Metric Name | Criteria Object | Purpose |
First Time Fix | Work Order | To identify the set of work orders to be considered for generating the metric |
First Time Fix | Work Order | To identify the work orders that were fixed on the first visit |
MeanTime To Repair | Work Order | To identify the set of work orders, whose work details are to be considered for generating the metric |
MeanTime To Repair | Work Detail | To identify the set of work details to be considered for generating the metric |
Contract Up Time | Service/Maintenance Contract | To identify the set ofservice/maintenance contracts, whose covered products are to be considered for generating the metric |
Contract Up Time | Work Order | To identify the set of work orders, which have associated DownTime details to generate this metric |
Attach Rate | Installed Product | To identify the set of installed products to be considered for generating the metric |
Mean Time To Complete | Work Order | To identify the set of work orders, to be considered for generating the metric |
Average Response Time | Work Order | To identify the set of work orders, to be considered for generating the metric |
Utilization | Timesheet | To identify the set of timesheets to be considered for generating the metric |
Repeat Visit | Work Order | To identify the set of work orders to be considered for generating the metric |
Repeat Visit | Work Order | To identify repeat visit work orders within the set of qualifying work orders, for generating the metric |
Mean Time Between Failures | Installed Product | To identify Installed Products within the set of qualifying Installed Products, for generating the metric |
Mean Time Between Failures | Work Order | To identify Work Orders within the set of qualifying Work Orders belonging to the selected Installed Products, for generating the metric |