Creo Flexible Modeling Description and Uses
Creo Flexible Modeling is a geometry-based set of editing tools. It does not support the creation of new geometry. All operations are geometry-based and do not use existing feature-based model information.
When you modify geometry that other features or components use as references, the references are automatically redirected to the modified geometry. For example, if a part is assembled to a pin, and you move the pin using the Creo Flexible Modeling Move tool, the part maintains its references and moves with the pin.
Because the Creo Flexible Modeling tools work on geometry, the tools work identically on imported geometry, legacy Pro/ENGINEER models, or new Creo Parametric models.
The following are typical cases in which Creo Flexible Modeling provides solutions:
• Working with models with old or outdated design intent
◦ Editing non-native geometry files created with a different file format
◦ Assigning new design intent
◦ Controlling surface sets as features
• Working with models that contain obsolete design intent
◦ Old parametric models are difficult to use or modify
◦ Part design requirements have evolved, and new control is required
◦ Assigning new design intent rather than rebuild
• Creating emergency changes on any model
◦ Performing immediate modifications without being required to understand the existing model or design intent
Independent of the underlying geometry, Creo Flexible Modeling creates parametric features that store the geometry selection method and geometry manipulation techniques within the feature.
This tutorial includes the following exercises:
A description of the Creo Flexible Modeling user interface is provided: