Creo™ Schematics 4.0 Help Center > Interconnect Diagrams > BID To WID Interconnect Diagrams > About BID Harnesses
About BID Harnesses
A block interconnect diagram (BID) harness is a simple network of fibers that have their harness parameters set to the same value. The name of the cable in the corresponding wiring interconnect diagram (WID) is the same as the value of the harness parameter of the fibers of the corresponding BID harness. These fibers are known as harness links.
Create the harness links when you instance the fiber. If required, you can add fillets to a BID harness. A BID harness representation is shown in the example below:
In the example, 2 fibers are used to create a simple network. The harness parameter of the fibers is set to the same value.
A BID harness is represented as a group of cables in a wiring interconnect diagram (WID). The WID representation of the BID harness is shown in the example below: