Uploading an Attachment to the Task
As a technician, you can upload supporting images, videos, and documents when working on an assigned task. These attachments enable other members to refer and validate the tasks.
Perform the following steps to upload attachments to a task.
Android and iOS
1. Open an assigned task to launch the Task Details screen.
2. Tap Attachments. The Attachments screen is displayed with the task title.
3. Tap Upload Attachments.A pop-up is displayed to select an action.
Upload Attachments to a Task in Go for Android
4. Capture or select the attachment.The Add Photo or Video screen is displayed enabling you to update the details for the file.
5. Perform the actions explained in the following table.
Edit Image
Tap the image or tap Markup Photo for the following actions:
Crop the image
Mark up the image highlighting a section
Add arrow marks on the image pointing to an important section
Add text to the image for additional details
Download the edited image to your device gallery
For the video and file attachments, you can only update title and description.
Edit Title
Update the title of the file.
Enter Description
Enter a brief description about the selected file.
You can tap expand to enter text in a full-screen mode, and then tap Done.
6. Tap Add from the upper right corner of the screen.The file is uploaded and the Attachments screen is updated with the list of attached files.
Attachment List in a Task in Go for Android
7. Tap Save. The attachments are saved to the task.
1. Open an assigned task to launch the Task Details screen.
2. Click Attachments. The Attachments screen is displayed.
3. ClickUpload Attachments.A pop-up is displayed to select an action.
Upload Attachment Options for Task in Go for Windows
4. Capture or select the attachment.The Add Photo or Video screen is displayed enabling you to update the details for the selected file.
Add File to Task in Go for Windows
5. Perform the actions explained in the following table.
Edit Image
Click the pencil icon next to the image to edit the image with the markup tools.
For the video and file attachments, you can only update file name and description.
Edit File Name
Update the file name.
Enter Description
Enter a brief description about the selected file.
You can click expand to enter text in a full-screen mode, and then tap Done.
6. Click Add.The file is uploaded and the Attachments screen is updated with the list of attached files.
Attachment List for a Task in Go for Windows
7. Click Save. The files are saved to the task.
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