Integration for Lifecycle Manager mappings (Integration for PTC RV&S)
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An Integration for Lifecycle Manager Mapping stores the settings you have made on the Integration for Lifecycle Manager pages, so that you can easily perform a synchronization using the same settings again. An Integration for Lifecycle Manager Mapping is stored with a model, so all users of that model can see the Mappings that have been created for that model.
Mapping types
Integration for Lifecycle Manager supports two types of Mapping:
• Requirement Mappings are used primarily for synchronizing Requirements between Modeler and PTC RV&S. Requirement Mappings can be bidirectional or unidirectional depending on whether you want to maintain your Requirements in Modeler, Windchill RV&S or both environments.
• Surrogate Mappings are used primarily for representing Modeler items in PTC RV&S. Surrogate Mappings support only unidirectional synchronizations of Modeler items from Modeler to PTC RV&S.
Creating a Mapping
To create a Mapping: in Modeler, open the model for which you want to create a Mapping, and then start Integration for Lifecycle Manager. On the Mapping Selection page of Integration for Lifecycle Manager, click Create New, and then set the Mapping Type to Requirement Mapping or Surrogate Mapping as required.
| The Requirement Mapping option is available only when the SysML Profile (Full Profile or Requirements Only) has been added to the active Modeler Model. |
On the Synchronize page of Integration for Lifecycle Manager, you can choose to save a new Mapping or save changes to an existing Mapping through the 'Save Mapping Only' and 'Save Mapping and Synchronize' buttons. The 'Synchronize Only' button uses the settings you have specified to perform the synchronization without saving a new Mapping or without saving the changes made to an existing Mapping.
The Mapping Selection page of Integration for Lifecycle Manager lists all Mappings that have been defined for the active model.
Requirement mapping
Through a Requirement Mapping can synchronize Requirements and their traceability relationships in both directions.
In addition to synchronizing Requirements, a Requirement Mapping can synchronize the following items and diagrams of the following types in both directions:
• Packages and the extensions of Packages
SysML extensions of Packages include Model, Model Library, Profile and View.
• Extensions of Requirements.
SysML extensions of Requirements include Design Constraint, Extended Requirement, Functional Requirement, Interface Requirement, Performance Requirement and Physical Requirement.
• Actor, Comment, Constraint, Problem, Rationale, Requirement Diagram, Use Case and Use Case Diagram.
You can synchronize extensions of the preceding items and diagrams, and Stereotypes that override their type name.
Surrogate mapping
Through a Surrogate Mapping you can represent most Modeler items, diagrams and non-traceability relationships in a PTC RV&S Document. These synchronization are unidirectional from Modeler to PTC RV&S.
In addition, a Surrogate Mapping can synchronize traceability relationships in both directions.
Using requirement and surrogate mappings together
Typically you will use a Requirement Mapping to synchronize your Requirements.
If you want to represent Modeler traceability relationships in PTC RV&S, you will usually need to represent Modeler items and diagrams that cannot be included in a Requirement Mapping. You use a Surrogate Mapping to represent those Modeler items in PTC RV&S.
The following restrictions apply when using Requirement Mappings without Surrogate Mappings:
• Most item and diagram types in Modeler cannot be represented in PTC RV&S.
• Modeler traceability relationships cannot be represented in PTC RV&S when they involve items that cannot be part of a Requirement Mapping.
• Non-traceability relationships in Modeler cannot be represented in PTC RV&S.
Importing and exporting mappings
After creating an Integration for Lifecycle Manager Mapping for a model, you may want to use the mapping options you have set for different Packages or models. To do so, export the Mapping to a Mapping Options File, and then create new Integration for Lifecycle Manager Mappings from that exported Mapping Options File.
To create a Mapping Options File from Integration for Lifecycle Manager Mappings: From the Mapping Selection page, select the check boxes associated with the Integration for Lifecycle Manager Mappings you want to export, and then click Export.
To create an Integration for Lifecycle Manager Mapping from a Mapping Options File: Open the required Model in Modeler, start Integration for Lifecycle Manager, on the Mapping Selection page click Import, and then select the Mapping Options File you want to use. Through the Import Mappings dialog, select the Mapping you want to import, and the items and properties you want to include from that Mapping.
For more information about the Import Mapping dialog, see
Import mapping dialog (Integration for PTC RV&S).