Maintenance Page
The Maintenance page in the block’s Calculation Properties window specifies the periodic maintenance tasks for the block. From this page, you can insert and modify tasks. Additionally, you can insert tasks into or retrieve them from RBD Maintenance Library files. For more information, see RBD Maintenance Library Files. You can supply periodic maintenance tasks regardless of whether or not corrective maintenance is specified on the Corrective Maintenance page. For more information, see Corrective Maintenance Page.
The following table describes the properties on the Maintenance page.
[Maintenance table]
The table at the top of the page displays the tasks that are inserted for the block. To indicate whether you want to consider the task in RBD calculations, in the table, you select or clear Enabled. When this checkbox is selected (default), the task is considered. Clicking <Click here to insert a new record> inserts a task. For more information, see Inserting Maintenance Tasks for a Block.
When clicked, the Maintenance Properties window for the selected task opens so that you can view and modify its properties. For more information, see Maintenance Properties. Once properties for a task are specified, you can insert the task into an RBD Maintenance Library. For more information, see Inserting a Maintenance Task for a System File Block into an RBD Maintenance Library File.
Task data
The key properties for the selected task appear in a read-only tree structure below Task data. To view or modify properties for the task, you click Edit Task to open its Maintenance Properties window. For more information, see Task Data for Block Maintenance.