Creo NC Overview
Using Creo NC
About Creo NC
To Create a Manufacturing Model
Creo NC Concepts
Using Multibody Parts In NC Assemblies
Using Divided Surfaces
Using Manufacturing Model Templates
To Define a Manufacturing Assembly Configuration
To Reclassify Components of a Manufacturing Assembly
To Retrieve a Manufacturing Model
About Legacy .mfg Files
Previewing a Manufacturing Model
To Replace Components of a Manufacturing Assembly
Part Family Tables in Creo NC
Manufacturing User Interface
About the Creo NC User Interface
Configuring for Creo NC
Configuration Options for Creo NC
Manufacturing Process
About Manufacturing Process
Example: Manufacturing Process
To Get Process Status and Tool Path Information
Process Information
About Process Information
To Output Manufacturing Information
To Set Up Filter Configuration
To Generate a Route Sheet
Route Sheet
To Create a Customized Report on a Manufacturing Process
To Use Reports in Creo NC
Examples: Creating a Customized Report on a Manufacturing Process
Reference Models
About Reference Models
To Create a Reference Model
To Assemble a Reference Model Using Same Model
To Assemble a Reference Model with Inherited Features
To Assemble a Reference Model with Merged Features
About Workpieces
To Create a Workpiece
To Create an Automatic Workpiece
To Assemble a Workpiece Using Same Model
To Assemble a Workpiece with Inherited Features
To Assemble a Workpiece with Merged Features
To Create a Manual Workpiece
Workpiece Display
About Operations
To Create an Operation
Operation Tab
To Specify Comments for an Operation
To Activate an Operation
Work Centers (Workcells)
About Work Centers (Workcells)
To Create a Machine Tool (Work Center)
About Flashing a Turning Tool
Machine Tool Settings
Work Center Types
Saving and Retrieving Work Centers
To Set Up a PPRINT Table
The PPRINT Table
About Fixtures
To Create a Fixture Setup
The Fixture Setup Tab
To Activate a Fixture Setup
To Modify a Fixture Setup
To Delete a Fixture Setup
Coordinate Systems
About Coordinate Systems
To Specify a Coordinate System
Machine and NC Sequence Coordinate Systems
Z-Axis Orientation
NC Sequences
About NC Sequences
To Create an NC Sequence
To Create an NC Sequence Using the Menu Manager
Elements of NC Sequence Setup
To Customize a Name of an NC Sequence
To Specify Comments for an NC Sequence
To Set Up Start and End Points for an NC Sequence
To Select an NC Sequence
Example: Searching for NC Steps By the Current Operation
Copying and Pasting NC Sequences
To Copy and Paste a NC Sequence
About Copying NC Sequences Using Paste Special
To Create Dependent Copies of a NC Sequence
To Copy NC Sequences Using Advanced Reference Configuration
About Working with Classic NC Sequences
Retract Surface
About Retract Surface
To Set Up a Retract Plane
To Set Up a Retract Sphere
To Set Up a Retract Cylinder
To Set Up Retract Along a Revolved Surface
To Set Up a Traverse Plane
Controlling Retracts in Volume Milling
Material Removal
About Automatic Material Removal
To Create a Material Removal Feature
Specifying the Material Removal Visibility Level
Automatic Material Removal in Milling
Automatic Material Removal in Turning
Automatic Material Removal in Holemaking
Automatic Material Removal in Wire EDM
XML Export and Import
About XML Export and Import of Manufacturing Process Data
To Output a Manufacturing Process in XML Format
To Import Manufacturing Process Data into a Different Model
Activating a Part or Subassembly in an NC or CMM Assembly
Sheetmetal Part
About Activating a Sheetmetal Part in an NC and CMM Assembly
To Activate a Sheetmetal Part in an NC and CMM Assembly
About Activating a Subassembly in an NC and CMM Assembly
To Activate a Subassembly in an NC and CMM Assembly
Design Part
About Activating a Design Part in an NC and CMM Assembly
To Activate a Design Part in an NC and CMM Assembly
Modifying Parts, Assemblies and Steps
The Notification Center
CMM Probing in Creo NC
About CMM Probing in Creo NC
To Enable CMM Probing in Creo NC
Licensing and CMM Probing in Creo NC
About Elements of Tools Setup
To Set Up the Material Directory Structure
Example: Setting Up the Material Directory Structure
To Set Up Tools in Advance
To Set Up a Tool when Creating an NC Sequence
About Cutting Tool Preview
The Tool Parameter Dialog Box
Tool Setup Dialog Box
About the Tools Setup Dialog Box
Using the Tools Setup Dialog Box
To Add a New Tool
To Specify the Cutting Data for the Tool
Using the Cutting Data Supplied for the Tool
To Provide the Bill of Materials for the Tool
Specifying Holder Dimensions
To Set Up Multiple Tip Tools
Multiple Tip Tools
To Specify Multiple Tips for Milling and Holemaking Tools
Example: User Defined Tool Parameters
Tool Parameters Library
Tool Parameters
Retrieving Tool Parameters
To Retrieve Tool Parameters
To Access an External Tool Database
To Add a Sketched Tool
To Modify an Existing Tool
About Replacing Cutting Tools
To Replace a Cutting Tool (File System)
To Replace a Cutting Tool (Workcell)
To Customize the Tool Manager Using Column Setup Builder
Tool Dialog Setup File
To Delete a Tool
To Save Tool Parameters
Saving Tool Parameters
To Use a Standard Tool
Standard Tools
Solid Tool Models
About Solid Tool Models
To Create a Tool Model
Multiple Tip Tool Models
Example: A Solid Tool Model for Milling
Example: A Solid Multiple Tip Tool Model
To Assign Tool Material and Number of Teeth
To Use a Tool Model
To Add User-Defined Parameters in Solid Tool Models
Custom CL Commands for Solid Tool Models
Tool Display
Using Assembly as a Tool Model
CL Commands for Solid Tool Models
About Specifying a Tip for CL Data Output
Specifying a Tip for CL Data Output
To Specify an Output Tip for CL Data Output
To Use Tool Outline in Turning
Solid Tool Capabilities in Turning
Example: Using the Tool Outline in Turning
To Use Customized Tools in Holemaking
Example: A Solid Tool Model for Holemaking
Solid Tool Holders Support for High Speed Milling
Multitasking Solid Tool Models
About Using Solid Models as Multitasking Tools
Example: A Solid Model for a Multitasking Tool
To Use a Solid Model as a Multitasking Tool
Specifying Manufacturing Parameters for Multitasking Tools
Example: Specifying the Cutting Edge for a Tip
Tool Attachments
About Tool Attachments
To Create a Tool Attachment
Example: Tool Attachment
Automatic Tool Attachment
To Use a Tool Attachment
Manufacturing Parameters
About Manufacturing Parameters
To Initialize NC Sequence Parameters
To Set or Modify NC Sequence Parameters
To Customize the Parameters Table
Common NC Sequence Parameters
Milling Parameters
High Speed Milling Parameters
Geodesic Parameters
Rotary Rough Sequence and Rotary Finish Sequence Parameters
Holemaking Parameters
Turning Parameters
Wire EDM Parameters
Manufacturing Assembly Parameters
To Use Previous Parameters
To Use a Non-Active Site
To Include a Parameter in a Relation
Using Parameters in Relations
About Sites
To Create a New Site File
Parameter Visibility
Manipulating Sites
To Activate a Site
Activating a Site
To Associate a Site with a Workcell
Associating a Site with a Workcell
General Information
About Milling NC Sequences
To Select Surfaces
To Specify Surface Side
To Close Loops in Window Machining
To Perform Gouge Checking
Gouge Checking Defaults
To Specify Entry and Exit Motions
To Perform 4-Axis Milling
To Specify Negative Stock Allowance
To Customize the Tool Path in Milling
Tool Axis Control in Milling
About Variable Axis Control
Tool Axis Control in Surface Milling
To Define the Axis Orientation Using Points on Surface
Example: Axis Orientation Using Points on Surface
To Define the Axis Orientation Using Points Along Cutlines
To Change Axis Definitions
To Define the Axis Orientation Using Pivot Point
To Define the Axis Orientation Using Pivot Curve
To Specify Synch Points Along Pivot Curve
Tool Axis Control in Trajectory Milling and Cutline Milling
The Axis Control Tab (Trajectory Milling)
The Axis Control Tab (Cutline Milling)
To Define Tool Axis Control at a Location (Trajectory Milling)
To Define Tool Axis Control at a Location (Cutline Milling)
The Axis Control Dragger
To Define Axis Orientation Using Pivot Curve (Trajectory Milling)
To Define Axis Orientation Using Pivot Curve (Cutline Milling)
Volume Milling
About Volume Milling
To Create a Volume Milling NC Sequence
To Create a Volume Milling Cut
Example: Volume Milling
Specifying Approach Walls
High Speed Machining
Volume Milling Classic NC Sequences
To Edit a Classic Volume Milling NC Sequence
Automatic Cut Motions for Volume, Local, and Profile Milling
About Automatic Cut Motions
Example: Automatic Cut Motion Types
To Create an Automatic (Default) Cut Motion
To Create an Upto Depth Cut Motion
To Create a From-To Depth Cut Motion
To Create a Slice-By-Slice Cut Motion
To Specify Depth
To Specify Approach and Exit Motions Using Build Cut
The Build Cut Functionality
Example: Defining Approach and Exit Motions
Local Milling
About Local Milling
To Create a Local Milling NC Sequence by Referencing a Previous NC Sequence
To Create a Local Milling NC Sequence Using Corner Edges
To Create a Local Milling NC Sequence by Referencing a Previous Tool
To Create a Local Milling NC Sequence by Pencil Tracing
Milling Parameters Specific to Pencil Tracing
Example: Pencil Tracing by Limiting Passes
Example: Pencil Tracing for Contact Areas
Example: Pencil Tracing Using Angular Limits
Example: Pencil Tracing Using Horizontal Offsets
Example: Cutter Placement During Pencil Tracing
Example: Curl Down Radius and Curl Over Radius
Surface Milling
About Surface Milling
To Create a Surface Milling NC Sequence
Isolines Surface Milling
To Define a Cut Using Surface Isolines
To Define a Cut Using Projected Cuts
Example: Surface Milling by Projecting Tool Path
To Specify Entry and Exit Moves
The Entry and Exit Move Dialog Box
To Define Custom Entry and Exit Strategies
Conventional Milling
About Conventional Milling
To Create a 3-, 4-, or 5-Axis Conventional Milling NC Sequence
Cutline Milling
About Cutline Milling
To Create a 3-, 4-, or 5-Axis Cut Line Milling NC Sequence
Example: Cutline Milling
Swarf Milling
About Swarf Milling
To Create a Swarf Milling NC Sequence
Face Milling
About Face Milling
Selecting a Mill Window for Face Milling
To Create a Face Milling NC Sequence
To Create a Face Milling Cut
To Create Tool Motions for a Face Milling NC Sequence
Using Parameters in Face Milling
About Searching for Creo NC Items
Example: Searching for Surfaces to Machine in a Step
Profile Milling
About Profile Milling
To Create a Profile Milling NC Sequence
To Create Profile Cuts in Profile Milling
To Select Surfaces for a Profile Milling Step
To Edit a Classic Profile Milling NC Sequence
Pocket Milling
About Pocket Milling
To Create a Pocket Milling NC Sequence
Example: Pocket Milling
Trajectory Milling
About Trajectory Milling
To Create a 2-Axis Trajectory Milling NC Sequence
Milling Parameters Specific to 2-Axis Trajectory Milling
To Select Loops On Surfaces in 2-Axis Trajectory Milling
Example: 2-Axis Trajectory Milling
To Create a 3-, 4-, or 5-Axis Trajectory Milling NC Sequence
Start Point for Closed Loops in Trajectory Milling
To Place a Start Point for Closed Loops in Trajectory Milling
Tool Motions for 3-Axis Trajectory Milling Sequence
To Create Tool Motions for 3-, 4-, or 5-Axis Trajectory Milling NC Sequences
To Create a Curve Cut Motion
To Create a Drive Surface Cut Motion
Sketching the Tools for Trajectory Milling
Custom Trajectory Milling Sequences
To Create a 3-, 4-, or 5-Axis Custom Trajectory Milling NC Sequence
To Create Automatic Cut Motions for 3-Axis Custom Trajectory Milling
To Define a 3-Axis Cut Motion Using Edges or Curves
To Sketch a 3-Axis Cut Motion
To Define a 3-Axis Cut Motion Using Surfaces
Tip: Fitting the Tool Between the Surfaces
To Specify Height
Example: Specifying Height and Surfaces
Example: Specifying Height and Check Surfaces
To Create a 5-Axis Cut Motion Using Edges or Curves
To Create a 5-Axis Cut Motion Using Surfaces
Example: From/To Control
Example: Turbine Blade Machining with Leading Edge
Multi-Step and Multi-Pass Trajectory Milling
Tool Axis Control in Trajectory Milling
To Create Axis Definitions Along the Trajectory
To Create Axis Definitions by Location
Example: Adding Axis Definitions
To Create a 5-Axis Cut Motion Using Two Contours
To Adjust Cut Motion Ends in Classic 4 Axis Area Turning
Corner Condition Types
To Specify Corner Conditions for 5-Axis Custom Trajectory Milling
Thread Milling
About Thread Milling
To Create a Thread Milling NC Sequence
Defining the Axis for Thread Milling Sequences
