Working With Project Templates
To save time and effort, you can use Project Templates to create new Projects in Service Board. After you create a new Project from a Project Template, you can update, delete, and add Project Tasks within Service Board, without any need to make such changes in your project-management software and import an updated data file to create a new Project.
You can create new Project Templates by importing .mpp or .xml project data files from MS Project or Safran Project. Alternatively, you can modify existing Project Templates, including the default ServiceMax Sample Project Template that ships with Service Board, and save them with different names to create new Project Templates. If you do not have access to project-management software, you can modify this default Project Template to meet your needs, save it with a new name, and use your new Project Template to directly create and manage Projects entirely within Service Board.
The following features of Projects are unavailable in Project Templates:
You cannot assign Project Tasks to Resources or Crews.
Project Summary Tasks(the root or top task in a Project) cannot be deleted.
You cannot publish Project Templates.
You can modify the ServiceMax Sample Project Template, but you cannot directly save your changes, and must save it with a new name.
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