Getting Started with checklist
In order to get started with Checklists delivery on your Field Service App, perform the following steps.
1. Enable: Go to ServiceMax Setup > Mobile > Mobile Configuration.
a. Select the profile and click edit.
b. Go to the Other Settings tab under your group profile, select the Enable Checklists button under Checklists section. This enables you to download the checklists assigned to your group profile to your mobile device.
2. Additionally, you can select the Download Completed checklists button and the Download In-progress checklists button to download the completed and in-progress checklists respectively.
3. Assign: Go to ServiceMax Setup > Mobile > SFM Mobile Permissions, assign the SFM Checklists processes you need to your group profile. To know more about assigning the Checklists to your group profile, refer to the SFM Permissions section.
4. Create: Create an active SFM Wizard for the object on which the checklist was created.
5. Download: Perform a Config sync followed by a Data sync or a Reset app on the mobile app to download checklists-related configurations, meta-data, and data for the first time. All the checklists that are assigned to your ServiceMax group profile will be available on your device post the sync.
6. Enable Salesforce Files: If your administrator configures the Global Setting GBL037 (Module: Common; Submodule: Global Settings) to true, the attachments are stored as Salesforce Files in the server. ServiceMax limits the size of the Salesforce Files upload to 25 MB. You can preview and download the attachments of type Files from the server. To know how to enable the download of Salesforce Files, see File Download Criteria.
To know more about configuring or creating checklists, refer to the Checklist Settings section.
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