Setting Fields
The following table provides details about the setting fields:
Setting ID
Unique ID of the setting within a submodule.
Setting Name
User-friendly name of the setting.
Detailed description of the submodule.
Data Type
Type of data stored in this setting. List of allowed values are: Picklist, Boolean, Text, Number, Date, User, Account, Contact, and Location.
Setting Type
The granularity at which this setting can be applied at run time. Global indicates this setting applies to all users. Group is when this setting applies to more than one user.
User is when this setting can vary for each user. However, this option is futuristic and is not currently supported.
Search Order
This is used to resolve conflicts if a setting has values specified in more than one level. This is applicable only for Group and User level settings.
List of Values
A list of values if the setting type is picklist.
Default Value
Default value for this setting.
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