Create a New Configuration Profile
Perform the following steps to create a new configuration profile:
1. Select an existing group-wide or org-wide configuration profile by checking the Select checkbox in the list.
2. Click Clone.
The Information section at the top is used to capture general information about the profile.
Is Default? is unchecked and disabled.
If you are creating an org-wide profile, the Profile Access section is hidden and Active checkbox is always to set to false and disabled.
If you are creating a group-wide profile, the Profile Access section is visible and Active checkbox is defaulted to the value set in the profile chosen for cloning, and is editable.
3. Enter a unique profile name. Profile name must be alphanumeric and can contain spaces.
4. Enter the profile description.
5. For group-wide profiles, select the Salesforce profiles that need access to this ServiceMax profile. Refer ServiceMax Configuration Architecture to understand the relationship between the Salesforce profile and the ServiceMax profile.
6. Click Save.
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