Subscriptions allow users, groups, and organizations to receive email notifications when certain events or actions occur on an individual object, folder, or context. For example, if you want to monitor changes to a document, you can create a subscription for whenever that document is checked out and checked back in.
The events to which you can subscribe vary depending on the Windchill solutions installed at your site and the type of objects selected. For more information, see Subscription Events. Subscribers only receive notifications for objects to which they have access. For more information, see Accessing Data.
When creating subscriptions, an important distinction to make is between individual objects and object types. For example:
A document is an object type.
“Document 123” is an individual object.
An object type is the general object category or class. For example, documents, parts, change requests, packages, and so on. Some object types include subtypes. For example, reference documents, agendas, and presentations are each distinct object types, but are also instances of the document object type.
If you want to send event notifications to external systems, use webhook subscriptions. For more information, see Webhook Subscriptions.
Supported Subscriptions
Each object type has different subscription events that are considered applicable. For example, when subscribing to a document, you can subscribe to the Edit Content event. This event notifies you whenever a primary content file is added, removed, or changed. However, parts do not typically include a primary content file, and therefore that option is not available when subscribing to a part. See Subscription Events for a detailed list of all available events.
You can subscribe to the following:
Supported Subscription
An object
A subscription to an individual object. This can be limited to one version of that object, or can include all versions.
For example, a subscription to “Document 123.”
A group of objects
A single subscription for multiple objects. These objects can be one or more types.
For example, a subscription to “Document 123,” “Part ABC,” and “Package 123.”
One or more folders
A subscription to a folder and its first-level subfolders, or a group of folders and their first-level subfolders.
A folder and one or more object types located within the folder
A subscription to a folder and any objects within it matching the selected object type.
To receive notifications for objects in a subfolder, you must create a separate subscription to that subfolder.
For more information, see Folder and Context Subscriptions.
A context
A subscription to a Product , Project , Program , or Library .
A context and one or more object types
A subscription to a Product , Project , Program , or Library , and any objects within it matching the selected object type.
For more information, see Folder and Context Subscriptions.
When you subscribe to a folder or a context and a separate object type, you receive notifications when events occur for each individual object of that type located within the folder or context. If multiple objects of that type are affected simultaneously, subscribers receive a single summary email notification rather than separate notifications for each object.
Object type subscriptions have some limitations. For example, you can create a folder subscription that includes parts and document types and the Delete event. But you cannot specify that you only want notifications when a part is deleted. Instead, you are notified when folders, parts, and documents are deleted
Unsupported Subscription
You cannot subscribe to the following:
Unsupported Subscription
A folder and individual objects
A context and individual objects
A folder or context subscription can include object types, but not individual objects.
For example:
“Folder A,” Documents, Parts
“Product A,” Packages, CAD Documents
Not Allowed
“Folder A,” “Document 123,” “Part ABC”
“Product A,” “Package 123,” “CAD Document ABC”
A context and an individual folder
You cannot subscribe to an individual context and an individual folder.
For example:
“Product A,” Folders
Not Allowed
“Product A,” “Folder A”
You can view existing subscriptions in the Subscriptions table. For information about a specific subscription, view the subscription information page.
For information on subscribing to discussions, see Discussion Subscriptions.
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