Active Directory Users
This topic explains what you need to know about Active Directory users, from provisioning through lockout scenarios:
User Provisioning
User provisioning provides options to automatically create, modify, and delete users in ThingWorx.
XML Attribute Name
Default Value
User Creation Enabled
Controls the auto creation/provisioning of ThingWorx users if the user credentials are correct in the Active Directory server that facilitates the login request.
If the field is checked, users are created with the login username specified, as well as with any default values specified in the User Default Settings configuration table.
If the field is unchecked/false (default), users must exist in ThingWorx before a user tries to login.
Users must exist in ThingWorx for logins to succeed. If the user belongs to the User Provisioning Exclusion List configuration table, this field has no effect on the automatic creation of the user.
Set to true if you want the directory service in ThingWorx to have the ability to auto create users.
User Modification Enabled
Controls the auto update/provisioning of ThingWorx users if the user credentials are correct in the Active Directory server that facilitates the login request.
If the field is checked/true, users are updated upon each login attempt. They are updated with any default values specified in the User Default Settings configuration table.
If the field is unchecked/false (default), users are not updated upon each login attempt after the initial attempt when the user was auto-created/provisioned. Users must exist in ThingWorx for logins to succeed.
If the user belongs to the User Provisioning Exclusion List configuration table, this field has no effect on auto updating the user.
Set to true to allow the directory service in ThingWorx to update users.
User Deletion Enabled
Controls the auto deletion/un-provisioning of ThingWorx users if the user does not exist in the Active Directory server that facilitates the login request.
If the field is checked/true, users are deleted upon a login attempt.
If the field is unchecked/false, users are not deleted upon a login attempted. Users must exist in ThingWorx for logins to succeed and for deletion to be successful. If the user belongs to the User Provisioning Exclusion List configuration table, this field has no effect on the automatic deletion of the user.
Set to true to allow the directory service in ThingWorx to delete users.
User Default Settings
The following table describes the available default settings for users. These fields are optional.
XML Attribute Name
Valid Values
Provisioned User's Default Domain Prefix
A string value that is assumed to be the prefix for user names to differentiate user X from domain server Y vs. user X from domain server Z.
This allows the configured Active Directory directory services to explicitly know if the user to be validated is targeted to manage. If configured with a value, the Active Directory directory service does not attempt to validate or provision the user, instead it logs security messages and passes the user login attempt to the next ThingWorx directory service in the chain.
It is recommended to use a domain prefix if the same user exists in several domain servers and their domains. This minimizes non-deterministic behavior that could arise due to the "water flow" down functionality upon failed user validation.
Empty string or any string that contains valid entity name characters
If there is more than one configured domain server, this configuration should be used. For example, NA or EUR could be used as a domain prefix.
This setting may cause unexpected results with Dynamic User Login enabled as the Provisioned User’s Default Domain Prefix is stripped from the username entered at the time of user authentication before attempting to bind with Active Directory. For example, if the “Provisioned User’s Default Domain Prefix” is set to “mydomain\” and a User enters “mydomain\username” while authenticating with ThingWorx, only “username” is sent to Active Directory for authentication. This authentication may fail for that user even if “mydomain\username” is that user’s domain\samAccountName within Active Directory
If the same username exists in multiple Active Directory domains, authentication will fail if the user who is logging in is not the actual user found in Active Directory. This will be based on the order of being queried.
Provisioned User's Default Description
A description string value that is set as the description for all provisioned users. This is a helpful setting that allows adding contextual information to a user, such as "Auto Provisioned by Domain Server Y".
Empty string or any description string
This option should be used if a default description for all provisioned users (i.e. auto-created/updated users) is preferred.
Provisioned User's Default Home Mashup
A home mashup name value that is set as the default mashup for all provisioned users. This setting allows all provisioned users to start at a common home mashup when they login to ThingWorx. Some examples of these mashups include a guest home mashup, self-service home mashup, or operators' home mashup, etc.
Empty string to unset, or a valid existing mashup name
This option should be used if a default home mashup for all provisioned users (i.e. auto-created/updated users) is preferred.
For example, this would be useful if the same GuestMashup, SelfServiceMashup, or LandingPageMashup is preferred for all users to start with when they enter the ThingWorx application.
