Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Design Basics > Working with an Internal Catalog > Internal Catalog Parameters > The Name Parameter > To Include Alphanumeric Sequences in Names
To Include Alphanumeric Sequences in Names
1. Select the instance to rename, right-click, and choose Properties from the shortcut menu. The Properties dialog box opens.
2. Select Autogen from the list to the right of the Name Format box. The <given_name># string appears in the Name Format box, where given_name is the name assigned to the artifact in the name-format parameter and # is the serial number.
3. To add an alphanumeric name sequence to the instance, replace # with one of the following formats:
#trunc#—Add a truncated alphanumeric name sequence.
#full#—Add an alphabetical name sequence.
#hex#—Add a hexadecimal name sequence.
4. To include a user-defined alphanumeric sequence in the instance name, replace # with #<keyword>#, where #<keyword># is the pattern defined in the user-defined Java function.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click OK.
To set alphanumeric sequences in all artifact name instances, use the options in the name_format parameter of the artifact Properties dialog box.