Login Technician/SVMX.TechnicianUser
This literal is used to retrieve the technician or service team member associated with the Salesforce logged-in user to assign Work Orders or allow access to records.
This literal supports lookup field of the Technician/Equipment object only.
The use-cases for this literal are:
• Auto populate technician with logged-in user's technician when user self initiates work order updates.
• Allow logged-in user to debrief the record only when technician set on the record matches the login technician.
The literal can be configured in the following editors:
• Expression Editor
• Lookup Editor - Basic Filter
• Mapping Editor
• Wizard Criteria
• Wizard Step Criteria
In SFM Designer, this literal is displayed as Login Technician.
In Wizard Designer, this literal has to be manually entered as SVMX.TechnicianUser. Example of an expression configured on a Work Order wizard step is: Technician Equals SVMX.TechnicianUser
The literal is supported on the following delivery screens:
• Wizard
• Wizard Step Delivery
• SFM Delivery
• Output Document Delivery
• Checklist Delivery
• Lookup Search (Web only)
SVMX.TechnicianUser literal is not supported if configured for a Multi-Picklist field and in Lookup Formfill.