Refining Crew Resource Searches
To refine your search results, you can use the following search parameters with Resource Search:
Quotes: To exactly match your search string, enclose it in single quotes. For example, to find a Resource named Robert Wilson:
Operators: To find Resources when you are unsure of exact values, you can use the AND and OR operators. For example, to find Resources whose first names are either Robert or Steve:
Asterisk: You can prepend or append an asterisk wildcard character (*) to search strings to find Resources that match partial values. All Resources that contain the characters preceded or followed by the asterisk appear in search results. For example, to find all Resources whose names end with Wilson:
Question Mark and AND Operator: You can use a wildcard question mark character (?) in search strings to replace a single character in your search strings as many times as needed, and combine your wildcard string with the AND operator. For example, to find a Resource whose first name has four letters starting with B and whose surname is Walter:
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