Error Codes and Messages
This section provides information about the message codes and messages populated in the scheduling response JSONs.
The messages are categorized as:
Error: This category of the message indicates that the job run has failed and provides the reason for the failure. Check the message, perform the necessary remediation, and run the job again.
Status: This category of the message indicates the status of the job run. For supported job status for Batch, LTP, PS, or PT jobs, see Job Status Details.
Validation: This category of the message provides information about the validation of the input data. Provide correct data in case of any discrepancies.
Violation: This category of the message indicates if there is a violation and the reason for the violation. Check and provide the correct input data in case of any discrepancies.
A violation is reported if there is an un-assignment, a delayed schedule, or exceeding working hours. Else, it gives a state of how the schedules look with the current optimization settings configured and you should update the input data if a work order is not assigned.
Type of Message
What It Means
Error initiating optimization job
Internal server error. Contact the Engineering team.
No valid data to start optimization job
All elements in the input data are invalid.
No data with valid location(s) to start optimization job
The error code is for data that has address information and no latitude-longitude, but the address is incomplete or invalid and cannot be geocoded to a latitude-longitude by the map provider.
Error occurred while running optimization job
Internal server error. Contact the Engineering team.
Failed before starting optimization job
Failed to create/update snapshot
Failed to persist the latest synced state with the client. This is valid only for Real-Time Optimization.
Failed to get appointment offers. %s
There are no schedules that can be proposed. This might be because of hard constraint violations or other constraints. The reason is added to the message dynamically.
Resources capacity is very low in comparison to work demand.
Work demand is 1.5 times or more than available capacity.
Defaulting to haversine due to error in fetching distance time matrix. %s
There was an error in fetching distance-time matrix data. Reasons could be
All geocodes in input do not fall in the same grid, i.e., the data set has locations from different geographies.
Failed to fetch data from the map provider.
Timeout while waiting to start the job and node is not running.
The message indicates that the job is in INITIATING status for a long time, and no EC2 instance found to run the job within the defined time out of 5 Hours.
Timeout while waiting to start the job while node is running.
The message indicates that the job is in INITIATING status beyond defined timeout of 5 Hours even with a running EC2 instance attached to run the job.
The possible reasons are:
1. Issues occurred while fetching the input from SFDC.
2. Optimization job could not start because of unexpected attributes in provided data set.
Job status is running but attached node is not running
The message indicates that the job is in RUNNING status for a long time, and attached EC2 instance is running. The instance could be in an unhealthy status or crashed.
Job status is running beyond the configured time out period.
The message indicates that the job is RUNNING beyond the defined timeout of 5 Hours.
Malformed input at line number %s, column number %s
The structure of the input is incorrect. The message points to the row and column number in the input where the structure is incorrect.
Invalid value - '%s'. Please refer API document for acceptable field values.
Data validation failure for incompatible field value type.
Invalid field name. Please refer API document for supported fields.
The incorrect field name in input.
Internal Server Error: {message}
Internal server error. Contact the Engineering team.
Loading the data
Matching jobs and resources
Optimizing the schedule
Optimizing the long term planning schedule
The message indicates that it is the long-term planner execution phase.
Forcing unreachable pillars to stay in route
A message indicating that it is the phase where unreachable or overlapping events are retained in the schedule, but nothing else is scheduled for the day.
Filtering violating schedules
The message indicates that it is the last phase in a long-term planner job in which schedules violating distance and time constraints are filtered out.
Mandatory field cannot be empty
Field value cannot be zero or negative
Field value cannot be negative
Request payload is empty
No resources to optimize
No work orders to optimize
'jobInstanceId' not provided
Invalid 'jobInstanceId'
Job already completed or running
Job completed
Job not completed
Field value cannot be greater than 1 day
Field accepts only one accessHour
'eventDuration' cannot be larger than 'accessHours' duration
'begin' and/or 'end' is empty at index %d
'begin' is after 'end' at index %d
Both fields cannot be empty
Latitude and longitude cannot be empty when address is empty
Mandatory field cannot be empty or value less than 1
Field cannot be empty if schedule locked
Field cannot have more than one value if schedule locked
Field cannot be larger than accessHours
Field cannot be empty if relation defined
Both fields cannot be empty or NONE
Field value should be zero for STARTUNISON or FINISHUNISON
Unsupported operation
Expected data not in payload
Unexpected data in payload
Unable to process request
Unit is not supported
Value is not supported
Sum of objectives should be 0 or 100
API accepts only one work order.
Propose time should have only one work order in input.
'preferredStart' is after 'preferredEnd.
The preferred start date is after the preferred end date.
'level' value cannot be less than 1 at index %d.
The skill level value should be 1 to 10.
'validFrom' is after 'validTo' at index %d.
The skill validity start date is after the end date.
Current geolocation is not supported with more than one working hours
The current geo-location value is supported for resources only. The field should be populated for single/on-the-day/incremental optimization scenarios only.
Provided latitude and/or longitude are invalid
Error for invalid geocodes.
'JSON' result format is not supported for this job type
Lock schedule type is not allowed for propose times
The lockSchedule field is used to lock the work order and should not be set in the propose times payload. The propose time work order should be flexible to be able to fetch appointments.
