About Manipulating Quilts and Surfaces
You can manipulate nonsolid surfaces or quilts in Creo Direct using one of the following methods:
• Trimming quilts—Removes material from the selected quilts to create a certain shape. In some cases trimming also splits material. You can trim quilts at an intersection with another quilt or a datum plane. Alternatively, use a datum plane that intersects the quilt to trim it. When trimming quilts, you can specify the part of the trimmed surface you want to retain.
• Merging quilts—Merges two quilts by intersecting them.
• Solidifying quilts—Converts quilts to solid geometry. While solidifying quilts, you can add or remove material.
• Removing surfaces—Removes surfaces from a 3D model.
• Copying and pasting surfaces—Creates copies of surfaces in an original or rotated position.
• Extending quilts—Extends one or more boundary edges of a quilt, planar surface, or, a datum plane.