Milling Parameters Specific to Thread Milling
The Thread Set Dialog Box
To Create Tool Motions for a Thread Milling NC Sequence
Cutter Compensation in Thread Milling
Example: Thread Milling
To Set the CL Data Output on a Contour
To Set the CL Data Output on a Contour for Helical Moves
About Engraving
To Create an Engraving NC Sequence
To Specify Vertical Entry and Exit Motions in an Engraving Sequence
Multi-Step Engraving
Plunge Milling
About Plunge Milling
To Create a Plunge Milling NC Sequence
Specifying Start Axes
Example: Plunge Milling
Roughing and Reroughing
About Roughing and Reroughing
To Create a Roughing NC Sequence
Milling Parameters Specific to Roughing and Reroughing
Tolerance Control in Roughing and Reroughing
Step Depth Calculation in Roughing
Generating Extra Slices for Scallop Control
Example: Roughing
Example: Roughing a Reference Model with Quilts
To Create a Re-roughing NC Sequence
About Finishing
To Create a Finishing NC Sequence
Milling Parameters Specific to Finishing
Rest Finishing
About Rest Finishing
To Create a Rest Finishing NC Sequence
Milling Parameters Specific to Rest Finishing
Corner Finishing
About Corner Finishing
To Create a Corner Finishing NC Sequence
Milling Parameters Specific to Corner Finishing
Round Milling
About Round Milling
To Create a Round Milling NC Sequence
Example: Round Milling
Chamfer Milling
About Chamfer Milling
To Create a Chamfer Milling NC Sequence
Manual Milling Cycles
To Create a Manual Milling Cycle
Tool Motions for Manual Milling Cycles
To Create Tool Motions for Manual Milling Cycles
High Speed Milling
About High Speed Milling
To Create HSM Rough Sequences
To Create HSM Rest Rough Sequences
To Create HSM Finish Sequences
To Create HSM Rest Finish Sequences
To Create HSM 5 Axis Rough Sequences
To Create HSM 5 Axis Rest Rough Sequences
To Create Auto Deburring Sequences
To Create Geodesic 5 Axis Finish Sequences
To Create Wall 5 Axis Finish Sequences
Wall 5 Axis Finish Sequences: Specific Scenarios
To Create Floor 5 Axis Finish Sequences
Floor 5 Axis Finish Sequences: Specific Scenarios
To Create HSM 4 Axis Rotary Rough Sequences
To Create HSM 4 Axis Rotary Finish Sequences
Tool Motions for NC Sequences
To Create Tool Motions for NC Sequences
To Create a Follow Curve Tool Motion
About the Follow Cut Functionality
To Create and Edit a Follow Cut
To Split a Follow Cut
To Split a Follow Cut Motion
To Create a Normal Approach Tool Motion
To Create a Normal Exit Tool Motion
To Create a Tangent Approach Tool Motion
To Create a Tangent Exit Tool Motion
To Create a Helical Approach Tool Motion
To Create a Helical Exit Tool Motion
To Create a Ramp Approach Tool Motion
To Create a Ramp Exit Tool Motion
To Create an Approach Along Axis Tool Motion
To Create an Exit Along Axis Tool Motion
To Create a Lead In Tool Motion
To Create a Lead Out Tool Motion
To Create a Plunge Tool Motion
To Create a Retract Tool Motion
To Create a Connect Tool Motion
To Create a Goto Point Tool Motion
To Create a Go Delta Tool Motion
To Create a Goto Plane/Surface Tool Motion
To Create a Goto Axis Tool Motion
To Insert a CL Command for Tool Motions
Mill Geometry
About Mill Geometry
To Rename Manufacturing Geometry Features
Mill Window
About Mill Window
About the Mill Window User Interface
To Create a Mill Window
To Specify Geometry Type for Mill Window
Example: Creating a Mill Window by Silhouette
To Use Reference Quilts
Mill Volumes
About Mill Volumes
To Select Surfaces for a Mill Volume
To Gather a Mill Volume
Examples: Selecting Surfaces for a Mill Volume
To Exclude Surfaces and Outer Loops
Example: Excluding Outer Loops
To Fill Inner Loops
Examples: Filling Inner Loops
To Close a Mill Volume
Example: Closing a Volume when Milling a Through Pocket
To Show a Mill Volume Definition After Gathering
To Add Solid Features to a Mill Volume
To Trim a Mill Volume
Example: Trimming a Mill Volume
Tip: Combining Sketch and Trim
To Offset a Mill Volume
Offsetting a Mill Volume
Example: Offsetting a Mill Volume
To Create Rounds on a Mill Volume
To Copy a Mill Volume
To Shade a Mill Volume
To Modify a Mill Volume
Modifying a Mill Volume
To Rename a Mill Volume
Mill Surfaces
About Mill Surfaces
To Create a Mill Surface
Example: Gathering a Mill Surface
To Create a Sloped Mill Surface
Sloped Mill Surfaces
Example: Creating a Sloped Mill Surface
To Define Mill Surface as Machinable Surface
Machinable Area Mill Surface
To Extend Edges of a Mill Surface
To Merge Patches of a Mill Surface
To Trim a Mill Surface
To Shade a Mill Surface
To Modify a Mill Surface
Modifying Mill Surfaces
To Rename a Mill Surface
About Turning NC Sequences
To Set Up the Coordinate System for Correct CL Output
Using Turning Envelopes
About the Turn Envelope User Interface
To Define a Turning Envelope
Stock Boundary and Cut Extensions
About the Stock Boundary User Interface
To Define the Stock Boundary
Example: Using Stock Boundary for Area Turning
Changing the Stock Boundary Outline for Classic 4-Axis Area Turning
To Define the Cut Extensions
To Adjust Cut Motion Ends
To Adjust Cut Motion Ends in Classic 4 Axis Area Turning
To Specify Corner Conditions
Corner Condition Types
Local Stock Allowance
To Specify Local Stock Allowance for Classic Sequences
To Specify the Tool Orientation
To Use Multi-Head Turning
About the Turning User Interface
Area Turning
To Create an Area Turning NC Sequence
Example: Area Turning a Face
Example: Area Turning of Outside Surfaces
Example: Area Turning of Inside Surfaces
To Edit a Classic Area Turning NC Sequence
To Create a 4 Axis Area Turning NC Sequence
Example: 4 Axis Area Turning
To Edit a Classic 4 Axis Area Turning NC Sequence
Profile Turning
To Create a Profile Turning NC Sequence
Example: Profile Turning
To Edit a Classic Profile Turning NC Sequence
Groove Turning
To Create a Groove Turning NC Sequence
To Edit a Classic Groove Turning NC Sequence
Thread Turning
To Create a Thread Turning NC Sequence
Examples: Thread Turning
To Create a Facing Thread Turning NC Sequence
To Create a Manual Turning Cycle
To Perform the Remainder Material Analysis
Turn Profile
About Turn Profile
About the Turn Profile User Interface
To Define a Turn Profile by Selecting Surfaces
Example: Defining a Turn Profile by Selecting Surfaces
To Define a Turn Profile by Selecting Curves
To Define a Turn Profile by Sketching