Provisioned User's Default Mobile Mashup
A mobile mashup name value that is set for all provisioned users to be used on mobile devices. This setting allows all provisioned users to start at a common mobile mashup when they login to ThingWorx. Some examples of these mashups include a guest mobile mashup, Self Service mobile mashup, or operators' mobile mashup, etc.
Empty string to unset, or a valid existing mashup name
Use this option if a default mobile mashup for all provisioned users (i.e. auto-created/updated users) is preferred.
For example, this would be useful if the same GuestMashup, SelfServiceMashup, or LandingPageMashup is preferred for all users to start with when they enter the ThingWorx application.
Provisioned User's Default Tags
A set of model tags that are set on all provisioned users. This setting allows all provisioned users to have common tags that can be used for searching or contextual identification. Some examples of these tags include Operator tag, ProvisionedByDomainServerY, ProvisionedByDomainServerZ, etc.
Empty string to unset, or a valid existing tag names
This option should be used if a default set of model tags for all provisioned users (that is, auto-created/updated users) is preferred.
User Provisioning Exclusion List
This is a configuration table that allows the administrator of the Active Directory directory service to exclude specific ThingWorx users from participating in the user provisioning features of the Active Directory directory service.
The user provisioning features include user creation, modification, and deletion. When configuring ThingWorx with an Active Directory directory service, existing users may not wish their configuration and existence to be managed by Active Directory; and only use it for the credential validation. These types of users should be added to the User Provisioning Exclusion list configuration.
The administrator user is automatically added to this list, and should not be removed.
The administrator user is a ThingWorx default user that cannot be created or destroyed. The administrator user should not be automatically modified. Doing so could cause undesired configuration changes at login.
User Login Scenarios
The following table provides the pre and post user states during login attempts to ThingWorx per the configuration options set in the Active Directory directory service within ThingWorx.
The scenarios below do not change the user state/configuration within the Active Directory server.
The items in bold are the main decision maker in the post-state of the user in ThingWorx.
User State in AD Server
User Pre-State in ThingWorx
Configuration Option(s)
User Post-State in ThingWorx
Does not exist
Does not exist
Any configuration
Does not exist
Cannot be used to log in
Does not exist
Exists (manually created by ThingWorx administrator)
Password was set/resides in ThingWorx
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
Is not modified or deleted
Can be used to log in
Does not exist
Exists (manually created by ThingWorx administrator)
Password was not set or does not reside in ThingWorx
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
Is not modified or deleted
Cannot be used to log in
Does not exist
Exists (manually created by ThingWorx administrator)
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Not listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
User exists
Can be used to log in
Does not exist
Exists (manually created by ThingWorx administrator)
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Disabled
Not listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
User exists
Can be used to log in
Does not exist
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
Does not exist
Cannot be used to log in
Does not exist
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Not listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
Does not exist
Cannot be used to log in
Does not exist
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Not listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
Does not exist
Cannot be used to log in
Does not exist
User Provisioning Creation Disabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Not listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
Does not exist
Cannot be used to log in
Does not exist
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Not listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
Exists (created)
Added as a member to mapped groups
Default user settings added
Can be used to log in
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Not listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
User default settings configured
User is modified
Added/removed as a member to mapped groups
Default users settings added
Can be used to log in
User Provisioning Creation Enabled
User Provisioning Modification Enabled
User Provisioning Deletion Enabled
Listed in User Provisioning Exclusion List
User default settings configured
User is not modified
Can be used to log in
Any configuration
User is locked
Cannot be used to log in
Any configuration
User is disabled
Cannot be used to log in
User Lockout Scenarios
Account lockout settings are configured in ThingWorx in the User Management Subsystem.
The Lockout Manager is defined as the system (ThingWorx or Active Directory) that determines the lockout based on the lock evaluation.
The key for the table below is:
ThingWorx Lockout Attempts configuration: TLA
Active Directory Lockout Attempts configuration: ADL
Lock Evaluation
Lockout Manager
Lockout Manager Max Attempts Configuration Example
2 attempts
ThingWorx finds a user locked in Active Directory
ThingWorx user is locked immediately
2 attempts
User logs in incorrectly two times
ThingWorx user is locked after two attempts
The recommended lockout configuration is to have ThingWorx and Active Directory match.
2 attempts
User logs in incorrectly two times
ThingWorx user is locked after two attempts
2 attempts
User logs in incorrectly two times
ThingWorx user is locked after two attempts
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