Service Flow Manager > Scheduled SFM > Standard Apex Services
Standard Apex Services
There are two Standard Apex services provided for the following purposes:
IPRD_CreateInitialCounterReading for Installed Product- This Apex service creates initial counter reading record for each applicable counter type, for all the qualifying installed products. The existing standard SFM transaction for recording counter readings can record the counter readings from the second reading only. So, the Apex service IPRD_CreateInitialCounterReading creates the initial (dummy) counter reading record for each counter type applicable to each qualifying installed product.
IPRD_CounterRollupService for Service/Maintenance Contract - This Apex service creates counter roll-up summary records for all qualifying service contracts. Apex service IPRD_CounterRollupService rolls up the usage per counter for all the installed products covered by a current service contract. It does this by calculating the usage from the counter readings (value of field Difference) of each installed product per counter, for the period between the last roll-up date or contract start date (whichever is latest) and current date. Contracts with Start Date in the future or End Date in the past are not considered as current contracts and are hence excluded. If contracts have to be excluded based on any other criteria such as Active state, those criteria need to be specified as qualifying criteria for the scheduled service.
The above two services can be configured as Scheduled SFM Processes at required intervals, if your Organization uses Installed Product Counters.
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