Troubleshooting > Errors on Connector Startup > Error Entity PlatformSubsystem does not exist or is not yet associated with a Thing
Error Entity PlatformSubsystem does not exist or is not yet associated with a Thing
The following message in the ThingWorx Application Logs indicates that visibility to the Platform Subsystem is missing for the Azure IoT Hub Connector:

2019-07-31 21:05:34.831+0000 [L: ERROR] [O: c.t.w.p.APIProcessor]
[I: ] [U: ConnectorUser] [S: ] [T: WSExecutionProcessor-1]
Unable to dispatch [ uri = /Subsystems/PlatformSubsystem/Services/GetExtensionPackageList/]:
Entity PlatformSubsystem does not exist or is not yet associated with a Thing
2019-07-31 21:05:34.832+0000 [L: ERROR] [O: c.t.s.s.w.p.WSExecutionInstance]
[I: ] [U: ] [S: ] [T: WSExecutionProcessor-1] error executing APIRequest Message:
Entity PlatformSubsystem does not exist or is not yet associated with a Thing,
sending ERROR ResponseMessage to caller!
To resolve this issue, make sure that you have run the service that grants the required permissions and entity visibility to the Azure IoT Hub Connector. For more information, refer to Step 9. Run the Service to Grant Permissions and Visibility to the Connector.