Getting an Azure IoT Hub Connector Up and Running > Step 3. Import the Extensions
Step 3. Import the Extensions
The ThingWorx Azure IoT Connector requires that you import into your ThingWorx Platform the two extensions that are provided within the distribution bundle, namely the ThingWorx Connection Services Extension (CSE) and the ThingWorx Azure IoT Extension (AIE).
This section assumes that you are working with a running, functional ThingWorx Platform. If you need to install and configure the ThingWorx Platform, v.8.5 or later, refer to the Installing ThingWorx section of the ThingWorx Help Center.
Before You Begin
Before you can import extensions into a ThingWorx Platform, you must configure it to allow the import of extensions, in the platform-settings.json configuration file of the platform instance. For details, refer to the topic, platform-settings.json Configuration Details in the ThingWorx 8 Help Center.
Import the Extensions
The steps to import the extensions provided below can be repeated for each extension. Import the extensions in the following order:
1. Connection Services Extension (CSE)
2. Azure IoT Extension
To import an extension:
1. Log in to ThingWorx Composer.
2. From the Import/Export menu of Composer, select Import, as shown here:
3. Under Import Option in the Import window, click the down arrow, and select Extension. The window changes to look like this:
4. Click Browse, and then navigate to the location where the extension zip that you want to load exists on your hard drive. For example, after extracting the Azure IoT Hub Connector archive, both the Azure IoT Hub and Connection Services extensions are in the extensions directory of the Connector installation.
5. Select the zip archive for the extension, and click Open.
A reminder that you must install the Connection Services Extension (CSE) first, then the Azure IoT Hub Connector Extension, and after that, the ThingWorx Apps.
6. Once it becomes active in the Import window, click the Import button.
The ThingWorx Platform returns a message, indicating that the import was successful.
7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for each extension.
8. When you are done importing extensions, click Close.
Once the import of the Azure IoT Extension is complete, the entities to support Azure IoT Edge devices, Azure IoT devices, Azure Storage Containers, and the Azure IoT Hub are available in ThingWorx Composer. Once the import of these extensions is complete the following types of entities are available in ThingWorx Composer:
Entities Added
Connection Services Extension (CSE)
Adds the Thing Templates, Thing Shapes, Data Shapes, Things, and subsystem entities needed for the Connection Services Hub. For details, refer to the ThingWorx Connection Services Extension (CSE) Reference.
In addition, event notification messaging is enabled in the ThingWorx Platform.
Azure IoT Extension
Adds the entities to support Azure IoT Edge Devices, Azure IoT Devices, Azure Blob Storage Containers, and the Azure IoT Hub. For details, refer to ThingWorx Azure IoT Extension Reference.