Service Flow Manager > Data Lookup Rules > Data Lookup Rules Engine
Data Lookup Rules Engine
The Data Lookup Rules Engine is the processing unit which applies the data lookup rules defined for the object, when the object data is manipulated.
The salient aspects of Data Lookup Rules Engine are as follows:
The engine is currently available for automatic invocation for Work Order object only, when Global setting SET001 (Process Data Lookup rules during work order creation and update) is set to True.
Global setting GBL026 limits the maximum number of matched object records which will be retrieved for matching against the target record. Default value is 1000. This can be increased if more records need to be matched. If processing of rules results in any governor limit exception, decrease the value of this setting.
Only active rules are processed, in the sequence defined.
Matched object records are retrieved in ascending order based on the Sort Field configured and matched with the target record.
Field maps configured in all the matched rules are applied.
Field to Field mappings and Field to SFM Literals Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, and Now are supported. Additional Mappings are also supported, allowing a target field to be mapped to up to three source fields, with the value of the first non-null field being copied to the target field.
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