Schedule Optimization > Schedule Optimization For Implementers > Managing Dispatch Process Job Runs > Improved Input Data Validation for Optimization Jobs
Improved Input Data Validation for Optimization Jobs
The data used as input for optimization undergoes validation when you run the dispatch process job. The validation helps filter out invalid data, resulting in better-optimized schedules.
The data validation is supported for the following optimization types:
Batch Optimization
Long-Term Planner
The following validations are performed when a dispatch process job is run:
Type of Data
Work orders, technicians, and events
Work orders, technicians, and events with invalid data are not considered for optimization.
For the complete list of validations performed, see List of Data Validations.
Manual schedules
Manual schedules created by end-users that negatively influence the optimization are filtered out. This includes the manual schedules that do not comply with scheduling configurations such as dispatch process settings, technician settings, and global settings. The corresponding errors are reported via violation messages. This filtration helps in performing optimized scheduling with correct data, which in turn results in optimal schedules. The following are a few examples of such manual schedules:
Schedules that cause huge overtime, exceeding the defined limit
Schedules that require huge drive time or travel distance, exceeding the defined limit
No work orders will be scheduled on the days when such manual schedules are observed and reported.
Long-distance work orders
Long-distance work orders that require huge drive time from all the technicians in the current optimization data set are filtered out. These include work orders that exceed the following:
Configured maximum distance
Required travel time exceeds the maximum working hours
These work orders are unassigned. Retaining such work orders in the data set impacts the configured cost factors and optimization goals adversely. Identifying and filtering out these work orders before the optimization job run improves schedules and ensures that the configured goals are most likely met.
Filtration criteria:
Work orders with a distance exceeding the configured maximum distance for the technician or the territory (in order of precedence) are filtered.
Work orders with a drive distance that exceeds 500 km from the technician's start/home location or the current work order location are filtered.
The limit of 500 km for long-distance work orders is configurable. Contact ServiceMax Support for the configuration.
The filtration does not apply if overnight stays are enabled.
The following occur during the job run:
The data validations are performed as part of the optimization job. The job does not fail if there are invalid elements in the input. The job runs with all the valid elements in the input and produces the technician routes. Appropriate violation messages are updated in the work orders as per the errors. For more information, see Sample Data Validation.
For the list of violation messages added to the work orders, see Error Codes and Messages.
If all the input data for a job is invalid, the job is marked as Failed.
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