Capacity reservation is not supported for propose times
Error if capacity reservation configuration (nodeColors) is set in the propose time payload, as it is not supported in the propose time feature.
Overnight stay is not supported for propose times
Error if overnight stay allowed is set on a work order in the propose time payload, as the overnight stay option is not supported with the propose time feature.
Dependency is not supported for propose times
Error if the relations field is set on a work order in the propose time payload, as dependency scheduling is not supported with the propose time feature.
Multi day work order is not supported for propose times
Propose times return proposals for single work order. Multi-day work order end up being split into multiple work order, so not supported.
Work order is part of a cyclic dependency chain (%s), which is not supported
All the work orders part of cyclic dependency chain will be reported as BAD_WORKORDER with this message.
Validation error
Skill hard constraint is violated
Required skill for the work order/event is not available with any technician.
Banned resource hard constraint is violated
The banned technician configured in the work order/event is not available in the optimization data.
Either of Banned or Unpreferred resource constraint is violated
The work order/event is scheduled for the banned or unpreferred technician.
Either of Mandatory or Preferred resource constraint is violated
Work order/event is not scheduled for the mandatory or the preferred technician.
Double booking constraint is violated
Two jobs are scheduled for a Technician at the same time.
Early arrival constraint is violated
The technician would arrive at the work order/event location before the start of the access hours.
Late arrival constraint is violated
The technician would arrive at or depart from the work order/event location after the end of the access hours.
Dependency relationship constraint is violated
Configured work order dependencies could not be achieved.
Required skill auto filter constraint is violated
Required skill for the work order/event is not available with any technician.
Resource mismatch auto filter constraint is violated
The resource assigned to the event is not available or not assigned.
Total working hours of the technician exceeded constraint is violated
Scheduling the work order/event goes beyond the maximum hours configured for the resource(s). If maximum hours are not configured, it is calculated from the business hours.
Maximum distance of the technician exceeded constraint is violated
Scheduling the work order/event increases the driving distance of the route beyond the maximum distance configured for the resource.
Another event already has taken this slot, the resources workingHours are not matching to the event or the event cannot be reached in time
The event cannot be scheduled as the technician is already occupied with another event, the event’s access hours do not match the technician’s working hours, or the event is not reachable within access hours.
Element is UnReachable. Route has been marked as non optimizable.
Incorrect input event data. The event has been retained in the route though, and nothing else has been scheduled for that day of the resource.
If there are other user-created events, they are also retained in the route.
Route which the element is part of has been marked as non optimizable.
Event is part of the route which is non-optimizable because of the unoptimizable event(s).
Master node of this related node has been unassigned.
This is for dependency. For example, work order 1 is the master node, and work order 2 is the dependent node if work order 1 is unassigned, then work order 2 is also unassigned as it is the dependent node.
Total working hours of the technician exceeded for end anchor.
Route level violation stating max working hours for the day have exceeded due to manual event positioned overlapping with working hours end and going beyond it.
Exceeded threshold for %s : Used: %s [%], %s [min] , Limit: %s [%], %s [min]
Capacity reservation exceedance violation. Dynamic values in order: Node Color, Percentage Used, Value Used, Percentage Limit, Value Limit. Example: Exceeded threshold for PreventiveMaintenance : Used: 50.0 [%], 240.0 [min], Limit: 20.0 [%], 96.0 [min]
The work order can not be scheduled. Most likely no active routes are available.
Sometimes, if the data is bad, the optimizer does not find any active route to place the work order.
Hard constraint is violated
Skill, banned resource, or mandatory resource is violated.
Preferred resource or optional skill constraint is violated
The work order violated either the preferred resource or optional skill that the work order demanded.
Related parent node %s unassigned
The primary work order in dependency scheduling is unassigned.
Access hour merge with preferredStart/preferredEnd failed
No intersection between access hours and SLA.
Event assigned resource not present
The technician associated with the event is not part of the input data or is invalid.
Work Order does not have valid Latitude/Longitude
Work Order does not have valid Operation Type
Resource does not have valid Operation Type
Technician Event does not have valid Operation Type
Geocoding error
Failed to geocode the element address.
Invalid Latitude/Longitude or an Address
Unexpected event type
If the event type is calendar geo event, geolocation information should be present. If not, this error is displayed.
Event access hour merge with technician working hours failed.
Access hours of the event do not fit in or overlap with any of the associated resource working hours.
Lock in place Work Order assigned resource not present
Settings is enabled for split job, but provided access hour is invalid for split batch job
Multi-day WO does not support schedule fix type, relations, incomplete past schedule details or overlapping access hours with past schedules
No valid schedule across routes of a single resource found for multi-day WO
Multi-day WO divided into more chunks than the defined limit
Settings is enabled for split job, but ons is not supported by split batch job
Split job is only available for the SFDC batch Job.
No valid schedule found as max distance constraint violated in all the available routes
Resource maximum distance set for day is violated for all eligible routes.
No valid schedule found within any of the technician working hours
No valid schedule found as defined drive time threshold violated in all the available routes
The default maximum driving threshold is 500 km for the given work order. A violation message is added when this threshold is violated for all available routes.
No valid schedule found in all the available routes
Generic message for filter service.
Constraint violation
Generic violation.
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