What is Vuforia Expert Capture? > Get Started with Vuforia Expert Capture
Get Started with Vuforia Expert Capture
Depending on whether or not your company has chosen to enable 3D model and tracking capabilities, your interface may look different than the images and content shown in the Help Center. For example, if 3D capabilities are available to you, you will see a place to add a 3D model to your procedure and a 3D asset library. For more information, contact your administrator.
Before you begin working with Vuforia Expert Capture, make sure you’ve done the following:
Selected a pilot procedure
Created a script for the procedure
Received the appropriate device training (eyewear, mobile, etc.)
For more information about preparing your procedure for Vuforia Expert Capture, see Create Procedure Workflow in the Vuforia Expert Capture success path.
1. Get Access to Vuforia Expert Capture Solutions
Once you’ve received an email containing your invitation, follow the instructions to gain access to the appropriate Vuforia Expert Capture solutions.
We recommend making sure that all components of Vuforia Expert Capture are kept up-to-date with the most recent versions that are available.
2. Set Up Your Devices
Vuforia Capture
Vuforia Vantage and Vuforia Vantage Web
3. Create and Publish the Procedure with Vuforia Editor
Once you have access to the appropriate Vuforia Expert Capture solutions and are ready to start creating your procedures, useVuforia Editor to add text, images, videos, 3D models, and Captures to the procedures. For more information, see Create and Edit Procedures with Vuforia Editor.
4. View the Procedure with Vuforia Vantage
After the procedure has been published, use Vuforia Vantage to view your procedure on a supported mobile device, tablet, or eyewear device. For more information, see View a Procedure in Vuforia Vantage.