Welcome to ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4 Help Center
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What is an Industrial Gateway?
Release Notes
Release Notes for ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.3.2
What’s New in ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.3.2
Fixed Issues in Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.3.2
Known Issues in Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.3.2
Release Notes for ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.3.1
What’s New in ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.3.1
Fixed Issues in Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.3.1
Known Issues in Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.3.1
Release Notes Archive
What's New in This Help Center Archive
ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.3.0 Release Notes
ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.2.0 Release Notes
ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.1.0 Release Notes
ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4.0.0 Release Notes
ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector
What is the ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector?
Features of the ThingWorx - Azure IoT Integration
Azure IoT Hub Connector — Device Twin Support
Azure IoT Edge Module Twin
Security and the Azure IoT Hub Connector
Where are System Requirements?
ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector in a ThingWorx High Availability Cluster
ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector for Microsoft Azure Industrial IoT (IIoT) for OPC UA
Getting Started for Customers of PTC ThingWorx Cloud Services
Understanding the Process
Step 1. Required Resources
Step 2. Setting Up Application Registrations
Windows PowerShell and Execution Policy
Upgrading the Azure IIoT Stack
Step 3. Deploying the Azure Industrial IoT (IIoT) Microservices on an Azure Kubernetes Cluster
Step 4. Deploying Your OPC UA Server and Setting Up the IoT Edge Runtime Device
Step 5. Setting Up the ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector
Step 6. Setting Permissions for Non-Administrative Users
Step 7. Using ThingWorx OPC UA Mashups to Configure Your OPC UA Applications and Endpoints
Step 8. Creating the Industrial Gateway and IoT Edge Things for Telemetry
Industrial Connections
Step 9. Validating the Installation
Troubleshooting the Azure IIoT OPC UA Integration
Deploying Multiple Connectors for the OPC UA Integration
Support for Multiple Consumers of IoT Hub Data
IoT Hub OPC UA Gateway Services
Upgrading the Azure IoT Hub Connector
Upgrading the Azure IoT Hub Connector from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2
Upgrading the Azure IoT Hub Connector from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1
Upgrading the Azure IoT Hub Connector from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0
Upgrading the Azure IoT Hub Connector from 4.1.0 to 4.2.0
Upgrading the Azure IoT Hub Connector from 4.0.x to 4.1.x
Upgrading the Azure IoT Hub Connector from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0
Upgrading the Azure IoT Hub Connector from 2.0.x to 3.0.0
Connecting an Azure IoT Hub Connector and an eMessage Connector to the Same ThingWorx Platform
Getting an Azure IoT Hub Connector Up and Running
Step 1. Create and Configure Items in Azure IoT
Step 2. Download and Extract the Azure IoT Hub Connector
Content of the Distribution Bundle
Step 3. Import the Extensions
Step 4. Create Security Entities for the Connector
Step 5. Create Azure IoT Entities in ThingWorx Composer
Step 6. Configure the Connector
Before You Begin Configuration
Installing the Connector in Firewalled Environments
Minimal Configuration for Connecting to a ThingWorx Platform in Single-Server Mode
High Availability Configuration
Configuration Properties Reference
Optional Configuration Properties Shown in the Minimal and HA Sample Configuration Files
Creating a TrustStore
Configuring Metrics Reporting
Service Discovery Configuration
Step 7. Encrypt the Configuration File
Step 8. Set the Environment Variables for the Azure IoT Hub Connector
Step 9. Run the Service to Grant Permissions and Visibility to the Connector
Step 10. Start the Azure IoT Hub Connector
Running the Smoke Test
Smoke Test Step 1. Validate the Connection to ThingWorx Platform
Smoke Test Step 2. Validate Configuration
Smoke Test Step 3. Validate Connection Services Hub
Smoke Test Step 4. Create a Test Thing
Smoke Test Step 5. Send Updated Property Values to ThingWorx
Sample Output from the Smoke Test Tool
Smoke Test Cleanup
Troubleshooting the Smoke Test
Smoke Test Exception 1: SSL Handshake error due to missing intermediate/root certificates
Smoke Test Exception 2: SSL Handshake error when sending messages due to missing intermediate/root certificates
Missing Root or Intermediate Certificates
Smoke Test Exception 3: Timeout when attempt to connect to the ThingWorx Platform
Interacting with Azure Edge Devices through ThingWorx
Importing Device Information from an Azure IoT Hub
Setting Up Azure IoT Device Lifecycle Events
Updating Properties
JSON Formatting to Update Properties
Using the Azure Blob Storage in ThingWorx
Using the File Upload Functionality of Azure with ThingWorx
Event for File Uploads from the Edge
Downloading Files to Azure IoT Devices
Using Azure Device Methods from ThingWorx
Running Azure IoT Device Jobs
Monitoring the Azure IoT Hub Connector
Fine-Tuning the Azure IoT Hub Connector
Background Information on Metrics
Log Levels
Log Messages
SSLHandshake Exceptions When Connecting to ThingWorx Platform
Errors on Connector Startup
Error: Cannot find function GrantConnectorPermissions
Error: Failed to initialize Azure IoT Hub Connector due to invalid configuration
Error: Invalid service name: GetConfiguration
Error: Failed to start health check server. Address already in use.
