Upgrading from ThingWorx Apps 9.0 to 9.1.0
To upgrade from ThingWorx Apps 9.0 to ThingWorx Apps 9.1.0, complete the steps in the following sections:
Before Beginning the Upgrade Process
Before you begin upgrading, review the following information:
• ThingWorx 9.1 system requirements. For more information, see the
9.1 System Requirements in the
ThingWorx Help Center.
Before Upgrading ThingWorx
Complete the following steps before upgrading ThingWorx to 9.1:
1. If you have customized any localization tables, export the customized localization tables before performing the upgrade. Localization tables are overwritten during an upgrade. The exported localization tables can be imported after the upgrade is complete to retain your modifications.
2. If you are using
Operator Advisor functionality, review the following information. Otherwise, proceed to
Upgrading ThingWorx.
Prior to 9.1, a work definition could be linked to a job order using the WorkDefinitionUID field on the job order. There were no constraints against linking an individual work definition to multiple job orders. With 9.1, an individual work definition can be linked to only one job order.
If you have used the WorkDefinitionUID field to link work definitions to job orders, query your database to find all job orders with a WorkDefinitionUID value that is used more than once. While it is not mandatory to address these duplicates before upgrading, addressing them now allows you to determine which job order you want to retain that WorkDefinitionUID value. The migration service will migrate the first job order with the WorkDefinitionUID value that it encounters. Other job orders with that same WorkDefinitionUID value must be addressed before they can be migrated. There is no way to control which job order the migration service will encounter first.
Complete the following steps:
a. Run the following query against your database:
FROM joborder t1
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT workdefinitionuid
FROM joborder t2
WHERE t1.workdefinitionuid = t2.workdefinitionuid
GROUP BY workdefinitionuid
The query results list all job orders with a WorkDefinitionUID value that is used more than once.
b. Address duplicate WorkDefinitionUID values as appropriate. Use one of the following methods:
▪ Update the job order to reference a different WorkDefinitionUID value. Use the UpdateJobOrder service available from the default production order manager (PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultProductionOrderManager).
▪ Delete job orders with duplicate WorkDefinitionUID values, so that only one remains. Use the DeleteJobOrder service available from the default production order manager (PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultProductionOrderManager).
After upgrading to 9.1, a service is provided that allows you to set WorkDefinitionUID values on the non-migrated job orders to null.
Upgrading ThingWorx
Complete the following steps:
1. Upgrade your
ThingWorx installation. For more information, see
Upgrading ThingWorx in the
ThingWorx Help Center.
2. Restart the ThingWorx server.
Upgrading ThingWorx Apps
Complete the following steps to upgrade ThingWorx Apps to 9.1:
1. Ensure that you are logged in as the Administrator user. Using a different user from the Administrator user group to perform the upgrade results in import failures.
2. Import the ThingWorx Apps extension files. Your data and connections are automatically preserved.
a. Download and unzip the contents of the following file: ThingWorx-Apps-<version>-extension-bundle
b. Import the ThingWorx Apps extension files. The extension files must be imported in the following order:
a. ThingWorx-Apps-<version>-extension-dependencies
b. ThingWorx-Apps-<version>-extension
To import the extension files:
a. In ThingWorx Composer, navigate to > .
b. On the Import window, select Extension from the Import Option list.
c. Under File Name, click Browse. Navigate to and select the extension file.
d. Click Import. When the import finishes, click Close.
e. Repeat as needed.
c. View the extensions after the import by navigating to > .
3. Import any optional extensions. Optional extensions are downloaded from the
PTC Software Download page and are imported in the same manner as you imported the
ThingWorx Apps extensions.
The following optional extensions are available to import along with ThingWorx Apps:
◦ The
ThingWorx-Asset-Remoting-<version>-extension is available for download from > > . It enables you to use the
Remote Access and Control features in
Asset Advisor. For more information, see
Remote Access and Control.
◦ The
ThingWorx-Rockwell-FT-MES-8-5-0-Extension-Bundle optional extension is available for download from > > . This 8.5.0 extension is supported with
ThingWorx Apps 9.1. If this extension was already present on your 9.0.0 system, it does not need to be imported again after upgrading to 9.1. For more information, see
ThingWorx Rockwell FactoryTalk MES Integration.
The following optional extensions are available to import along with ThingWorx Apps, but cannot be imported until after the ThingWorx server has been restarted:
◦ The
ThingWorx-Apps-<version>-extension-factory-demo is available for download from > > . It provides an example implementation for manufacturing planning activities. This extension is not intended for use in a production environment. For more information, see
Manufacturing Planning Example Implementation.
◦ The
ThingWorx-Utilities-Software-Content-Management-<version> optional extension is available for download from > > > . For more information, see
Software Content Management.
The ThingWorx Utilities Core extension bundle ( ThingWorx-Utilities-Core-<version>) is a prerequisite for the ThingWorx Software Content Management extension, and must be imported first. If you have not already imported the ThingWorx Utilities Core extension bundle, do so before importing the ThingWorx Software Content Management extension. For more information, see ThingWorx Utilities Installation in the ThingWorx Utilities Help Center.
4. Restart the ThingWorx server.
5. Update the
ThingWorx Remote Access Extension (RAE) present in
ThingWorx by importing the supported version for the 9.1.0 release. You can find the compatible version of the
ThingWorx Remote Access Extension in the "
ThingWorx Extensions" section of the release matrix in
Release Advisor for your installed version of
6. Restart the ThingWorx server.
7. Clear your browser cache.
8. Complete the post import database configurations.
a. Navigate to the database Thing corresponding to your database: PTC.SCA.SCO.PostgresDatabase or PTC.SCA.SCO.MSSQLDatabase.
b. Under Configuration, set the JDBC Settings appropriately for your database, including the JDBC Connection String, Database User Name, and Database Password fields. If you are using the same database that is used for the ThingWorx Platform, use the same values for those three fields as the values that are specified in the platform-settings.json file.
