Creating Value Mapping
Value mapping allows you to map the target object fields with values. Perform the following steps to create a value mapping record for the target object:
1. From the pop-up window, choose the Default Values List option to create a value mapping. To know more about getting the pop-up window, refer to Creating Object Mapping.
2. Select the target object from the Object drop-down list. It also allows you to search for the object by typing at least three characters.
3. Click Confirm to proceed to the Mapping Editor page. The Mapping Editor page is displayed with target object fields pre-populated.
4. Provide the details as explained in the following table, and then click Save. A confirmation message is displayed on successful validation.
When you click Save, a validation message is always displayed in the background. It is an expected behavior.
Field Name
Field Description
Fields marked with * are mandatory fields.
General Information
Mapping Name*
Enter a title for the mapping.
Developer Name*
The developer name is auto-populated from the Expression Name. Edit it as required.
The Developer Name must be unique.
Use the Copy to Clipboard option to copy the Developer Name.
Current Record Header Object
Select the object from the drop-down list as the current record header.
Based on the object selection, the options are displayed for the fields selected as Current Record Header.
Enter a description of the mapping.
Mapping Selection Details
Search Mappings
Search for the required mapping fields. Enter at least three characters to get the search result.
First Column (Field Type)*
This field is not editable.
Second Column (Precedence)*
Select any of the following options from the drop-down:
Value: To add a fixed value for the respective field
Function: To select a literal for the field
The Value option is not available for the Lookup or ID field types.
Third Column (Value or Literals)*
Specify any of the following details for this column:
Enter the value for the field if you have selected the Value option from the previous drop-down list
Select the required literal from the drop-down if you have selected the Function option from the previous drop-down for Date or DateTime field type. Following are the available literals:
Today: It applies to the Date and Datetime fields. It represents the current day for Date fields. It represents 12:00 AM local time today for Datetime fields.
Tomorrow: It applies to the Date and Datetime fields. It represents the next day for Date fields. It represents 12:00 AM local time tomorrow for Datetime fields.
Yesterday: It applies to the Date and Datetime fields. It represents the previous day for Date fields. It represents 12:00 AM local time yesterday for Datetime fields.
Now: It applies to Datetime fields. It represents the current time.
User: Select it to specify the user literal fields.
Current Record: Select a field from the current record object. It supports multi-level selection.
Current Record Header: Select a field from the current record header that is selected in the field available in the General Information section.
Fourth Column
This field is populated by the options you select in the third column. It populated multi-level sections from the User, Current Record, or Current Record Header (CRH) options from the third column.
For the Current Record Header field, there is no free form text supported. You can select the multi-level reference fields from the object that is selected in the Current Record Header Object field.
If the Current Record Header field is not compatible with the Current Record Header object selected earlier, an error message is displayed when you click Save.
To support backward compatibility, an on-load error message is displayed to configure the CRH object if CRH is configured in mapping details.
Once CRH literal field is selected for any object mapping detail, the CRH object header becomes read-only.
The CRH object header is editable only when all CRH literal field mapping details are removed.
When a mapped field is deleted from the object and there is a CRH or a Date field present in the mapping, an error is displayed.
Toggle the list between the mapped list and the unmapped list. By default, the unmapped fields are displayed.
Mapped Field: This is the object field that is already mapped. However, you can edit it as per your requirements.
Unmapped Field: This is the object field that is not yet mapped.
Clear All
Click the Clear All button to clear all the field mappings.
If any of the mandatory fields is blank, an error message is displayed while saving the form.
ExternalDataSource field in the Product object is not supported in mapping and expressions. Else, the data validation error message is displayed.
When you change or delete the field API name, the old API name is displayed instead of the label, and no error is displayed. In this case, you need to rectify the field before proceeding with other activities.
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