Task 4. Dimension sketch of shaft and extrude
Click the Dimension
icon and create the first dimension
a. left-click the vertical line on the left side (point 1)
b. left-click the dashed line in the middle of the lobe (point 2)
c. middle-click anywhere in-between the two lines (point 3) to place the dimension -
Create another dimension by left-clicking on points 1 and 2, and then middle-clicking on point 3 to place the dimension.
Create the final linear dimension by left-clicking point 1, and then middle-clicking point 2 to place the dimension.
Create an angular dimension. Left-click points 1 and 2, then middle-click point 3 to place the dimension.
Create diameter dimension.
a. Left-click horizontal line entity (point 1)
b. Left-click centerline to revolve about (point 2)
c. Left-click horizontal line entity again (point 3)
d. Middle-click to place the dimension (point 4)
This dimensioning technique is very useful when creating revolved features because it shows the dimension as a diameter.
Create diameter dimension on the opposite side. Left-click point 1, followed by point 2, followed by point 3, then middle-click point 4.
Click the Select Items
tool. Double-click each dimension, and change them to where their corresponding values match the figure below.
Click the Complete Sketch
icon in the sketcher toolbar to complete the sketch.
With the sketch still selected, click the Revolve
tool on the feature toolbar.
Click the Complete Feature
icon in the dashboard.
Press CTRL+D on your keyboard to see the default view of your model.