Team Templates Window
The Team Templates window is accessible from
Utilities > Team Administration for Site,Organizations, Products, and Libraries.
The Templates page in Products, Libraries, Organizations, and Site. The Team Templates view must be selected on the Templates page to display the Team Templates table.
From the Team Templates window, a table of existing team templates is displayed. The following icons are available in the table header:
Creates a new team template.
Deletes the selected team template. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. If an instance of the team is in use, it cannot be deleted.
Table display options
Changes the table view to only display selected objects.
Displays the context-sensitive help file.
The following actions are available by right-clicking one of the team templates:
Edits the selected team template.
Displays the selected team template's properties. The team template is read-only in this mode.
Deletes the selected team template. You are prompted to confirm the deletion. If an instance of the team is in use, it cannot be deleted.
Renames the selected team template.
Duplicates the selected team template and saves it as a new team. The new name must be different than the original team template name.
The following columns are available in the Team Templates table:
Displays team template names
The context in which the team template was created
When the Enabled checkbox is selected, then the team template can be chosen during new object creation. Typically, a team is disabled only when you want to remove it. A disable team remains in effect for all current usages, but cannot be selected for new objects.
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