Error: Unable to bootstrap required extensions
Error Entity PlatformSubsystem does not exist or is not yet associated with a Thing
Error: Unable to Invoke Service GetExtensionPackageList on PlatformSubsystem: Not authorized.
Error: The client could not finish the operation with specified maximum execution timeout.
Error Failed to initialize all the egress handlers: Shared Access KeyName cannot be null or empty
Error: Exception while initializing stores, not starting partition manager
Startup Error: DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=109, too big
Troubleshooting Device-Related Issues
Scenarios: Device import fails or takes too long
Scenarios: Troubleshooting AzureIotThings
Errors Caused by Device Deleted or Missing in Azure IoT
Errors: No Thing Found for name {THINGNAME} / Entity {THINGNAME} does not exist or is not yet associated with a Thing
Troubleshooting Runtime Issues
Azure: Non-epoch Receiver Not Allowed Error
Error: The messaging entity <badconsumergroup> could not be found. Connector fails to consume ingress
Scenario: Logback is configured and file created, but nothing is written to file.
Scenario: Subscription Not Firing for Event on an Azure IoT Thing
Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues
Internet Connectivity
What happens to updates sent during loss of connectivity between a Connector and a ThingWorx Platform?
Troubleshooting File Transfers
File Transfer Event error when repository-thing=name Thing does not exist or implements wrong Thing Shape
Error: Lost connection to File Notification Queue
Error: Error retrieving file-upload notification
Error: The client could not finish the operation within specified maximum execution timeout
Error: Failed to initialize Azure IoT Hub Connector due to invalid configuration (Azure Blob Thing)
Scenario: A Configuration Change Is Not Working
Error: Service has timed out
Error: Unable to invoke service on Connection Services Hub: No Things are connected to handle request for service <serviceName>
File Upload Notification Event Handler Shutting Down
Error: Transfer did not complete within 60000 ms
ThingWorx Connection Services Extension (CSE) Reference
CSE Thing Templates
ConnectionServicesHub Thing Template
ProtocolAdapter Thing Template
ProtocolAdapterWithAvailability Thing Template
CSE Thing Shapes
CacheManager Thing Shape
ProtocolAdapterWithAvailability Thing Shape
CSE Data Shapes
CXSEvent.AuthenticationError Data Shape
CXSEvent.ClearCacheEntry Data Shape
CXSEvent.EdgeError Data Shape
CXSEvent.FileNotFoundError Data Shape
CXSEvent.InternalError Data Shape
CXSEvent.ProtocolError Data Shape
CXSEvent.ThingNotFoundError Data Shape
CXSEvent_UserError Data Shape
CXSEvent.WritePropertyError Data Shape
ProtocolAdapterAvailability Data Shape
CSE Things
ConnectionServicesHub Thing
ThingWorx Azure IoT Extension Reference
ThingWorx Azure IoT Thing Templates
AzureIotHubTemplate Thing Template
AzureIotThing Thing Template
AzureBlobStorageTemplate Thing Template
ThingWorx Azure IoT Data Shapes
AzureServices Thing
Documentation Copyright
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Welcome to ThingWorx Azure IoT Hub Connector 4 Help Center
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