Service Flow Manager > Scheduled SFM > Overlapping Scheduled Apex Jobs
Overlapping Scheduled Apex Jobs
There are multiple scheduled apex jobs configured in an org for various purposes and are executed parallelly. The source records qualified in those multiple scheduled jobs result in duplicate record creation. The Scheduler Log object is introduced to capture details of the scheduled apex jobs such as Process Id, Process Type, Batch Id, etc. These details are used to check the current status of the batch job of a particular process.
For more information about the Scheduler Log object data model, see the Data Model - Scheduler Log.
You must provide minimum Read permission to the Scheduler Log object for this enhancement to work.
This Scheduler Log object capture details of the following features:
Scheduled SFM
Preventive Maintenance Process
The following changes take effect when the Scheduler Log object is introduced:
Scheduled SFM
The setting SET002 - Limit Scheduled SFM engine to a Single Instance (Module: SFM Transaction Manager - SubModule: Scheduled SFM Engine) is no longer applicable as the overlapping issue is already addressed in the backend.
SFM Wizard Process and Scheduled services cannot exist together. There can be only one configurable scheduled process that can run at a time.
Preventive Maintenance Process (PM Process)
The setting SET004 - Limit PM Engine Execution to a Single Instance (Module: Preventive Maintenance; SubModule: PM Scheduler) is no longer applicable as the overlapping issue is already addressed in the backend.
When multiple autofill configurations belonging to the same timesheet qualify at the same time, only one autofill configuration is executed. All other autofill configurations are skipped, and the log is captured.
If a process is skipped, it is not captured in the log but marked as unprocessed. It will qualify for the subsequent execution.
If any process or Wizard is skipped for execution, the user can check the detail scheduler log with the status 'Process_Skipped.'
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