Before configuring your database Thing, ensure that the necessary JDBC drivers are present in ThingWorx. ThingWorx can use JDBC drivers to connect to any JDBC compatible database (such as SQL Server, MySQL, and so on). You can also connect using the ThingWorx Edge MicroServer and the ThingWorx Host/Resource using OLEDB and ODBC if the database is behind a firewall. If a JDBC extension for your database is not in ThingWorx, you can manually add the JDBC driver by downloading the driver and adding the files to the following location: /<Tomcat folder>/webapps/Thingworx/WEB-INF/lib. After copying the driver, you must restart your ThingWorx server.
c. Click Save to save the database Thing.
d. Navigate to the PTC.Factory.C_LaunchPointConfigurationThing_[ReleaseVersion] Thing.
e. Under Configuration, in the DatabaseConfigurationSettings section, edit the DBConnection field to point to the database Thing you configured in step 2.
f. Click Save to save the launch point configuration Thing.
9. Migrate your data.
a. In ThingWorx Composer, open the PTC.SCA.SCO.OAMigrator Thing.
b. Under Services, execute the MigrateFrom_9_0_0_To_9_1_0 service.
The service output is an infotable displaying any job orders with linked work definitions that could not be migrated. Prior to 9.1, a work definition could be linked to more than one job order using the WorkDefinitionUID field on the job order. With 9.1, an individual work definition can be linked to only one job order through a job-order-to-work-definition link (PTC.SCA.SCO.JobOrderWorkDefinitionLink). The migration service creates a job-order-to-work-definition link for the first instance of a WorkDefintionUID that it encounters on a job order. If the service encounters that same WorkDefinitionUID value again, the job order with the duplicate WorkDefinitionUID is reported in the MigrateFrom_9_0_0_To_9_1_0 service output as a job order with an invalid relationship that could not be migrated.
If the infotable in the MigrateFrom_9_0_0_To_9_1_0 service output is empty, showing No data, proceed to step 10.
c. Clean up the non-migrated job-order-to-work-definition relationships using one of the following methods:
▪ Delete a non-migrated job order using the DeleteJobOrder service on the default production order manager (PTC.SCA.SCO.DefaultProductionOrderManager).
▪ Update the WorkDefinitionUID field using the UpdateJobOrderWorkDefinitionRelationships service on the PTC.SCA.SCO.OAMigrator Thing.
To use the UpdateJobOrderWorkDefinitionRelationships service, add a row to the JobOrders input parameter infotable for each job order which needs to be updated. Specify the following fields:
▪ UID—Enter the UID of the job order to be updated.
▪ WorkDefinitionUID—Enter the UID for a work definition that is not already linked to a job order, or leave this field blank to change the WorkDefinitionUID value to null.
▪ All other fields can be left blank.
Execute the UpdateJobOrderWorkDefinitionRelationships service. The service output shows the updated job orders.
Open a second ThingWorx Composer session in another browser tab or window, so that you can execute and view the UpdateJobOrderWorkDefinitionRelationships service and MigrateFrom_9_0_0_To_9_1_0 service at the same time. This allows you to more easily reference the MigrateFrom_9_0_0_To_9_1_0 service output for the job order UIDs to use in the UpdateJobOrderWorkDefinitionRelationships service input. You can execute both services multiple times, as needed.
d. Repeat executing the MigrateFrom_9_0_0_To_9_1_0 service, and using the UpdateJobOrderWorkDefinitionRelationships service to clean up non-migrated job orders, until the output from the MigrateFrom_9_0_0_To_9_1_0 service is an infotable showing No data. This indicates that all job orders have been successfully migrated and no further cleanup is necessary. If you run the service again after this point, you will see errors as there is no more data to be migrated.
10. If you use
Operator Advisor to convert process plans from
Windchill MPMLink and are using a duplicate of the
MPMLink OData connector Thing to customize the connector, you must create a new duplicate of the Thing for your configuration after upgrading to 9.1. For more information, see
Configuring the MPMLink OData Connector.
11. If you have added custom equipment types that you want to appear in
Asset Advisor, add the
PTC.SCA.SCO.AssetIdentifierNumberThingShape Thing Shape as an implemented shape on the Thing Template for the equipment type. For more information, see
Creating Custom Thing Templates for Equipment Types.
13. Starting in 9.1, all new or duplicated entities must have a project assigned, and cannot be assigned to one of the projects that are delivered with the ThingWorx Apps extension. They can be assigned to the PTCDefaultProject project or to a new project that you have created.
◦ All entities that are delivered with the ThingWorx Apps extension retain their project setting from the previous release after upgrading to 9.1. Whether a project is assigned, or the Project field is blank, that value is retained. For editable entities that are delivered with the ThingWorx Apps extension, the Project field in ThingWorx Composer is set to read-only after upgrading.
◦ Any entities that were created or duplicated in a previous release retain their assigned project after upgrading to 9.1, even if they are assigned to one of the ThingWorx Apps extension projects. If no project was assigned in the previous release, the PTCDefaultProject project will be assigned after the upgrade.
14. If you customized your
ThingWorx Apps, refer to
Upgrade and Customizations to address any impact to your customizations resulting from the upgrade.