Sketching a Turn Profile
To Define a Turn Profile by Section
Example: Defining a Turn Profile by Section
To Define a Turn Profile by Creating a Reference Envelope
To Adjust a Turn Profile
About Holemaking
To Create a Holemaking NC Sequence
Holemaking Cycle Types and Tabs
To Switch Cycles in Holemaking
Three and Five Axis Holemaking
To Edit and Set Up a Peck Table
Peck Table
Example: Peck Table
To Define Hole Sets
Combining Selection Methods
To Define the Starting Point for Drilling
To Define Depth
Axes Set
Defining an Axes Set
To Define an Axes Set
To Select Holes by Axes
To Select Holes by Surfaces
To Select Holes by Diameters
To Select Holes by Feature Parameters
To Select Holes by Geometry
Point Set
Defining a Point Set
To Select Holes by Points
To Define the Countersink Diameter
To Use the Automatic Chamfer Selection
Example: Automatic Chamfer Selection
About Web Drilling
To Define Plates for Web Drilling
Back Spotting Specifics
Example: Back Spotting
To Edit Classic Hole Sets
Drill Groups
About Drill Groups
To Define a Drill Group
To Modify a Drill Group
Using Drill Groups
Custom Cycles
About Customizing Holemaking Cycles
To Create Custom Cycles
The Customize Cycle Dialog Box
Example: Creating a Custom Cycle
To Define the Cycle References, Variables, and Prompts
Defining the Cycle References, Variables, and Prompts
To Define the Cycle Statement Syntax
Keywords and Parameter Names for Custom Cycle Definition
To Define the Tool Motion for the Custom Cycle
To Build New Expressions
Example: Building an Expression
To Modify a Custom Cycle
To Delete a Custom Cycle
To Create Holemaking NC Sequences Using Custom Cycles
To Assign Values to References and Variables
Example: Creating a Custom Holemaking NC Sequence
Auto Drilling
About Auto Drilling
To Create an Auto Drilling NC Sequence
To Select a Coordinate System and Retract Plane
The Default Coordinate System and Retract Plane
To Filter Rows
Filters Available for Auto Drilling
To Edit Hole Parameters
To Apply Hole Strategies
Defining Your Hole Strategies
To Customize the Table
To Reorder the NC Sequences Created by Auto Drilling
Wire EDM
About Wire EDM NC Sequences
To Create a 2-Axis Wire EDM NC Sequence
Contouring and No Core Cut Motions
To Create Rough, Finish, and Detach Cut Motions
Example: Rough, Finish, and Detach Cut Motions
To Specify Thread Point and Approach Point
Example: Specifying Thread Point and Approach Point
To Specify Taper Angle for 2-Axis Contouring
To Specify Corner Conditions
Corner Condition Types
Example: Corner Conditions
To Create No Core Cut Motions
Specifying a Start Point for No Core Cut Motions
To Use Previous Cut Motions
To Mirror Cut Motions
Example: Mirroring Cut Motions
To Create a 4-Axis Wire EDM NC Sequence in Taper Angle Format
To Create a 4-Axis Wire EDM NC Sequence in Head1/Head2 Format
Automatic Synchronization of Start and End Points
To Set Up the Register Table(s)
Register Tables
To Set Up the Radius Substitution Table(s)
Radius Substitution Tables
Auxiliary NC Sequences
About Auxiliary NC Sequences
To Create an Auxiliary NC Sequence
Machine Simulation with External Files
User-Defined NC Sequences
About User-Defined NC Sequences
To Define a Manufacturing UDF
Including Operations, Workcells, and Reference Superfeatures in a Manufacturing UDF
Example: Manufacturing a Group of Features
To Place an UDF Using Advanced Reference Configuration
To Place a Previously Defined Group in Another Manufacturing Model
Example: Using a Manufacturing UDF with Pro/PROGRAM
User-Defined Parameters in NC Sequences
About User-Defined Parameters in NC Sequences
To Use User-Defined Parameters
Updating User-Defined Parameters
Example: User-Defined Parameters
Mirror NC Sequences
About Mirror NC Sequences
To Mirror a Single NC Sequence
To Mirror Multiple NC Sequences
To Edit a Mirror Sequence
The Customize Dialog Box
About the Customize Dialog Box
To Create a Control Point
To Create an Offset Control Point
Offset Control Points
To Create an Automatic Cut Motion
Implicit Tool Motions
To Redefine a Follow Cut Motion
The Follow Cut Dialog Box
To Split a Follow Cut Motion
To Create a Follow Sketch Motion
Example: Using Tool Kerf and CL Command
To Create a Follow Sketch Motion in Holemaking
To Create a Connect Motion
To Redefine the Connect Motions
To Create a GoTo Point Motion
To Create a Go Delta Motion
Modifying the Go Delta Increments
To Create a Go Home Motion
To Create a Plunge Motion
Plunge Motions
To Create a Retract Motion
To Create a Tangent Approach Motion
To Create a Tangent Exit Motion
To Create a Normal Approach Motion
To Create a Normal Exit Motion
To Create a Lead In Motion
Lead In and Lead Out Motions
To Create a Lead Out Motion
To Create a Helical Approach Motion
To Create a Helical Exit Motion
To Create an Approach Motion Along Tool Axis
To Create an Exit Motion Along Tool Axis
To Specify Parameters for a Tool Motion
To Specify Axis Orientation for a Tool Motion
Inserting CL Commands
About Inserting CL Commands
To Create a User-defined Syntax Menu
Rules for Creating Menu Definition Files
To Insert a CL Command
Modifying CL Commands
CL Commands
Customizing the Operation Tool Path
About Customizing the Operation Tool Path
To Reorder Output of NC Sequence Tool Paths
Using the Synchronize Dialog Box
To Synchronize Output of NC Sequence Tool Paths
To Specify Synch Points
Gantt Chart of a Synchronized Operation
To Insert a CL Command
Adding CL Commands at the Operation Level
To Modify a CL Command
To Find a CL Command
To Delete a CL Command
To Copy a CL Command
CL Data
About CL Data
To Write CL Data to a File
Default CL File Names
To Create a Set of NC Sequences
Sets of NC Sequences
To Output CL Data for a Set of NC Sequences
To Process CL Data on a Remote Machine
To Input a CL Data File
To Display CL Data for an Operation, NC Sequence, or a Set of NC Sequences
About the Play Synchronized Path Dialog Box
To Display Tool Path for an NC Sequence
To Rotate or Translate CL Data
Example: Translating CL Data
To Mirror CL Data
Example: Mirroring CL Data
To Scale CL Data
To Output CL Data in Different Units
To Edit CL Data Files
To Perform Screen Editing of CL Data
To Perform Search/Replace
To Perform CL Data Gouge Checking
To Specify an NC Alias
NC Aliases
To Include Pre- and Post-Machining Files
To Convert a CL File
