Service Profitability Dashboard Information
This topic explains in detail what information is displayed in the Service Profitability dashboard.
1. Populate the Expected Margin % on the Service Contract record.
2. Populate the Expected Margin % on the Product record.
3. Upload monthly revenue schedule for the time range you need to analyze data for.
From Data Manager > Data, edit the dataset ContractRevenueSchedule (API Name: A360_ContractRevenueSchedule). Click Replace Data and upload the CSV file.
The CSV file must have only one column RevenueDate, which holds the start of the month for all years you want to calculate profitability for. For example, if you want to display month-on-month revenue generated for the years 2019 and 2020, create entries from 2019-01-01 to 2020-12-01 in the CSV file.
Entries from 2019 to 2029 are already uploaded with the template.
Dashboard Information
Chart Name
Chart Description
Revenue v/s Cost Trend
This report shows Revenue v/s Cost Trend analysis for a rolling period from the past month to the past year. It is represented using a Time combo chart involving three components: Cumulative Cost, Cumulative Revenue, and Actual Margin.
Cumulative Cost
Sum of the total overall cost of the previous month and total overall cost of the current month.
Cumulative Revenue
Sum of the total revenue amount of the previous month and total revenue amount of the current month.
Revenue per month for an entitlement-type Contract is the sum of the Total Revenue from the Service Contract/Total Revenue Months and Total Revenue from the Work Order closed that month.
Total Months is the difference between the Revenue End Date and the Revenue Start Date.
Revenue per month for entitlement type T&M is the Total Revenue from Work Orders closed that month.
Actual Margin
Cumulative Profit as a percentage of the Cumulative Revenue for the current period.
Total Revenue
Sum of the total revenue of all Contract lines for the current period.
Total Cost
Sum of the total overall cost of all Work orders for the current period.
The difference between Total Revenue and Total Cost for the current period.
Actual Margin
It is calculated by finding the profit (difference between total revenue and total cost) as a percentage of the total revenue for the current period.
Product Overview
Product Expected Margins
It is the average of the Expected Margin of all products for the current period.
Margin Difference
The difference between Actual Margins and Product Expected Margins.
Actual Margin by Country
Actual Margins for each service contract’s country.
Margin Difference by Product Family
By default, it shows the Margin Difference in ascending order for each product family (of the product used in asset) in the current period.
When switched to High Performers, it shows the Margin Difference in descending order for each product family (of the product used in asset) in the current period.
Margin Difference by Product Model
By default, it shows the Margin Difference in ascending order for each product (used in asset) in the current period.
When switched to High Performers, it shows the Margin Difference in descending order for each product (used in asset) in the current period.
Product Margins
It is a Flat Gauge chart that shows the actual cost and Benchmark cost with the range of total revenue for the current period.
All - Margins By Age
It represents the Actual Margin Percent, Total Revenue, and total overall cost by asset age, which is the difference between today and the asset’s install date.
Account Overview
Contract Expected Margin
It is the Average of the Expected Margin of all service contracts for the current period.
Margin Difference
The difference between Actual Margins and Contract Expected Margins.
Actual Margin By Country
Actual Margins for each service contract’s country.
Contract Margin
It is a Flat Gauge chart that shows actual cost and Benchmark cost with the total revenue range for the current period.
Margin Difference By Account
By default, it shows the Margin Difference in ascending order for each account in the current period.
When switched to High Performers, it shows the Margin Difference in descending order for each account in the current period.
Margin Difference By Contract
By default, it shows the Margin Difference in ascending order for each service contract in the current period.
When switched to High Performers, it shows the Margin Difference in descending order for each Contract in the current period.
Actual Margin Percent By Asset
By default, it shows the Actual Margin Percent in ascending order for each Asset in the current period.
When switched to High Performers, it shows the Actual Margin Percent in descending order for each Asset in the current period.
All - Contract Lifecycle Margins
It shows the Margin Difference for each service contract year, which is the Contract Year Between Revenue start date (resetting Contract Line Item start date) and revenue date.
Expense Cost
Top x Expense Types Cost
This report shows the top 10 service products with the total expense cost for each.
Top x Expense Types Trend
This report shows the trend of the total cost of the top 10 service products over months for expense-related work orders.
Sum of the total cost for Expense related work orders.
Overall %
Percentage of Sum of the total Cost from Expense line to Sum of Total Cost from Work Order.
It is the sum of the total cost of all assets per total asset count.
Year to Date
It is the sum of the total cost for work orders of line type Expense and closed Date lies between the first date of the current year to the current date.
It is the sum of the total cost for work orders of line type Expense where the closed date lies between the first date of the previous year to the current date of the previous year. For example, if the current date is May 16, 2022, the current date in the previous year is May 16, 2021.
It is the sum of the total cost for work orders of line type Expense and closed date lies between the first date of the current year to the current date.
Labor Cost
Top x Labor Types Cost
This report shows the top 10, 15, 20, or All service products with total labor cost for each.
Top x Labor types trend
This report shows the trend of the total cost of top 10, 15, 20, or All service products over months for labor-related work Orders.
The sum total cost for labor-related Work Orders.
Overall %
Percentage of the sum of total cost from Labor line to the sum of total cost from Work Order.
It is the sum of the total cost of all assets per total asset count.
Year to Date
The sum of the total cost for work orders of line type Labor and closed Date lies between the First date of the current year to the current date.
The sum of the total cost for Work Orders of line type Labor where the closed date lies between the first date of the previous year to the current date of the previous year. For example, if the current date is May 16, 2022, then the current date in the previous year is May 16, 2021.
The sum of the total cost for work orders of line type Labor and closed date lies between the first date of the current year to the current date.
Parts Cost
Top x Parts types cost
This report shows the top 10, 15, 20, or All service products with total parts cost for each.
Top x Parts types trend
This report shows the trend of total parts cost of top 10, 15, 20, or All service products over months for parts-related Work Orders.
Sum total cost for Parts related work orders.
Overall %
Percentage of the sum of total cost from Parts line to the sum of total cost from Work Order.
It is the sum of total parts of all assets per total asset count.
Year to Date
The sum of the total cost for work orders of line type Parts and closed Date lies between the first date of the current year to the current date.
The sum of the total cost for work orders of line type Parts where the closed date lies between the first date of the previous year to the current date of the previou
s year. For example, if the current date is May 16, 2022, then the current date in the previous year is May 16, 2021.
The sum of the total cost for work orders of line type Parts and closed Date lies between the first date of the current year to the current date.
Travel Cost
Top x Travel types cost
This report shows the top 10, 15, 20, or All service products with the total cost for each.
Top x Travel types trend
Shows the trend of the total cost of top 10, 15, 20, or All service products over months for travel-related Work Orders.
Sum total cost for travel-related Work Orders.
Overall %
Percentage of the sum of total cost from travel line to the sum of total cost from Work Order.
It is the sum of the total cost of all assets per total asset count.
Year to Date
The sum of the total cost for work orders of line type 'Travel' and closed Date lies between the first date of the current year to the current date.
The sum of the total cost for work orders of line type 'Travel' where closed Date lies between the first date of the previous year to the current date of the previous year. For example, if the current date is May 16, 2022, then the current date in the previous year is May 16, 2021.
The sum of the total cost for work orders of line type 'Travel' and closed Date lies between the first date of the current year to the current date.
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