DVPs are part of the FMEA module. To use them, you must turn on the FMEA DVPs table in the Project properties. For more information, see Table Settings (Project). Once you close the System file and open it again, the FMEA DVPs pane is shown in the lower window or right window, depending on the System file orientation. To switch between the horizontal and vertical orientations, you can select View > Split Windows Vertically.
By default, the FMEA DVPs table displays all DVPs that are inserted for the active FMEA. However, you can use Filter By commands to limit the records that are shown in this table. For more information, see ‘Filter by’ Commands for FMEA Control Plan and DVP Tables.
The Table Format file for the FMEA DVPs table determines the data fields that appear. The following table describes the fields that are shown by default. You can insert any of the other fields available for this table. For more information, see Table Format Files.
DVP Identifier
The unique identifier assigned to the DVP. While an identifier is assigned to the DVP when it is inserted, you can change it to any unique value. The format for the assigned identifier is specified by FMEA DVP Identifier, which appears under Identifiers in the System file properties. This property appears only when the FMEA DVPs table is shown in the System file. For more information, see Identifiers System File Properties.
Test Description
A description of the test, including test procedures where applicable.
Acceptance Criteria
The benchmarks that must be met for the test to pass.
Test Stage
The phase in which the test is performed.
The person accountable for performing the test.
The number of product units included in the test.
The category for classifying the test.
Start Date
The date that the test began.
End Date
The date that the test ended.
Test Result
The outcome of the test.
Quantity Pass
The number of product units meeting the acceptance criteria for the test.
Quantity Fail
The number of product units not meeting the acceptance criteria for the test.
Any additional information about the test that should be shared with team members.
Any documents or drawings to add as attachments. This field is an attachments field. All files specified in it are copied into the Attachments folder. For more information, see Inserting and Modifying Attachments.
Clicking < Click here to insert a new record > in the last row inserts a DVP that is not associated with any other record. When the special DVPs field is inserted in the FMEA Tree Items table and FMEA Worksheet table, you can use it to not only associate records with one or more existing DVPs but also to insert new DVPs that are automatically associated with this record. For more information, see Inserting DVPs.
You can embed the FMEA DVPs table on a FMEA Tree Items or FMEA Worksheet form. In the embedded table, only the DVPs associated with the selected record on the form are shown. Inserting a new DVP in the embedded table automatically associates it with the selected record. For more information, see Embedded Tables on Forms.
The FMEA DVPs table supports 15 subtables. All of these tables support aggregate functions for user-defined FMEA calculations. For more information, see DVP User-Defined Calculations.
You can import data into or export it from the FMEA DVPs table. For general information, see Importing and Exporting. You can also import and export data for the DVPs field in the FMEA Tree Items or FMEA Worksheet table to create associations. For fields in the Global Attributes table, you can only export data.