Cloning Object Mapping
This application allows you to clone a mapping with the existing object fields and values. Perform the following steps to clone a mapping:
1. Log in to Asset 360 with your credentials.
2. From the left navigation pane, click Service Process Manager > Object Mapping. It displays the list of mappings.
3. From the Mapping List page, click the drop-down arrow of the mapping, and then click Clone. The edit page is displayed in the same field settings.
4. Edit the required fields, and then click Save. A confirmation message is displayed after successful validation. Refer to the Creating Object Mapping section for guidelines on creating and editing object fields.
The Mapping Name and Developer Name fields are auto-populated with existing data but with a Copy of text at the beginning to make it unique.
The Object field is not editable.
The following screen shows the fields for cloning a mapping:
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