To ensure that a design is reliable, you can verify the requirements of your product by using a DVP&R (design verification plan and report). A DVP&R is a group of test and a report. It helps to ensure that the product design meets customer specifications and that product development is correctly focused.
The FMEA module includes support for DVP&R. Because all Windchill Risk and Reliability modules provide reporting capabilities, the FMEA module refers to the tests as DVPs (design verification plans). The topics in this section include:
When DVPs are in use, you can customize data fields for the FMEA DVPs table, any of its enabled subtables, and the FMEA DVPs Headers table in the Project’s Data Definition file. For more information, see Data Definition Files. Additionally, you can report on DVPs using the Report Design file named FMEA DVP, which is available by default in the Common Library.