Help > Authoring > Dialog Boxes > Edit Window > Tools Dialog Boxes > Preferences Dialog Boxes > Edit Preferences
Edit Preferences
The Edit category in the Preferences dialog box sets the following editing options:
Keep Selection Tag Balanced — Automatically keeps the tags in a selection balanced. If you start a selection that includes the start or end tag, the selection automatically extends to include the entire tag pair.
When Keep Selection Tag Balanced is not selected and an unbalanced selection portion of markup is deleted, all selected content and balanced portions of the selection are deleted. However, no tagging is removed that would result in unbalanced markup or out-of-context errors.
Typing Replaces Selection — Deletes any highlighted text before inserting new characters.
Overtype Mode — Allows you to type over the text in your document beginning at the cursor. If unchecked, Arbortext Editor inserts the text, moving any following text over.
Show Quick Tags on Enter — Automatically displays the Quick Tag list of elements that can be inserted at the cursor location when you press Enter. If another action is mapped to the Enter key, you can use the Enter key on the numeric keypad.
For example, if you are using the Arbortext XML DocBook document type and have Use Smart Insert Feature turned on, be aware that the Smart Insert feature is mapped to the Enter key. You can use the Enter key on the numeric keypad to access Show Quick Tags on Enter.
Insert Required Elements — Automatically inserts required elements into your document. For example, if a title is required for a section element, the title tag is inserted when you insert the section tag.
Prompt for Attributes — Automatically opens the Modify Attributes dialog box whenever you insert an element having attributes.
Force Required Attribute Entry — Ensures all required attribute values are entered for an element before you can close the Modify Attributes dialog box.
Use Smart Insert Feature — Automatically places a selected element at a valid location when it's inserted. If the current cursor position is not valid for an element, Smart Insert repositions the cursor and ensures the element is inserted at a valid position .
Clipboard Data Includes Tags — Automatically includes tags in text selections that are cut or copied to the external clipboard for use by other applications. If you are pasting from another application and the data includes tags, they are also interpreted as markup. This option does not affect copying or cutting to the paste buffer within Arbortext Editor, unless the selection is requested from the clipboard by another application.
Search File Entities on Find — Include the contents of file entities. If you check this box, Arbortext Editor will search file entities whether or not they are expanded in the document.
AutoCorrect text as you typeAutomatically corrects spelling errors as you enter text in a document.
Allow Empty String Attribute Values — Determines whether a CDATA attribute is deleted from a tag when you delete the last character of the attribute’s value in the Modify Attributes dialog box. When checked, deleting the last character of a CDATA attribute in this case results in the attribute value being set to an empty string instead of being deleted. This option corresponds to the set modifyattrsdeleteempty advanced preference.
Paste Duplicate ID Action — controls the action taken when duplicate IDs are created in a document during a paste action. Options are:
prompt — invoke the Paste — Duplicate IDs dialog box
ignore — no action, with a warning message written to the status bar
remove — strip duplicate IDs and ID references from the pasted content
replace — replace any duplicate IDs and ID references with a generated unique ID
show — invoke the IDs and ID References
This option corresponds to the set pasteduplicateids advanced preference.