Configuring Real-Time Sync for the Efficiency Factor Field
The Efficiency Factor field of the Technician/Equipment object is not included in the Service Board Fields packaged field set for ServiceMax release package versions SVMXC 21.10000.4 and later but earlier than SVMXC 21.10000.14. Therefore, to configure Salesforce-to-Service Board real-time sync support for this field, you must manually configure a custom field set for the Salesforce Techician/Equipment object.
Process Builders do not support the Efficiency Factor field of the Technician/Equipment object out-of-the-box for Service Board Extension release package versions SVMXSB 21.10001.1 and later but earlier than SVMXSB 22.10003. Therefore, to configure Salesforce-to-Service Board real-time sync support for the Efficiency Factor field during schedule optimization, you must manually configure a Process Builder.
The Efficiency Factor field of the Technician/Equipment object is available only in Salesforce release packages SVMXC 21.10000.4 and later, and can be configured for Process Builder support only in Service Board Extension release package versions SVMXSB 21.10001.1 and later. For release package versions SVMXSC 22.10000.14 and later, and SVMXSB 22.10003 and later, no manual configuration is needed.
To configure real-time sync for the Efficiency Factor field:
1. In Salesforce Classic, on the Salesforce Setup page, in the left pane, in the Build section, under the Create node, click Objects, and then on the Custom Objects page, in the Label column, click Technician/Equipment.
2. On the Technician/Equipment record page, in the Field Sets section, click New, and then on the New Field Set page, enter a label and name for the new field set and specify where it is used.
Be sure to use the same field set name configured in the SET003 setting. For more information, see Configuring Real-Time Sync to Support Custom Fields on SFDC.
3. On the record page, in the Field Sets section, to the left of the newly added field set, click Edit, and then on the Field Set page, on the bottom left, drag the Efficiency Factor field into the In the Field Set list.
4. Save the field set changes, and then follow the steps in Configuring Real-Time Sync Filtering With Process Builder to clone the Notify Service Board for Technician process builder and configure the Is Field Changed action group with the following build formula code to check for updates to the Efficiency Factor field:
ISCHANGED([SVMXC__Service_Group_Members__c].SVMXC__SM_Efficiency_Factor__c )
5. In Max Designer, on the Development Tools () launchpad menu, click Transform Templates, and then in the list view, click Resource Create Template.
6. Update the Resource Create Template with the following custom field mapping, and then in the top left corner, click Save and Close ().
"svmx_efficiency_factor" : "fields.SVMXC__SM_Efficiency_Factor__c"
7. In the list view, click Resource Update Template, and then on the record page, add the same code as in the previous step and save and close the record.
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