Converting CL Files
Using the PLAY PATH Dialog Box
About the PLAY PATH Dialog Box
To Display the Tool Path
Tool Display Options
Collision Checking Options
To Check Collision
To Skip Non-Motion CL Lines
To Add a Break Point
Manipulating Break Points
To Position the Tool
To Insert a CL Command
To Delete a CL Command
To Redefine a CL Command
Using Parameters in CL Commands
To Save CL Data in a File
Using the Job Manager
About the Job Manager
To Submit a Tool Path for Remote Computation
To Schedule a Job
Job Status
To Delete a Job Submitted for Remote Computation
Subroutine Programming
About Subroutine Programming
To Create a New Subroutine Pattern
Examples: Subroutine Programming
To Redefine a Subroutine Pattern
NC Post-Processing
About NC Post-Processing
To Generate a CL File and an MCD File at the Same Time
To Generate an MCD File from an Existing CL File
CL Output
To Insert a CL Command
About CL Output
Supported CL Data Commands
CL Output for Holemaking Cycles
CL Output for Circular Interpolation
CL Output for NURBS Interpolation
CL Output for Multitasking Tools
Synchronized Output for XY-UV 4-Axis Wire EDM
Modifying NC Sequences
About Modifying NC Sequences
To Modify an NC Sequence
Modifying Parameters of Multiple Automatic Cut Motions
To Change a Parameter Value for All Cut Motions at Once
To Regenerate the Manufacturing Model
To Redefine an NC Sequence
To Reorder an NC Sequence
To Suppress or Delete Mill Volumes and Surfaces
Patterning NC Sequences
About Tool Path Duplication
Setting the Tool Path Order of Output for Manufacturing
Patterning Options
Defining Fixture Offsets
Coordinate System Patterns
Using Relations
About Patterning NC Sequences
To Create a Dimension Pattern of an NC Sequence
About Direction-based Patterning
To Create a Direction Pattern of an NC Sequence
To Redefine a Coordinate Pattern of an NC Sequence
About Axis-based Patterning
To Create an Axis-based Pattern
About Table-based Patterning
To Create a Table-based Pattern
About Reference Patterns
To Create a Reference Manufacturing Pattern
To Reference Pattern a Volume Milling NC Sequence
NC Check
About Material Removal Simulation
About Using ModuleWorks to Simulate Material Removal
To Simulate Material Removal
About the Play Simulation Dialog Box
To Compare the Offsets of Stock to Target Part
To Modify the Settings of Material Removal Simulation
About Low Tessellation Warning Message
About Using NC-CHECK
To Access NC Check at the Time of Creating an NC Sequence
To Access NC Check at Any Time
To Set Up the Display
NC Check Colors
To Change a Default NC Check Color
To Store the Color Setup
To Control the Tool Display
To Change the Step Size
To Change the Resolution
To Run the CL Data
Clip Planes
To Create or Modify a Clip Plane
To Change Image
To Refresh the Display
To Access NC Check When Editing CL Data
To Set Up Trim Planes
To Save an Image
To Restore an Image
To Use Shaded Images
About Stock Models
About Stock Models
To Create a Stock Model
Showing or Hiding a Stock Model
To Compute a Stock Model
Working with Classic Stock Models
Changing Feed Colors
About Changing Feed Colors
To Change a Feed Color
To Change a Feed Range
Model Tree
About Model Tree
To Display the Manufacturing Features
To Select the Features to Display
To Display the Manufacturing Parent/Child Relationships
To Add Manufacturing Parameters
To Recompute Toolpath
Family Tables
About Working With Family Tables
Suppressing and Resuming Manufacturing Geometry Features in Family Tables
Working with Family Tables and the Process Manager
Shop Floor Report
About Generating Automatic Shop Floor Reports
To Generate a Shop Floor Report
Process Manager
About the Process Manager
Working with the Process Table
About the Process Table
To Access the Process Table
Selecting Objects in the Process Table
To Insert a Workcell
To Specify Travel Limits and Strokes for a Machine Tool
Machine Tool Overtravel Notification
To Highlight the Machining Limits of a Workcell
To Insert an Operation
To Insert a Milling Step
To Insert a Turning Step
To Insert a Manual Milling Cycle Step
To Insert a Trajectory Milling Step
Creating Retract Surfaces
Creating Retract Surfaces
To Set Up a Retract Plane in the Process Table
To Set Up a Retract Sphere in the Process Table
To Set Up a Retract Cylinder in the Process Table
To Set Up Retract Along a Revolved Surface in the Process Table
To Specify the Trajectory Curve for a 2-Axis Trajectory Milling Step
Custom Cycles in the Process Table
To Create Custom Cycles in the Process Table
To Insert a Holemaking Step
To Define a Hole Set in Process Manager
To Create an Annotation Feature
Parameters and Relations
About Parameters and Relations in the Process Table
To Specify Local Parameters for a Step
To Specify Local Relations for a Step
To Specify Global Parameters for Steps
To Specify Global Relations for Steps
To Add a Custom Parameter to the Process Table
Example: Global Parameters
To Edit Step Parameters
To Copy Parameters from an Existing Step in the Process Table
About Working with Site Files in the Process Table
To Retrieve Parameters from a Site File in the Process Table
To Specify Prerequisites for a Step
To Define Manufacturing Geometry
To Insert a Fixture Setup
Workcell Fixture Compatibility
About the Workcell Fixture Compatibility List File
To Modify the Workcell Fixture Compatibility List File
Example: Workcell Fixture Compatibility List File
To Insert an Assembly Step
To Specify the Setup Time
To Create In-Process Geometry
Reordering Steps
To Reorder Steps
Reordering and Duplicating Steps
Example: Reordering Steps
Creating and Working with Merge Groups
Merge Requirements
To Merge Steps Manually
To Merge Steps Automatically
Creating and Working with Same Behavior Groups
To Create Same Behavior Groups
To Create Automatic Same Behavior Groups
Example: Merge Groups and Same Behavior Groups
To Create Gang Tool Groups
Gang Tool Grouping Requirements
Example: Using Gang Tool and Same Behavior Grouping
To Lock and Unlock Steps
To Change the Table View
Table Views
To Build a Custom View
Saving Custom Views
Example: Table Views
To Specify Custom Headers for Columns
Exporting Process Table Data
About Exporting Process Table Data to a CSV File
To Export Data From the Process Table
Rules for Editing the Process Table Data
