Configuring Display Screens for MAS
Android and iOS
This feature enables you to:
Configure the MAS actions to display as a modal screen or push screen.
Create a deep link to another screen or SFM in a MAS screen and specify whether it must be treated as a modal screen or push screen.
You can define the following parameters on the Custom Action of type Mobile-Activity Space configuration page. To Create a Custom Action of type Mobile-Activity-Space see Configuring MAS Custom Action.
Parameter Name: activitySpaceWindowMode
Parameter Value Type: Value
Parameter Value: modal or push
push: Use this option if you want the user to navigate to the initial screen from any screen.
modal: Use this option if you want the user to stay on that modal screen and perform actions. The user must close the modal screen to continue.
MAS can be displayed as a Push screen or a Modal screen on the Android/iOS platform.
Opening Deep Link Target as Modal Window or Push Window
Define the activitySpaceWindowMode as the initial parameter in MAS as follows:
const params = await $getInitParams();
const { recordId, actionParams } = params || {};
const { activitySpaceWindowMode } = actionParams || {};
Sample 1: To open the deep link target screen as a modal screen or as a push screen, use activitySpaceWindowMode as a query parameter in the deep link.
Sample 2: To open the deep link target screen as a modal screen or push screen, use activitySpaceWindowMode as a function parameter. For example, const deepLinkUri = `sfm/${sfmProcessId}/${id}${activitySpaceWindowMode && activitySpaceWindowMode === 'push' ? `?activitySpaceWindowMode=${activitySpaceWindowMode}` : ''}`;
This feature enables you to:
Configure the MAS actions to display as a push screen.
Create a deep link to another screen or SFM in a MAS screen.
You can define the following parameters on the Custom Action of type Mobile-Activity Space configuration page. To Create a Custom Action of type Mobile-Activity-Space see Configuring MAS Custom Action.
Parameter Name: activitySpaceWindowMode
Parameter Value Type: Value
Parameter Value: push
push: Use this option if you want the user to navigate to the initial screen from any screen.
MAS can only be displayed as a push screen on the Windows platform.
Opening Deep Link Target as Modal Window or Push Window
Define the activitySpaceWindowMode as the initial parameter in MAS as follows:
const params = await $getInitParams();
const { recordId, actionParams } = params || {};
const { activitySpaceWindowMode } = actionParams || {};
Sample 1: To open the deep link target screen as a modal screen or as a push screen, use activitySpaceWindowMode as a query parameter in the deep link.
Sample 2: To open the deep link target screen as a modal screen or push screen, use activitySpaceWindowMode as a function parameter. For example, const deepLinkUri = `sfm/${sfmProcessId}/${id}${activitySpaceWindowMode && activitySpaceWindowMode === 'push' ? `?activitySpaceWindowMode=${activitySpaceWindowMode}` : ''}`;
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