Seven Steps to Learning PTC's New Licensing

The following section is designed to help you understand PTC's implementation of FLEXlm in an efficient manner.

It is recommended that you learn PTC's new licensing scheme by understanding the components in the order presented below. The information that follows will explain each step in detail:

STEP 1: Learn What PTC did not change

Most licensing principals remain unchanged as PTC moves to FLEXlm.

STEP 2: Overview of Licensing Enhancements

An overview of PTC's licensing enhancements will give you a basic understanding of how PTC has integrated FLEXlm.

STEP 3: Learn Configuration IDs

Configuration IDs replace serial numbers as the way to identify yourself and your software to PTC.

STEP 4: Learn License Codes

Feature lines replace security codes to secure your software.

STEP 5: Learn the New Installation Process

PTC software has become easier to install.

STEP 6: Learn about FLEXlm

FLEXlm replaces Pro/SERVER as PTC's license management software.

STEP 7: Learn Systems Administration Changes

Installation utility command names have changed with the FLEXlm implementation.


What's New and What Didn't Change

Although the integration of FLEXlm into introduces many new items into PTC's licensing system, it is important to understand that most of PTC's licensing concepts will continue to be offered to our customers. The table below lists items that PTC has replaced as well as license types and functionality that PTC will continue to provide.

What Has NOT Changed

What's New

  • Locked licenses
  • Floating licenses
  • Locked Optional Modules
  • Floating Optional Modules
  • Fault-Tolerant License Servers (triad)
  • Pro/SETUP
  • ptcutil (now named ptcsetup)
  • prostartserver (now named ptcstartserver)
  • proshutdown (now named ptcshutdown)
  • proflush (now named ptcflush)
  • Pro/SERVER, PTC's proprietary license management software is replaced by FLEXlm.
  • Serial numbers and install numbers have been replaced with Configuration ID to identify your software.
  • Security codes such as revision codes, option codes, authorization codes, etc. have been replaced with text strings that license the software.
  •  Overview the New Licensing Scheme

      With PTC's new licensing scheme, the concept of the "serial number" has been replaced with a new system based upon Configuration IDs". As you begin the migration from serial numbers to Configuration IDs, it is important to keep in mind is that there is not a direct translation between the serial number system and the new licensing scheme.

      The new licensing introduces an enhanced approach to PTC licensing. Some of the major points to note are as follows:

    1. Customer software configurations will now be identified using "Configuration IDs". Each Configuration ID represents a single configuration of products in a PTC product family for a single machine. Refer to the Configuration ID section .
    2. Instead of serial numbers, option codes, revision codes, etc., your licenses are now defined with lines of text, known as "feature lines". Essentially, your feature lines are your license codes. Each feature line defines all the licensing components required to use the license of PTC software (cpu_id, product, modules, number of licenses, license code, etc). Refer to the License Codes section.
    3. During the installation of the software, simply import the license information file into the Pro/SETUP installation tool. Pro/SETUP stores the feature lines in a file called the "license file". You are no longer required to enter your license information manually. Refer to The Installation Process section.
    4. FLEXlm and/or the PTC software will read the license file.
    5. FLEXlm administers floating licenses and floating options in a similar manner as Pro/SERVER.