To Modify Groups in the Exported Process Table Data
To Synchronize the Process Table Data With the Exported Process Table Data File
To Display Tool Path
To Compute the Step Time
To Display Tool Path Along with Machine Simulation
Rules for Creating a Machine Assembly to be Used for Machine Simulation
To Include or Exclude Components for Collision Checking
To View the Process Time Graphs
To View the Estimated Removed Volume
To Perform Line Balancing
To Search the Process Table
To Print Process Reports
Working with Manufacturing Templates
About Manufacturing Templates
To Create a Manufacturing Template
To Insert Steps from a Template
Rules for Inserting a Step from a Template
To Create a Workcell Template
To Insert Workcells from a Template
About Defining the Manufacturing Criteria
To Create or Modify the UDF-MFG Criteria Name Association File
To Place a UDF in a Manufacturing Model
To Add Manufacturing Annotation to a Part or Assembly
Using the Mfg Template AE Setup Dialog Box
To Extract Manufacturing Annotation
Rules for Extracting Manufacturing Annotation
To See the Model View
Example: Manufacturing Criteria Name Usage in the Process Table
Example: Manufacturing Criteria Name Usage while Placing a UDF
To Sort Steps by Extraction Priority
Example: Rules Breaking and Checking
To Replace Manufacturing Templates
Process Templates
About Process Templates
To Create a Process Template
To Extract Steps From a Process Template
Example: Using Process Templates
Probe Cycles
About Probe Cycles in Creo NC
Probe X_SURF
Probe Y_SURF
Probe Z_SURF
Probe BOSS
Probe BORE
Probe SLOT
Probe WEB
Naming Conventions
About Naming Conventions
Glossary for Creo NC
List of Manufacturing Parameters
Expert Machinist
Using Expert Machinist
About Expert Machinist
To Create a Machining Process
To Retrieve a Machining Process
About Legacy .mfg Files
To Create a New NC Model
No Stock Machining
The NC MODEL Menu Commands
Tip: Creating NC Models
To Replace a Reference Model
Part Family Tables in Expert Machinist
Using Multibody Parts In Expert Machinist Assemblies
Using Divided Surfaces
Configuring for Expert Machinist
Configurations Options for Expert Machinist
Creating and Modifying Stock
About Stock
To Create a Stock-Workpiece
To Create Automatic Stock
To Assemble a Stock Using The Same Model
Example: Creating a Default Billet
To Create an Operation
The Operation Tab
To Define Program Zero
Program Zero Usage
Machine Tools
To Create a Machine Tool (Work Center)
Work Center Settings
To Set Up a PPRINT Table
The PPRINT Table
About Fixtures
To Create a Fixture Setup
The Fixture Setup Tab
To Activate a Fixture Setup
To Modify a Fixture Setup
To Delete a Fixture Setup
Tip: Using Fixture Setups
Cutting Tools
About Setting Up Tools
To Set Up Cutting Tools
The Tool Setup Dialog Box
To Set Up the Material Directory Structure
Example: Setting Up the Material Directory Structure
To Add a New Tool
To Specify the Cutting Data for the Tool
To Provide the Bill of Materials for the Tool
To Retrieve Tool Parameters
To Add a Sketched Tool
To Modify an Existing Tool
To Delete a Tool
To Save Tool Parameters
To Create a Tool Model
Solid Tool Models
To Use a Tool Model
Using Assembly as a Tool Model
Machining Features
About Machining Features
To Create a Machining Feature
Creating Machining Features for No Stock Machining
To Adjust Feature Boundaries
Example: Adjusting Feature Boundaries
To Adjust Soft Walls
To Adjust Feature Depth
To Adjust Feature Top
To Machine a Feature
To Set Tool Path Properties
Automatic Placement of CL Commands
To Mimic a Tool Path
Face Features
To Create a Face Feature
To Machine a Face Feature
The Face Milling Dialog Box
Example: Face Machining
Slab Features
To Create a Slab Feature
Example: Creating a Slab Feature
To Machine a Slab Feature
The Slab Milling Dialog Box
Pocket Features
To Create a Pocket Feature
To Machine a Pocket Feature
The Pocket Milling Dialog Box
Through Pocket Features
To Create a Through Pocket Feature
Example: Creating a Through Pocket
To Machine a Through Pocket Feature
The Through Pocket Milling Dialog Box
Step Features
To Create a Step Feature
To Machine a Step Feature
The Step Milling Dialog Box
Profile Features
To Create a Profile Feature
To Machine a Profile Feature
The Profile Milling Dialog Box
Channel Features
To Create a Channel Feature
Example: Creating a Channel Feature
To Machine a Channel Feature
The Channel Milling Dialog Box
Example: Channel Machining
Slot Features
To Create a Slot Feature
To Machine a Slot Feature
The Slot Milling Dialog Box
Through Slot Features
To Create a Through Slot Feature
To Machine a Through Slot Feature
The Through Slot Milling Dialog Box
Boss Top Features
To Create a Boss Top Feature
Example: Creating a Boss Top Feature
To Machine a Boss Top Feature
The Boss Top Milling Dialog Box
Example: Boss Top Machining
Flange Features
To Create a Flange Feature
Example: Creating a Flange Feature
To Machine a Flange Feature
The Flange Milling Dialog Box
O-Ring Features
To Create an O-Ring Feature
To Machine an O-Ring Feature
The O-Ring Milling Dialog Box
Example: O-Ring Machining
Rib Top Features
To Create a Rib Top Feature
Example: Creating a Rib Top Feature
To Machine a Rib Top Feature
The Rib Top Milling Dialog Box
Example: Rib Top Machining
Example: Open Rib Top Machining
Undercut Features
To Create an Undercut Feature
Example: Creating an Undercut
To Machine an Undercut Feature
The Undercut Milling Dialog Box
Using the Side Mill Tool
Example: Machining an Undercut
Top Chamfer Features
To Create a Top Chamfer Feature
Example: Creating a Top Chamfer Feature
To Machine a Top Chamfer Feature
The Top Round/Chamfer Milling Dialog Box
Using the Chamfering Tool
Top Round Features
To Create a Top Round Feature
Example: Creating a Top Round Feature
To Machine a Top Round Feature
The Top Round/Chamfer Milling Dialog Box
Using the Corner Rounding Tool
Example: Top Round Machining
Hole Group Features
To Create a Hole Group Feature
Combining Selection Methods
To Select Holes by Axes
To Select Holes by Diameters
To Select Holes by Surfaces
To Select Holes by Feature Parameters
To Machine a Hole Group Feature
The Drilling Strategy Dialog Box
Example: Automatic Chamfer Machining
Entry Hole Features
To Create an Entry Hole Feature
The Entry Hole Dialog Box
To Machine an Entry Hole Feature
Free Form Machining
To Machine a Free Form Feature
The Freeform Milling Dialog Box
The Finish Cuts Dialog Box
The Finish Passes Dialog Box
Tool Path Display and Output
About Displaying the Tool Path
To Display the Tool Path
The PLAY PATH Dialog Box
To Add a Break Point
Manipulating Break Points
To Position the Tool
To Insert a CL Command
Using Parameters in CL Commands
To Delete a CL Command
To Redefine a CL Command
To Save CL Data in a File
To Output a CL File
To Output NC Codes
Template Machining
About the Template Manager
To Create a New Template
To Place a Template
To Manipulate Features Using the Model Tree
Options Available from the Model Tree
To Toggle Material Display
To Create Stock
To Modify Stock Outline
The Automatic Stock Creation Dashboard
Example: Modifying the Standard Stock Sizes
To Modify Stock Offsets
Manufacturing Process Planning
About Manufacturing Process Planning for MFG
About Defining the Process Plan Work Flow
To Use Manufacturing Process Planning for MFG
About Specific Uses for Manufacturing Process Planning for MFG
About the Part Machining Process Plan
To Document the Part Machining Process Plan
Using Multibody Parts In Manufacturing Process Assemblies
Using Divided Surfaces
Configuring Manufacturing Process Planning for MFG
Configuration Options for Process Manufacturing
Process Steps
About Process Assemblies
To Use Process Mode
Setting Up the Manufacturing Process
STEP REGEN Menu Commands
About Tool Features
Read About and Create Steps
About Play Steps
About Process Steps
To Create a Machine Step
About Fixture Steps
To Create a Fixture Step
About General Steps
To Create a General Step
About Volume Steps
To Create a Volume Step
About Manufacturing Model Steps
To Create a Manufacturing Model Step
About Surface Steps
To Create a Surface Step
View Steps
To View a Process Step
To View a Previous or Next Step
To View the Process Operation
To View the Previous or Next Operation
Documenting the Process
Create Customized Documentation
About Drawing Mode
To Create Views of Process Steps
Process State Dialog Box Options
To Enter an Existing Drawing
To Open a New Drawing
To Copy a Process Drawing Sheet
Read About Process State
To Change the Process Component State in a View
To Set Process Component State in New Views
Process State Dialog Box Options
Specific Process Considerations
About Process-Specific Considerations
About Adding a View or Repeat Region
About Modifying a View or Repeat Region
About Switching Sheets of Views or Repeat Regions
About Machining Process Assembly as Default Model
To Create a New Report
Parameters for Manufacturing Process Drawings
Repeat Regions in Reports
Other Process Functions
About Obtaining Information
About Step Information
Simplified Representations
About Using Simplified Representations with Large Design Assemblies
To Create Simplified Representations for a Process Model
To Apply Simplified Representations to a Step
To Retrieve a Simplified Representation From a Process
Sample Session
About the Sample Session
To Retrieve the Process Model
Example: Retrieved Process Model
To Create Drawings
To Use the Play Steps Functionality
Example: MFG Model Stock Assembled
To Use the Copy Process Functionality
Example: Copy Process Functionality
Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM)
CMM Overview
Using CMM
About CMM
To Create a CMM Model
To Retrieve a CMM Model
About Legacy .mfg Files
To Bring Components into a CMM Model
About Working with Family Tables
To Replace a Reference Model
Part Family Tables in CMM
Using Multibody Parts In CMM
Configuring for CMM
Configurations Options for CMM
CMM Process
About CMM Process
To Create CMM Steps
Measure, Construct, and Verify Steps
To Select CMM Steps
To Make Changes to CMM Steps
To Modify CMM Steps
To Pattern CMM Steps
Patterning Measure Steps
Example: Patterning a Measure Step
About Operations
To Create an Operation
The Operation Tab
To Specify Comments for an Operation or CMM Step
To Activate an Operation
About Workcells
To Create a Work Center (Workcell)
CMM Work Center
Saving and Retrieving Workcells
To Setup a DMIS Text Data
Setting Up DMIS Text Data
About Fixtures
To Create a Fixture Setup
The Fixture Setup Tab
To Activate a Fixture Setup
To Modify a Fixture Setup
To Delete a Fixture Setup
About Sites
To Create a New Site File
Manipulating Sites
Parameter Visibility
To Activate a Site
Activating a Site
To Associate a Site with a Workcell
Associating a Site with a Workcell
Coordinate Systems
About Coordinate Systems
To Create a New Reference Coordinate System
Example 1: Using Primary Axis
Example 2: Using Custom Transformation
About Probes
To Create a Probe Model
Probe Model
Example: Probe Models
To Add a Probe
Camera Probes
About Camera Probes
To Create a Camera Probe Model
Camera Probe Model
Example: Camera Probe Model
To Add a Camera Probe
Adding or Creating a Camera Probe
Setting Up Probes
To Delete a Probe
To Modify a Probe
Replacing Probes
About Replacing Probes
To Replace a Probe (File System)
To Replace a Probe (Workcell)
To List Information About Probes
To Use a Default Probe
Default Probes
Measure Steps
About Measure Steps
To Create a Measure Step
About the MEASUREMENT STEP dialog box
To Specify Attributes
To Specify a Probe
To Specify the Reference Coordinate System
To Specify the Step Name
Measure Step Parameters
About Measure Step Parameters
Parameter Inheritance
Parameters Library
To Include Parameters in Relations
Using Parameters in Relations
Common Parameters
To Specify Parameters for Measure Step
To Customize Parameters Table
To Specify Geometric References
To Specify Measure Points
About Scan
About SCAN User Interface
To Change the Probe Path
To Change the Clearance
To Define a Clearance Plane
Clearance Plane Purpose
To Delete a Clearance Plane
To Set Up Start and End Points for the Probe Path
Probe Move Types
About Probe Moves
To Create Go Delta Moves
To Create Move to Pt Moves
To Create Move to Pln Moves
Measure Plane
To Measure a Plane
Automatic Points Generation for Measure Plane
Specific Parameters for Measure Plane
Measure Cylinder
To Measure a Cylinder
Automatic Points Generation for Measure Cylinder
Specific Parameters for Measure Cylinder
Example: Measuring a Cylinder
Measure Circle
To Measure a Circle
Automatic Points Generation for Measure Circle
Specific Parameters for Measure Circle
Example: Measuring a Circle
Measure Surface
To Measure a Surface
Automatic Points Generation for Measure Surface
Example: Measuring a Surface
Measure Sphere
To Measure a Sphere
Automatic Points Generation for Measure Sphere
Specific Parameters for Measure Sphere
Example: Measuring a Sphere
Measure Point
To Measure a Point
Example: Measuring a Point
Measure Cone
To Measure a Cone
Automatic Points Generation for Measure Cone
Specific Parameters for Measure Cone
Example: Measuring a Cone
Measure Line
To Measure a Line
Bounded and Unbounded Lines
Example: Measuring a Line
Measure from Scan
About Measure from Scan
To Measure from Scan
Construct Steps
About Construct Steps
To Create a Construct Step
The CMM Construct Tab
To Specify the Step Name
Construct Plane
Types of Constructed Planes
To Create a Best Fit Plane
Example: Creating a Best Fit Plane
To Create a Midplane Plane
Example: Creating a Midplane Plane
To Create a Normal Plane
Example: Creating a Normal Plane
To Create a Parallel Plane
Example: Creating a Parallel Plane
To Create a Theoretical Plane
Construct Line
Types of Constructed Lines
To Create a Best Fit Line
Example: Creating a Best Fit Line
To Create a Midline Line
Example: Creating a Midline Line
To Create a Projection Line
Example: Creating a Projection Line
To Create an Intersect Line
Example: Creating an Intersect Line
To Create a Theoretical Line
Construct Circle
Types of Constructed Circles
To Create a Best Fit Circle
Example: Creating a Best Fit Circle
To Create a Projection Circle
Example: Creating a Projection Circle
To Create an Intersect Circle
Example: Creating an Intersect Circle
Construct Cylinder
To Create a Constructed Cylinder
Example: Creating a Constructed Cylinder
Construct Sphere
To Create a Constructed Sphere
Example: Creating a Constructed Sphere
Construct Point
Types of Constructed Points
To Create a Midpoint Point
Example: Creating a Midpoint Point
To Create a Projection Point
Example: Creating a Projection Point
To Create an Intersect Point
Example: Creating an Intersect Point
To Create a Theoretical Point
Verify Steps
About Verify Steps
To Create a Verify Step
To Verify Dimension Tolerances
Example: Verifying a Dimension Tolerance
To Verify Geometric Tolerances
Example: Verifying a Geometric Tolerance
The CMM VERIFY Dialog Box
About the CMM VERIFY Dialog Box
To Specify Tolerance
To Specify Features
To Specify Datums
To Change the Reference Coordinate System
Reference Coordinate System
Auxiliary Steps
About Auxiliary Steps
To Create an Auxiliary Step
To Create Auxiliary Commands
To Create GoTo Point Motions
To Create an Offset Control Point
To Create Go Delta Motions
Modifying the Increments of a Go Delta Motion
To Insert DMIS Commands
Modifying the User-Defined DMIS Commands
Probe Path
About Probe Path
About DMIS Data
To Display the Probe Path
Displaying the Probe Path
Example: Displaying the Probe Path
Using the PLAY PATH Dialog Box
About the PLAY PATH Dialog box
Probe Display Options
To Check Collision
To Add a Break Point
Manipulating Break Points
To Position the Probe
Supported DMIS Commands
To Write a DMIS File to Disk
Writing DMIS Files to Disk
To Display Probe Path Along with Machine Simulation
Rules for Creating Machine Assembly to be Used for Machine Simulation
To Include or Exclude Components for Collision Checking
To Display a DMIS File
To Output Operator Instructions
Outputting Operator Instructions
To Rotate or Translate the Probe Path
To Mirror the Probe Path
To Scale the Probe Path
To Output the Probe Path in Different Units
Process Information
About Process Information
To View Process Information
To Output CMM Process Information
To Set Up Filter Configuration
To Create a Customized Report on a CMM Process
Using Reports in CMM
Examples: Creating a Customized Report on a CMM Process
Manufacturing Verification
Basics of VERIFY
About Verify
To Use Verify
Example: Typical Scan File Extract
Working with Verification Assemblies
About Creating the Verification Assembly
To Create a Verification Assembly
Verification Menu Commands
To Save a Verify Assembly
To Retrieve an Existing Verify Assembly
Working with Scan Sets
About Scan Sets
To Create a Scan Set
Example: Create a Scan Set
Scan Set Menu Commands
Display Options with Scan Sets
To Place the Scan Set on the Design Model
To Change Scan Set Placement
To Create a Scan Set Output File
To Merge the Spherical Centers of Scan Sets
Merging Scan Sets
To Filter Display of Scan Sets
Filtering Scan Sets
Displaying and Blanking the Design Model or Scan Set
To Delete Points from a Scan Set
Deleting Points from a Scan Set
To Preview the Scan Display
Fit and Analysis
About Fit and Analysis
To Create a Fit
Fit Scan Menu Commands
To Display a Fit
To Measure between a Scan Point and Other Geometry
To Fit a Scan Set to the Design Model
Tip: Fit Scan Set to Design Model
To Offset Scan Set by Radius of CMM Probe
Analyzing Deviation
About Deviation Analysis
To Set Up a Deviation Case
Deviation Menu Commands
Verification Results
About Verification Results
To Compute Deviation Features
To Graphically Display Deviation Feature Results
To Plot Computed Deviation Case Results
To Tabulate Deviation Cases
To Export Computed Deviation Results
Additive Manufacturing
About Additive Manufacturing
To Set Additive Manufacturing Options
Configuration Options for Additive Manufacturing
Preparing Models for 3D Printing
About Preparing Models for 3D Printing
About the Tray User Interface
To Create a Tray Assembly
To Add a Printer
Multibody Design in Additive Manufacturing
Support Structures
About Support Structures
To Define a Part as a Support Structure
Support Structures - Materialise
About Support Structures Generated using the Materialise SG+ Module
About the Support Structure User Interface
To Generate Support Structures using the Materialise SG+ Module
To Apply a Profile to Support Structures
To Edit Support Structure Profiles
To Import Support Structure Profiles
To Set the Support Structure Format
3D Print Analysis
About Additive Manufacturing Analysis
To Perform Printability Validation
Printing a Model in 3D
About Using a 3D Printer
About the 3D Print Preview User Interface
To Print a Model in 3D Using a Printer
To Slice a Model
Glossary for Additive Manufacturing
Glossary for Additive Manufacturing