SysML, UAF, UML, and UPDM Profiles > UPDM profiles > Products and elements - NAF aliases > Elements > Service operation (UPDM - NAF aliases)
Service operation (UPDM - NAF aliases)
To create a Service Operation:
From a Service Interface: right-click the Service Interface, point to New, point to NAF, and then click Service Operation.
From an NSOV-1 Service Taxonomy or NSOV-2 Service Definition: click the Service Operation toolbar button, and then click the owning Service Interface.
From an NOV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description, click the Service Operation Message or Service Operation Reply Message toolbar button, in line with the required Statement click the source lifeline, and then click the destination lifeline.
When you create a Service Operation message, you are prompted to select the Service Operation you want to call. The available Service Operation elements are those Service Operation elements that are available through Request and Service ports.
In the following example, Node Role1 appears on the NOV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description. When Node Role1 is the target of a Service Operation Message, Service Operation1 is available for selection.
Service Operation1 is available because the type of Node Role1 is Node2; Node2 owns the port Request1; the type of Request1 is Service Interface1; and Service Interface1 owns Service Operation1.
From an NSOV-4c Service Interaction Specification, click the Service Operation Message or Service Operation Reply Message toolbar button, in line with the required Statement click the source lifeline, and then click the destination lifeline. From the Select Service Operation dialog, select or create the Service Operation you want to call.
From an NSV-10c Resource Event-Trace Description, click the Service Operation Message or Service Operation Reply Message toolbar button, in line with the required Statement click the source lifeline, and then click the destination lifeline.
When you create a Service Operation message, you are prompted to select the Service Operation you want to call. The available Service Operation elements are those Service Operation elements that are available through Request and Service ports.
In the following example, Resource Role1 appears on the NSV-10c Resource Event-Trace Description. When Resource Role1 is the target of a Service Operation Message, Service Operation1 is available for selection.
Service Operation1 is available because the type of Resource Role1 is Organization2; Organization2 owns the port Request1; the type of Request1 is Service Interface1; and Service Interface1 owns Service Operation1.
When shown on an NSOV-1 Service Taxonomy or NSOV-2 Service Definition, a Service Operation appears as follows:
When shown on an NSOV-4b Service State Model, a Service Operation appears as a Do Service Operation call:
When shown on an NOV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description, NSOV-4c Service Interaction Specification or NSV-10c Resource Event-Trace Description, a Service Operation appears as a Service Operation message:
The following relationships are of importance to a Service Operation:
Service Atomic State, Service Concurrent State or Service Sequential State elements can call a Service Operation through a Do Service Operation call.
A Service Operation Action can invoke a Service Operation.
Through an NOV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description you can create Service Operation messages that can call Service Operation elements.
The following sections provide information about how a Service Operation is used in the model.
Create a Service Operation from
NOV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description
Service Interface
NSOV-1 Service Taxonomy
NSOV-2 Service Definition
NSOV-4c Service Interaction Specification
NSV-10c Resource Event-Trace Description
Create from a Service Operation
In addition to the UPDM elements that can be created from all UPDM elements ( Alias, Definition, Information and Metadata):
Service Parameter
Shown on these diagrams, tables and matrices
In addition to the NAV-2 Integrated Dictionary and NTV-1 Standards Profile, which can show all UPDM elements:
NOV-6c Operational Event-Trace Description
NSOV-1 Service Taxonomy
NSOV-2 Service Definition
NSOV-4b Service State Model
NSOV-4c Service Interaction Specification
NSV-5 Function to Operational Activity/Service Function Traceability Matrix
NSV-10c Resource Event-Trace Description
UPDM writeable properties
The following writeable properties are available on the Service Operation tab of a Service Operation element's Property Pages: