Account Attach Rate Dashboard Information
This embedded dashboard provides attach rate details for the account.
Dashboard Information
Chart Name
Chart Description
Additional Information
Total count of Assets
Total Asset covered under Contract
Total Assets covered under Warranty
No Coverage
Total Assets with no coverage
Click on magnifying glass shows
Tabular list of assets that have no coverage
Group them By Family, By Product, and By Age
Overall ARP
Percentage of assets covered under the contract
ARP = Attach Rate Percentage
= Assets count / Contract coverage count
Detailed Chart
For Assets Linked to a Specific Account
Shows coverage either by Account or Service Contract
Attach Rate by Country
For Contract or Warranty, shows attach rate % by asset country
Attach Rate by Age
For Contract or Warranty, shows attach rate % by age of asset
Expiring Self Coverages
Service expiry - Displays how many assets are due for renewal in each quarter for the next 3 years.
Revenue loss - Displays how much revenue is being generated from the assets that are due for renewal.
Indicates the revenue loss if the contract is not renewed.
Attach Rate By Location
For Contract or Warranty, shows attach rate % by asset location
Attach Rate By By Family
For Contract or Warranty, shows attach rate % by asset product family
Attach Rate By Product
For Contract or Warranty, shows attach rate % by asset product
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