Subscription Events
The events to which you can subscribe vary depending on the Windchill solutions you have installed and the type of objects selected.
Each object type has different events that are applicable to it. For example, if you are subscribing to a document, you can select the Edit Content event to receive a notification whenever the primary content of the document is replaced. However, because a part does not have primary content, the Edit Content event is not an available option when creating a part subscription.
When creating a subscription to a folder or a context, the Identify Events step displays a find icon next to the Types field. Click this icon to search for additional object types to include in the subscription. The list of events expands to include those applicable to all selected object types.
For more information, see Folder and Context Subscriptions.
Subscribers only receive notifications for objects to which they have access.
You can create subscriptions for the following events:
Add Manufacturer Part
A manufacturer part is added to the Approved Manufacturer List associated with the object.
Add Vendor Part
A vendor part is added to an Approved Vendor List associated with the object.
Agreement Expiration
The agreement is no longer valid.
Agreement Expiration Pending
The agreement becomes invalid in a site-specified number of days.
Check In from Project
A PDM checkout object is checked in from a project.
Check Out/Check In
The object is checked out, the object is checked in, a PDM checkout object is checked in from a project, or a checkout is undone.
The plan activity has been completed.
This event only applies towards activities located in an automatically executed classic project (a legacy project). Instead, you can use the Percent Change event. You will be notified when the activity work is 100% completed, indicating that the activity is complete.
The object is copied. The notification for this subscription event is not sent until the copied object is pasted into another location.
Deadline Change
The deadline set for a plan activity or deliverable is changed.
The object is deleted or moved out of a location.
All subscribers receive notifications of a deletion regardless of user access.
Edit Access Control
Permissions granted by access control rules are changed, the membership of a team is changed, or the domain of an object is changed.
Edit Attributes
One or more attributes for an object or its relationship to other objects are changed.
Edit Content
One or more content files for an object are added, removed, or changed.
Edit Identity
One or more attributes that serve as a unique identifier for an object are changed. Unique identifiers are typically the Name and Number attributes.
Edit Manufacturer Sourcing Status
The sourcing status of a manufacturer part is changed.
Edit Security Labels
The values for one or more security labels associated with an object are changed. For more information, see About Security Labels.
Edit Vendor Sourcing Status
The sourcing status of a vendor part is changed.
Finish Change
The anticipated finish date of a plan activity, milestone, or deliverable is changed.
Formalize Problem Report or Variance
A problem report or variance is added to a change request.
Illustration Source Data Update
A CAD data file used as a source for an illustration has been modified.
Life Cycle State
An object is entering the life cycle state specified by the subscription creator.
The available states vary depending on the subscribed object type. If All is selected, a notification is sent whenever the life cycle state is changed.
Link Marked Suspect
A traceability link is marked to notify owners that their definitions may need to change.
Markup of a viewable is saved, or a user has annotated the product structure.
Missed Deadline
A deadline for a plan activity or deliverable is approaching or has passed.
A new window opens in which you can specify the number of days before or after the deadline date on which you are sent a notification.
Monitor Change Implementation
The next phase of a change plan is being implemented.
An object is moved to a new location.
New Object
A new object is created; an object is imported, shared, or moved from a previous location.
New One-off Version
A new one-off version of an object is created.
New View Version
A new view version of an object is created.
Owner Change
A plan activity, milestone, or deliverable is reassigned to a different owner.
Percent Change
The percent of completed work for a plan activity, milestone, or deliverable is changed.
Publish Successful
The publishing associated with an object is successful and a viewable has been created.
Publish Unsuccessful
The publishing associated with an object is unsuccessful and no viewable has been created.
Remove Manufacturer Part
A manufacturer part is removed from the Approved Manufacturer List associated with the object.
Remove Vendor Part
A vendor part is removed from the Approved Vendor List associated with the object.
A new version of an object is created as the result of the Revise action.
Risk Change
The risk level defined for a plan activity, milestone, or deliverable is changed.
Save Representation
A visualization representation is saved.
An object is shared from one context to another.
Publish Successful
The job published successfully. Appears when Windchill Service Information Manager is installed. The message includes the job ID as well as a link to Windchill Visualization Services. For more information, see About Windchill Service Information Manager Publishing.
Publish Unsuccessful
The publish job was unsuccessful. Appears when Windchill Service Information Manager is installed. The message includes the job ID as well as a link to Windchill Visualization Services. For more information, see About Windchill Service Information Manager Publishing.
Status Change
The status of a plan activity, milestone, or deliverable is changed from green, red, or yellow.
Unformalize Problem Report or Variance
The problem report or variance is removed from a change request.
Used By
This event applies to the upper-level, or parent, object in a structure. A notification is sent when a lower-level object in the structure is added, removed, or changes quantities.
Workflow State Change
The workflow process associated with an object is initiated, or a checkpoint in the workflow process is crossed.
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