform a Pushing or a Pulling Analysis
Saving and Retrieving Analyses
To Save a Manikin Analysis
To Retrieve a Saved Analysis
Glossary for Manikin
Model Analysis
Glossary for Manikin