Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Interconnect Diagrams > BID To WID Interconnect Diagrams > About Interconnect Diagrams
About Interconnect Diagrams
A block interconnect diagram (BID) is a high-level representation of a detailed wiring diagram. A detailed wiring interconnect diagram (WID) can consist of more than one sheet. Tools are available to validate component and connectivity information between the two associated diagrams.
Connectors in interconnect diagrams are variable groups with pins. When a block diagram-type connector shape is instanced in a BID, only one port is used with a phantom parameter set. When the wiring diagram-type connector shape is instanced in the associated WID, each pin is represented by one port. This port must be instanced from the Catalog Explorer and not placed as another shape of the member ports used in the BID connectors or it will retain the phantom parameter.
In a WID, wires are grouped into cables. The cables are represented as harnesses in the corresponding BID.
To associate diagrams, first create the interconnect diagram connectors, and then create the block interconnect diagram (BID) including the fibers to be used as harnesses and cables. Finally, create the wiring interconnect diagram (WID).